Virgo is a sign that struggles with envy in general. It's because they are so hard on themselves due to their highly critical nature. This nature can extend into their relationships as well, but can manifest itself in jealousy. That's because this sign struggles with being more than a bit pessimistic.
To this Earth sign, life is about becoming the very best version of yourself. If a Virgo sees someone else with qualities or achievements they're striving for themselves, they'll definitely feel jealous. In work and in life generally, Virgo is definitely one of the most envious signs in the zodiac.
Virgos are always striving for perfection. So the thing that makes them feel most insecure is the fear of being criticized.
Water signs are the most jealous type. FYI, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are the water signs and because water deals with memory and feelings, they need constant emotional validation. Fire signs are also bitten by the bug of jealousy quite often. Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Virgo. Kirsten calls Virgos "the worriers of the zodiac," an attribute that surely goes hand-in-hand with insecurity. "Driven by perfectionism, they're terrified of receiving criticism, but in the pursuit of achieving perfection, they often end up being their own worst critic," she explains.
A Virgo can be annoyingly critical, fussy, pedantic, argumentative, complaining, anal-retentive, and indecisive. However, when a Virgo's negative traits are taken to the extreme, their obsessive-compulsive actions become more than annoying to their good friends, and they can also be life debilitating for Virgo.
He'll get jealous for the attention you're getting from (and offering to) other folks. He'll utilize their active brain to find away ways to get a lot more of your own time and attention.
The least jealous zodiac sign is Gemini. People born under this sign are known for their dual personality, curiosity, and intelligence. Geminis don't typically feel threatened by others as they know everyone has something unique to offer.
Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are those who find happiness in seeing others succeed. They don't feel an ounce of jealousy seeing others content.
07/7These zodiac signs hate acting rude
Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Pisces are very aware of how they should act around people. They are likely to avoid acting like a brat, even subconsciously.
The desire to reach perfection is Virgo biggest weakness. Often, Virgo invests so much time and energy in focusing on minor details that they cannot get into the mainframe or bigger picture. They are so detail-oriented that they may end up getting stressed and anxious.
Virgo Likes And Dislikes
They are known as perfectionists and clean freaks. Hence, cluttered and messy things make them shudder in distaste. They want everything neat, clean and orderly. They like to do things of their own; they don't like to ask anyone for help.
This isn't to say that Virgos are also capable of being incredibly generous. In fact, compassionate Virgos will put in backbreaking work to take care of everyone else around them, often ignoring their own needs. It really is a flip of a coin; a Virgo can be completely selfless and just as selfish.
Hayes describes Virgos as "one of the neediest among the zodiac signs," because of their deep craving for love and affection. She adds that their "neediness stems from their insecurity." If they want a relationship, it's likely they'll love bomb their partner.
Virgos are sensitive and sentimental creatures but they try not to make it very evident. In fact, they're particularly good at keeping their feelings bottled up and prefer to hide their emotions. They don't open up or get attached too soon and prefer to tread slowly and carefully.
03/6Virgo. This zodiac sign is one of those signs who enjoys being around people but they often feel drained after a while. They love their time alone and it will not be surprising if you find them losing themselves in writing something or some other activity that makes them better.
Aquarius is the least loyal zodiac sign of all. Their fear of not being loved in a relationship never allows them to let their true self out in front of their partner.
07/7These zodiac signs can never stay alone
Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces have trouble being alone. They welcome opportunities that involve love and relationships. They can't bear to end up alone in life.
How come Aquarians are so extremely cold? All of this stems from their desire to control their emotions, and they would like it if other people did the same. If they can avoid it, these zodiac signs don't care about others or want to expend any mental energy on assisting someone with an emotional issue.
Known as one of the most passionate signs of the zodiac, Scorpios have the tendency to grow overprotective when in love. It's their passionate nature that often turns them into jealous lovers, thereby they develop this sense of being a protector and end up taking that duty too seriously.
Leo. Leo is smart and crafty—they often strategize and use their bravery to make moves. "It takes courage and self-confidence to outsmart an opponent, traits that are often associated with Leos," Evans says. Evans cites the confident con man Frank Abagnale as the perfect example of someone with Leo energy.
It takes a lot of misdoing to anger a Virgo. They are patience-incarnate and only get angry when the reason is grave and cannot be let go. They hate making scenes and would prefer to keep emotions on the inside. However, if they get angry with you, be prepared for them to always remember it.
They're overly sensitive.
You may be surprised to find that you've hurt their feelings since Virgos are so emotionally reserved. However, just because they don't show their emotions doesn't mean they're not extremely sensitive. They find fault easily and they take things personally!
However, heartbreak usually comes in the form of a partner who's unwilling to work things out. "Because Virgo focuses so much on fixing any potential problems, it can really break their heart if their partner doesn't make them aware of any problems and/or just blindsides them with a breakup," Monahan says.