Can a bear beat a chimpanzee?

An adult male chimp weighs between 88–130lbs and stands about 4ft high. An adult male black bear averages between 4–7 feet long from nose to tail, and weigh between 150–300lbs. Oh and also, they can run up to 30mph and can flip over 300lb rocks with one arm. The black bear would crush the chimp.

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Can a chimp beat a grizzly bear?

And grizzly bears are the largest of them all. The bear would simply claw the chimps, or bite them, And the chimps couldn't really do much to the giant bear. If this ever actually somehow happened, the chimps would escapre and the bear would go on with what it was doing.

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Who wins a bear or a gorilla?

Although a silverback gorilla is very fast, quite strong, and has a longer arm span, it is unlikely that a silverback could defeat the much larger and faster grizzly bear in a fair fight. The one advantage that a Silverback might have is the enormous strength of its muscles.

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Would a man beat a chimp in a fight?

A man has far more stamina than a chimp. If you run, even if the chimp chases you, he will tire out much faster. If you have no choice but to fight, look for a stick or any weapon. In hand-to-hand combat with a chimp, the man has everything to lose.

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How hard can a chimp punch?

Great apes like chimps, bonobos and gorillas can't make fists with their hands, so they can't actually punch, making it difficult to directly compare our fighting abilities with theirs.

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Bear vs. Chimpanzee: Which Animal Do You Think Would Win? | Discovery UK

17 related questions found

What is a gorilla biggest enemy?

Predators. Leopards and crocodiles are large carnivores which may prey upon gorillas. Humans are the greatest threat to all gorilla populations.

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Who is stronger polar bear or grizzly?

However, grizzly bears are tougher than polar bears as they possess stronger and longer claws and an elongated skull with sharp and long canines that can completely separate the flesh from bone.

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What animal can beat a bear?

In the battle of the grizzly bear vs tiger, a Siberian tiger would win a fight against a grizzly bear. The Siberian tiger is an ambush predator, and it's the only big cat that comes close to the grizzly bear in terms of size and power. Size isn't everything, though.

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Can a lion beat a grizzly bear?

A bear would win a fight against a lion. Bears have the advantage in just about every aspect, from size to offensive capabilities. The only time that a lion would win is if it managed to sneak up and ambush a bear, leaping onto it and biting into its head with such power that it shattered the skill.

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How hard can a gorilla punch?

How hard can a gorilla punch? It is believed that a gorilla punch is strong enough to shatter your skull with one slam of its arm:/Between 1300 to 2700 pounds of force. Gorillas on (avg. 400 lbs) have a muscle mass density almost 4 times higher than the most heavily muscled powerful human you know.

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Would a chimp beat a tiger?

Who would win in a fair fight (no ambush or weapons, healthy animals): Chimpanzee versus tiger? Sean Greene: Tigers. Although chimps are incredibly powerful and more intuitive, the tiger is the largest cat species on the planet, with some males weighing more than 600 pounds.

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Who wins a baboon or chimpanzee?

Answer and Explanation: A chimpanzee is much stronger than a baboon given that a chimpanzee is much larger, sometimes even twice as large, since only a handful of baboons weigh more than about 50 pounds, while a chimpanzee weighs about 70 to 100 pounds.

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Can a chimp overpower a human?

After last week's chimpanzee attack in Connecticut, in which an animal named Travis tore off the face of a middle-aged woman, primate experts interviewed by the media repeated an old statistic: Chimpanzees are five to eight times stronger than people.

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What 5 animals could defeat a gorilla?

individual leopards smaller than lions have killed gorillas on rare occasions hippos are also known to prey on animals larger than gorillas. they have also killed nile crocodiles which are over twice the size of a gorilla in addition to lions a hippopotamus can easily kill a gorilla.

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What animal is a gorilla scared of?

Leopards can kill an adult gorilla. Certain reptiles such as chameleons and caterpillars are what are gorillas scared/afraid of. They are also afraid of water and will cross streams only if they can do so without getting wet, such as by crossing over fallen logs, and dislike rain.

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Can Lions beat gorillas?

They are both highly aggressive creatures, so a prolonged fight could be brutal. Even then, the lion would probably come out on top, making up for its relative lack of stamina with sheer power. A lion has a good chance of killing a gorilla in a one-on-one fight. The only thing is that a lion rarely fights alone.

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Can a grizzly bear beat a crocodile?

On land, the bear could possibly win a fight if it managed to flip over a crocodile and attack its underside. However, this fight would not be over quickly: the bear would need to do a lot of damage to finally kill the reptile.

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What is a grizzly bears worst enemy?

Would it surprise you to know that an adult bear has almost no predators? Bears are large and can be quite intimidating so they don't have many enemies. Their biggest enemies are humans and each other. It's the cubs and the smaller females that have to watch out.

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What's the strongest creature in the world?

Exerts Most Absolute Force: Whales

A blue whale can generate a maximum force of approximately 60 kilonewtons. Whales can claim the title of the strongest creature on the planet simply due to their enormous size.

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Is a strong man stronger than a chimp?

Our results show that chimpanzee muscle exceeds human muscle in maximum dynamic force and power output by ∼1.35 times. This is primarily due to the chimpanzee's higher fast-twitch fiber content, rather than exceptional maximum isometric force or maximum shortening velocities.

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What animal would a human beat in a fight?

Rats and house cats were the easiest presumed pushovers, with two-thirds of participants claiming they could see one off, while grizzly bears, elephants and lions were rightfully respected – only 2 per cent of pollsters claimed they would be able to take one down.

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Why can't chimpanzees make a fist?

The fingers of other primates' hands are too long to curl into their palms, and their thumbs are too short to reach across the fingers. So when apes fight, they are far more likely to wrestle or hold their opponent down while others stomp on him, says Carrier.

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