They're a very devoted breed and highly intelligent. Australian shepherds bond with their owners and family and take their role as guardians seriously. This can cause them to be protective, but also aggressive toward things they perceive as a threat if they're not properly socialized and trained.
Are Australian shepherds aggressive in most cases? No, not at all. An inexperienced Aussie owner might see herding as bad behavior when it is, in fact, just the dog's natural instinct. Still, it's possible for Australian shepherds — like any dog — to act out aggressively in certain instances.
Attention Seekers
Aussies can be very clingy. They crave human companionship and love being included in pretty much everything you do, including being involved in all family activity. Since they require an active lifestyle, they will want to join in everything and anything that is going on around them.
Australian Shepherds are known for their fierce loyalty with one person, that doesn't mean every Shepherd will act like that. Some Shepherds might not build a particularly strong bond with any one family member. Others might like one of you more than another, but they don't sit on you to show it.
The Aussie's desire to cuddle
Dogs in general are known for being happy, cuddly, sweet, and soothing for a human to pet. Some breeds are, by nature, more affectionate than others. While the Aussie will typically reserve cuddling for one person or a group of trusted people, sometimes he won't want to cuddle at all.
If you're looking for a constant companion, this is the breed for you. Known as “Velcro Dogs,” Aussies may form an almost fanatical attachment to their family. This can lead to his mistrust of, and misbehavior toward, strangers.
They are often nicknamed 'velcro dogs' because of their tendency to stick beside their favored person. They desire lots of attention and dislike being left alone for long periods. The diligent Aussie likes to problem-solve and will find jobs to do around the home—often herding children or other pets.
Males tend to be a bit more affectionate but are also more exuberant throughout life. Aussies are very attached to their people. They are inclined to be more steadfast, reliable, and less moody. These dogs also tend to be a little more food motivated.
Canine companions that follow their humans everywhere are often referred to as “velcro dogs” because of their desire to be attached to your side. “Dogs are pack animals, and we are their pack,” says Sally Morgan, author and holistic physical therapist for pets and people.
Licking is a natural and instinctive behaviour to dogs. For them it's a way of grooming, bonding, and expressing themselves. Your dog may lick you to say they love you, to get your attention, to help soothe themselves if they're stressed, to show empathy or because you taste good to them!
Australian Shepherds will bark at strangers, loud noises, and other animals as a way of getting rid of all that excess energy. More so, they can display the same type of behavior towards squirrels, thunderstorms, or even a passing car.
Aussies are very sociable dogs. They can feel lonely when they're left alone often and are prone to suffering from separation anxiety. This is when dogs feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety over being apart from their owners.
Loyal. Aussies are very smart, loyal, and love having someone to be with at all times. Loyalty is a necessary trait for any service dog. Besides being extremely friendly and energetic, Aussies are usually very easy to train and can make great emotional support animals or service dogs.
They tend to get along well with other pets. The breed is considered highly intelligent and easy to train. Aussies are known for being especially eager to please their owners.
Most Australian Shepherds should begin calming down at two years of age. At this point, they're considered mature dogs who can better regulate their energy. That said, not all Aussies will tone it down at this age. It may take them reaching seniority for their energy to drop off.
Your pup may nip at your heels when you aren't moving fast enough on a walk or you have something they want, such as their food bowl or favorite toy. While you may not mind the occasional nip, your guests probably don't like it, especially if there are children around.
Aussies are best suited for families with an active lifestyle and a large fenced yard. They need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to prevent boredom. They can weigh between 35 and 70 pounds and have an average life span of 12-13 years.
While intelligent and hardworking, the Australian Shepherd can still be a goofy and loving family pet. If you are considering adding this handsome breed to your family, it is always important to know what illnesses are prevalent among the breed.
Although Aussies are super outdoorsy, they are best suited to indoor living, like most companion pets. Many working Aussies even live indoors, these days. That said, as long as the conditions are safe, Australian Shepherds can sleep outside.
The Australian Shepherd, or Aussie for short, is one of the most popular breeds in the United States. Their boundless energy and high intelligence make them fun, entertaining, and hardworking pets and assistance dogs.
Australian Shepherds are demanding of time and attention and want to be with you constantly. They are polite to aloof with strangers. There is timidity in some lines, and early socialization is important to avoid shyness or sharpness.
Of course, Aussies need plenty of physical exercise: no less than one hour per day, and preferably upwards of two hours. This goes for both standard and mini Aussies.
Your dog has his reasons for acting out. Boredom, restlessness, fear, and separation anxiety are all common reasons that your dog might bark and whine while you're gone.
Like many doggies, Australian Shepherds love to sleep. In fact, sleep takes up a good portion of an Australian Shepherd's life. In adulthood, they sleep about twelve hours a day! This is an energetic dog who needs to recharge as often as possible to stay in top form.