A condition called familial polyposis, in which 100 or more polyps carpet the colon and rectum, is genetic and results from a genetic mutation. Rectal polyps can be felt during an examination by a doctor. Most often they are discovered when a patient undergoes endoscopy.
Most people with polyps won't be aware of them as they produce no symptoms and are often discovered by accident. However, some larger polyps can cause: a small amount of rectal bleeding (blood in your stool) mucus to be produced when you open your bowels.
You may be able to feel a nasal polyp with your finger if it's close to your nostril, but it's generally not a good idea to put your finger up your nose. (If you must, make sure you wash your hands before and after.)
Bowel polyps do not usually cause any symptoms, so most people with polyps will not know they have them. They're often picked up during screening for bowel cancer. But some larger polyps can cause: a small amount of slime (mucus) or blood in your poo (rectal bleeding)
Colonoscopy, in which a small tube with a light and camera is inserted into your rectum to look at your colon. If polyps are found, your health care provider may remove them immediately or take tissue samples to send to the lab for analysis. Virtual colonoscopy, a test that uses a CT scan to view your colon.
Constipation or diarrhea that lasts longer than a week may mean the presence of a larger colon polyp or cancer. However, several other conditions also can cause changes in bowel habits. Change in stool color. Blood can show up as red streaks in your stool or make stool appear black.
Stomach polyps usually don't cause symptoms. But as a stomach polyp enlarges, open sores called ulcers can develop on its surface.
Right-sided polyps are more likely to develop into cancers — which often grow rapidly and have a higher risk for metastasis, spreading to distant body areas.
Fatigue can happen if polyps or tumors bleed into the digestive tract, leading to a loss of iron over time and possibly iron-deficiency anemia. A direct side effect of iron-deficiency anemia is that individuals to feel tired and short of breath.
Exams and Tests
Through screening tests, colon cancer can be detected before symptoms develop. This is when the cancer is most curable. Your doctor will perform a physical exam and press on your belly area. The physical exam rarely shows any problems, although the doctor may feel a lump (mass) in the abdomen.
If your polyps do cause symptoms, you may experience: Bleeding from your rectum. Blood in your stool, which can show up as red streaks or make your stool look black. Fatigue, usually from anemia and a lack of iron in your body.
Common Symptoms of Colon Polyps
Changes in Stool Color – Blood can wind up in your stool, often causing your stool to appear black or much darker in color. Anemia and Iron Deficiency – Colon polyps that bleed can lead to iron deficiency, resulting in fatigue and shortness of breath.
“Sometimes the colonoscopy takes 20 minutes; sometimes it can take an hour,” says Alasadi. “It depends on how many polyps we find and how easily we're able to examine the colon.”
Colon polyps and diverticulitis have similar symptoms that include: Abdominal pain. Bloating. Constipation.
Polyp Growth Rates
Cancerous polyps tend to grow slowly. It is estimated that the polyp dwell time, the time needed for a small adenoma to transform into a cancer, may be on average 10 years (17). Evidence from the heyday of barium enema examinations indicates that most polyps do not grow or grow very slowly (18).
They can occur anywhere in the large intestine or rectum, but are more commonly found in the left colon, sigmoid colon, or rectum. Some colon polyps are benign, which means they are not cancerous, but some can be precancerous or cancerous.
Ninety percent of cases occur after age 50, with males somewhat more likely to develop polyps than females; therefore, colon cancer screening is usually recommended starting at age 50 for both sexes.
Most polyps do not cause symptoms. When they do, the most common symptom is bleeding from the rectum. A large polyp may cause cramps, abdominal pain, obstruction, or intussusception.
Polyps and Weight Gain
While it's true that being overweight can be a risk factor for developing uterine polyps1, does the presence of polyps cause weight gain or bloating? It appears that other growths of the female reproductive system can cause weight gain and bloating more often than polyps.
Cancerous polyps may cause no symptoms at all. But if you do have symptoms, they depend on where the polyp is located: Colorectal polyps may cause belly pain, constipation, diarrhea or blood in your poop. Stomach polyps may cause nausea, belly pain, vomiting and bleeding.
Colonoscopy. During a colonoscopy, a trained medical professional uses a long, flexible, narrow tube with a light and tiny camera on one end, called a colonoscope, to look inside your rectum and colon. Colonoscopy can show irritated and swollen tissue, ulcers, polyps, and cancer.
An at-home test can be a good choice if you can't have a colonoscopy because having anesthesia or sedation puts you at higher risk for complications, though. “With an at-home test, we could at least screen and better understand you're at risk,” says Dr. Kanters.
Studies show that, for someone of average risk, the FIT test is a good alternative to colonoscopy. There is also evidence that people unwilling to undergo a colonoscopy will complete a FIT test.