Your child's behaviours might not be so obvious in school. This could be because they are not presenting what many think of as the 'classic signs' of ADHD. You might also feel that your child is hiding their symptoms when at school. This is known as masking.
Is It Possible to Start Masking Before You Get Diagnosed With ADHD? Yes, says Levrini. Before some people get diagnosed, they recognize that they're different and mask those traits that make them different to fit in. Some people also mask unintentionally before they're diagnosed, she says.
ADHD masking may also be called "camouflaging." This is when someone with ADHD tries to cover up their symptoms by copying the behaviors of people who don't have it. ADHD masking may be a way for some people with ADHD to fit in socially, avoid being stigmatized, or feel more accepted.
These symptoms of ADHD are divided into two groups—inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive. Some children exhibit mostly inattentive behaviors and others predominantly hyperactive-impulsive. But the majority of those with ADHD have a combination of both, which may make it very difficult for them to function in school.
Very structured schools are great at helping keep kids with ADHD organized and focused throughout the school day, but when that structure isn't available at home, disruptive behavior can be a consequence.
ADHD masking
Your child's behaviours might not be so obvious in school. This could be because they are not presenting what many think of as the 'classic signs' of ADHD. You might also feel that your child is hiding their symptoms when at school. This is known as masking.
Masking in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) refers to the conscious or subconscious efforts of individuals to hide or suppress their symptoms in order to conform to social expectations or avoid negative judgments and stigmatization.
These may include hyperfocus, resilience, creativity, conversational skills, spontaneity, and abundant energy. Many people view these benefits as “superpowers” because those with ADHD can hone them to their advantage.
Inattentive Symptoms of ADHD:
Doesn't seem to be listening when spoken to directly. Has trouble organizing tasks and possessions. Often fails to finish work in school or chores in the classroom. Often avoids or resists tasks that require sustained mental effort, including doing homework.
Children with ADHD struggle more with boredom and putting mental effort into challenging tasks. Virtual learning or in-person school with more rules may lack the novelty and excitement. Teachers may need to find new ways to keep children with ADHD from being bored and keep them engaged in learning.
High IQ may “mask” the diagnosis of ADHD by compensating for deficits in executive functions in treatment-naïve adults with ADHD.
Girls with ADHD may want to move and talk, but don't want to be seen to be misbehaving, so they keep it in. They may fidget in smaller, less recognisable ways, such as doodling or playing with jewellery, or may be overly chatty when allowed to talk.
Why is there so much overlap? In response to trauma, a child's developing brain can become programmed to “look out” for behaviour, activities or events that they perceive as threatening. This “hyper-vigilance” can often mimic hyperactivity and distractibility associated with ADHD.
Keep instructions simple and structured. Use props, charts, and other visual aids. Vary the pace and include different kinds of activities. Many students with ADHD do well with competitive games or other activities that are rapid and intense.
At what age are symptoms of ADHD the worst? The symptoms of hyperactivity are typically most severe at age 7 to 8, gradually declining thereafter. Peak severity of impulsive behaviour is usually at age 7 or 8. There is no specific age of peak severity for inattentive behaviour.
Various studies on ADHD have shown that these children can achieve great success if they are given adequate attention by their teachers, experts, and parents.
It's common for ADHD to be misdiagnosed as autism, and for autism to be misdiagnosed as ADHD—especially in children. However, they do commonly occur with one another, so it's possible that the displayed symptoms are a result of both conditions.
Masking may involve suppressing certain behaviours we find soothing but that others think are 'weird', such as stimming or intense interests. It can also mean mimicking the behaviour of those around us, such as copying non-verbal behaviours, and developing complex social scripts to get by in social situations.
Genetics. ADHD tends to run in families and, in most cases, it's thought the genes you inherit from your parents are a significant factor in developing the condition. Research shows that parents and siblings of someone with ADHD are more likely to have ADHD themselves.
Yes! Students who have ADHD can get good grades and achieve their goals. Even if you've been diagnosed with ADHD, you can be a great student with great grades.
ADHD masking can prevent a diagnosis that may lead to them receiving effective support. Masking ADHD can be stressful, contributing to stress and anxiety. A 2021 study found that amongst adults with autism, social camouflaging was associated with greater symptoms of generalised anxiety, depression, and social anxiety.