Australia is warmer than NZ. It generally has more spiders. But its not so much that Australia has lots of spiders (it does), its that two of the most common species are amongst the most venomous spiders in the world.
There are no snakes
Much like Hawaii, New Zealand is an island grouping devoid of native snakes. It also has no deadly spiders, killer jellyfish, or other creepy crawlies that are likely to kill you. Australia is home to all of those.
New Zealand is home to about 2500 kinds of spiders, most of them harmless to people. Only some spiders are capable of biting humans. There are three species of spiders in New Zealand that should be avoided – the Katipo, the Redback and the White-tailed Spider.
Australia has an international reputation for having some of the most dangerous animals in the world. And yes it's true, we have a lot of spiders, and it's sad when we hear people say they don't want to visit Australia because it's too dangerous.
They're different. Sand flies are awful, biting nuisances. But at least there are very, very few venomous spiders. On the whole, though, New Zealand has far fewer insect and arachnid annoyances.
There are 91 species of spider in Iceland—none of which are poisonous to humans— plus the occasional visitor or migrant. This is a small number, compared with 44,000 species known worldwide.
Which is better Australia or New Zealand, for study? Both countries have become preferred study destinations for international students globally. While New Zealand offers a great work-life balance, Australia's education system adds to its widely recognised academic reputation. Both countries are unique in their ways.
In Australia they are only found in the southeastern part of the country, from South Australia to Queensland via Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania. You won't find them in the dry and arid zones. On the other hand, huntsman and wolf-spiders are found all over the country.
Which country has the most spiders? Millions upon millions of wildlife species call Africa home, and it is no different with spiders. Comprising of different climates and landscapes, just like Australia (except 3x larger), Africa sees some of the world's most venomous spiders.
An estimated 5 per cent of Australians have arachnophobia, but there are plenty of others happy to get close to the creepy crawlies.
The Sooty Orbweaver spider in New Zealand isn't picky about its habitat. You can find them in dry forests, shrubs, open forests, bushes, swamps, and even suburban gardens. They're most active from October to January, which is believed to be their mating season.
New Zealand has no harmful animals like venomous snakes, scorpions or venomous insects, so its sole venomous native spider – the rare katipō – has almost mythical status. Since the late 19th century there have been accidental introductions of the venomous redback and white-tailed spiders from Australia.
The Nelson cave spider (Spelungula cavernicola) is New Zealand's largest native spider in terms of leg span, which can be up to 13 centimetres.
It is estimated that there are around 10,000 different spider species living across Australia. Australia is known for the large variety of venomous animals that live in the country and is also home to some of the most venomous spiders in the world.
As common as spiders are in Australia and how essential it is for the environment, no one still likes to see them in their home. With over 2400 different species in Australia, you are most likely to see any one of these eight-legged creatures in your lifetime.
In Australia only 2700 species, in 500 genera and 78 families, have been described out of an estimated 10,000 species. Many species of spiders contribute to the biological control of pests in crops.
Antarctica is the only continent where there are no spiders.
In fact, Cambodia's Mecca for devouring spiders is as popular as ever. Skuon, a nondescript dusty town about 90 km north of Phnom Penh is the center of this extreme cuisine and continues to grow in popularity with more and more people visiting from the capital to dine on its arachnids.
Australia is home to some of the most venomous eight-legged creatures on the planet.
Australia is well-known for its spiders, but the place isn't overrun with them. While we may have some of the world's most venomous species, you are unlikely to come across one unbless you go looking for one or happen to disturb one hiding away.
Queensland is Australia's most biodiverse state or territory and has a vast insect fauna.
A town in south-east Australia has found itself blanketed in spider webs after wild weather hit the area. Traralgon in eastern Victoria has been swamped by vast, other worldly sheets of web as spiders climb to higher ground following the disruption of heavy rain.
While Australians have a reputation of being friendly, New Zealand "does it even better", the report says. New Zealand was named one of the easiest places in the world to settle in, coming in fifth place, while Australia ranked 20th.
Over the last four decades, living standards in New Zealand have fallen far behind those in Australia. The gap is large. Measured in terms of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), average Australian incomes are around 35 percent higher than those in New Zealand.
Living In New Zealand
New Zealand has a lower crime rate than Australia. Plus, you won't have to worry about any snakes!