Experts have found that you can run about two seconds faster per mile for every pound that you lose. That can really add up if you think about shedding 10+ pounds and running long-distance races. However, there is a land of diminishing returns.
If you lose a few pounds, your power remains constant (because your strength is unchanged), but your running resistance decreases. Result: you can run faster. There is, however, a limit. Things go wrong at the point where you no longer lose excess fat, but muscle mass.
Additionally, if done safely and correctly, losing weight can improve your body composition by reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass. This can help improve your running efficiency, allowing you to run faster and potentially longer.”
The subjects ran for 12 minutes, once with the weights and once without. Unsurprisingly, the extra weight slowed them down. On average, they lost 1.4 seconds per mile per pound. For example, if you carry an extra 10 pounds, you'll add 14 seconds per mile to your run.
That old study found that 12-minute run performance, which averaged 3,230 meters (just over two miles) with no extra weight, was reduced by an average of 89 meters for every additional 5 percent of added weight.
Based on this number of 2.7 seconds per kg per km and that you have lost 10 kg and are running a 10k that evaluates to: 2.7 * 10 * 10 = 270 seconds! And that time is based on weight loss alone, so with additional training you could expect to do better!
YES: It's possible for a heavier runner to be faster than a thinner runner if the heavier runner has the necessary ingredients for better endurance: higher VO2 max, higher lactate threshold, and better running economy. Genes play a huge role as well, as does experience.
A good 5k time for a woman is 26:07. This is the average 5k time across women of all ages. The fastest 5k time ran by a woman is 14:44.
Benefits of running three times a week
Sure, it can massively benefit our weight-loss and physique goals – if that's your jam – but it can also benefit our mental wellbeing in wonderful ways too…
The additional body fat can limit endurance, balance, coordination, and movement capacity. Joint range of motion can be negatively affected by excessive body mass and fat as well, and mass can form a physical barrier to joint movement in a complete range of motion.
If you want to know does running get easier, the answer is yes, both physically and mentally. But that doesn't mean that every day will feel easy once you have trained enough. Also, keep in mind that your brain needs training just as your body does, and it will take some time to become mentally stronger, so be patient.
Rapid weight loss can have other unhealthy side effects too. In addition to losing muscle mass, water, and bone density, it can introduce health issues, including gallstones, gout, fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, and nausea, according to MedlinePlus.
What's the truth? A: The short answer is yes — it's possible for you to be both fit and overweight, even obese. What's really important to understand is what “fit” means and what “overweight” means relative to your health.
Many people take up running as a healthy way to burn calories and lose weight. The good news is that running 5k every day has the potential to help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, provided you are eating an appropriate number of calories and a nutritious diet.
Fitness coach Niranjan Deshpande suggests, “A good distance to run in a day is between 2.4 to 5 km. This distance keeps all your muscles active and improves your heart health as well.”
On average a 5K run will burn between 300 and 400 calories (around 100 calories per mile), but if you are looking to work out the rate that you personally burn calories when running a 5K, you will need to take a few factors into consideration.
If you are a beginner and you are between 20 and 40 years old, an average good time would be 35:53, for novice 30:53, for intermediate runner 26:31, and for advance runner 23:17. Elite runners and professionals run anything between 21:00 minutes down to almost 14:00 flat.
The 5k in 30 Minute Pace. The key to running 5k in (just) under 30 minutes is all in understanding pace. The best pace strategy for a 5k is to try and maintain a constant pace throughout your run; for a sub-30 minute 5k, this means running a constant 6.2 miles per hour (or 10 kilometers per hour).
Human speed is determined by his/her muscle capability which is not affected by the amount of fat. Beneath the fat, the muscles could be strong and have fast reflexes.
The good news is that starting a running training program is a great way to shed those extra pounds if you're overweight or obese. With each pound you lose, more strain is taken off your knees and other joints throughout your body.