Acupuncture points are believed to release chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain, resulting in biochemical changes that promote physical and emotional health. Scientists also discovered that acupuncture increases the body's production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes us feel happy and relaxed.
It increases your sense of well-being. When you receive acupuncture, research studies have shown that “feel-good” hormones immediately release into your system. In effect, you feel that sense of joy or “runner's high” that says, “YES!”
Specifically, acupuncture works to relieve symptoms of depression by stimulating areas of the body responsible for the production of vital emotion-managing hormones. Therefore, assisting in the releasing of mood-boosting endorphins which result in feelings of positive feelings and helping with emotional regulation.
By treating areas of the body affected by trauma, acupuncture can help release the emotional pain that is being held in the body's tissues, helping you to process the feelings and memories, let them go, and move on.
By calming the body and promoting parasympathetic activity, Acupuncture helps improve circulation and reduce general muscle tension. This enhances all body functions not concerned with immediate survival – immunity, digestion, fertility, rest, recovery, repair.
In an 8-week acupuncture study of 151 men and women, researchers found that depressive symptoms improved significantly. Those who received acupuncture, whether targeted or nonspecific, improved more than those who did not.
What Are The Side Effects Of Acupuncture? The most common side effects of acupuncture are things everyone wants: better sleep, more energy, mental clarity, better digestion and less stress. One or several of these side effects occur routinely for many, many acupuncture goers.
"Acupuncture stimulates the body's natural feel-good hormones and reduces the level of stress hormones like cortisol," says Mathew Kulas, MA, RAc, an acupuncturist at Henry Ford Health. Studies show that acupuncture is an effective treatment for anxiety, with fewer side effects than medications.
Hence, acupuncture may require numerous sessions for you to see results. Usually, one can notice acupuncture's effects in around 3-4 days. However, this process is different for each person; therefore, the number of sessions and time required to see results can differ.
The research revealed that approximately 90 per cent of the benefits of acupuncture were sustained at 12 months, suggesting that underlying changes are occurring with acupuncture that has long-term health benefits and, in this instance, lasting pain relief.
Clients should avoid strenuous exercise, caffeine, junk food, alcohol, cold temperatures, digital screens, and, where possible, stressful situations. What's more, if clients leave their appointment feeling lightheaded or dizzy, they should avoid driving until they feel better.
The intense heat from Sauna and bath is considered an extra stimulation that may undo the energy reset.
Ultimate, perfect happiness. Level 4 happiness is the most difficult to describe. It involves a search for fullness and perfection.
Location – 3 finger widths above the wrist in the space between the tendons. Symptoms: Mental restlessness, spaciness, prone to being weepy and or grief, fatigue.
Acupressure Massage Therapy for Focus and Concentration
Your clarity of thought, memory, and focus should all improve with continued stimulation. This point is located between your eyebrows where your forehead and nose's bridge meet, hence the name third eye. Massage this point with one-two fingers for 3-4 minutes.
It's recommended that clients should start by having 1-2 acupuncture sessions per week, for 2-4 weeks. However, clients with chronic conditions may require more frequent treatment. Whilst 1-2 sessions per week is a good baseline, it's important to assess your client's condition before beginning treatment.
Many people use acupuncture to relieve pain throughout their body, including for migraines, back pain and arthritis. Studies have also shown that acupuncture may be a successful treatment option for a variety of conditions, including immune system issues, infertility and the effects of menopause.
Acupuncture may offer relief from depression symptoms, and some research indicates it may be effective in relieving symptoms in combination with antidepressant medication. However, the practice is not an alternative to standard treatments.
Acupuncture has been shown to increase serotonin levels, which help improve sleep and mood. This means it can be an effective treatment for fatigue and depression, without the side effects and dependence that are often caused by SSRIs (antidepressants that work on serotonin levels in the brain).
Walker explains that in his acupuncture practice, people with mild to moderate depression may experience positive changes within 8 to 12 treatments over 4 to 6 weeks, but the duration and frequency of treatment can vary.