Although people looking to follow the blood type O diet should generally avoid dairy and eggs, they can occasionally consume the following products: butter. cheeses, such as farmer, feta, mozzarella, and goat's cheese. soy milk.
Other type O's may eat an occasional egg and small amounts of dairy, but it is generally a poor protein source for type O's. Instead, use non-dairy milk alternatives, including soy, rice, and almond milks. Soya milk and cheese are excellent high-protein alternatives for type O's.
People going on the blood type O diet should also keep away from certain types of meat and seafood, and most dairy products. This is because they include hard to digest animal protein. Such meat includes pork, ham, bacon, goose, octopus, caviar, smoked salmon, milk, and milk-based goods such as yogurt and ice-cream.
Those with type O blood should choose high-protein foods and eat lots of meat, vegetables, fish, and fruit but limit grains, beans, and legumes. To lose weight, seafood, kelp, red meat, broccoli, spinach, and olive oil are best; wheat, corn, and dairy are to be avoided.
There are very good substitutions for the foods you should avoid. For Type A and O, who should avoid all dairy products, there are many substitutes for cow's milk- Silk, goat's milk, rice milk, and almond milk that are good for all blood types.
Type O's should severely restrict their intake of dairy products. Your system is not designed to metabolise them correctly and there are no beneficial foods in this group. Many people of African and Asian descent are lactose intolerant, and should eliminate milk altogether.
According to D'Adamo, people with blood type O should avoid caffeine because it increases their adrenaline levels. However, there are lots of caffeine alternatives out there, ranging from chicory coffee and turmeric latte to barley drink and maca, all of which come with their own set of health benefits.
Breads, muffins, and even wheat-free breads are not good for type O's, since most contain some wheat. Essene bread, made from sprouted wheat prepared at a low temperature, can be absorbed and digested by type O's because the gluten lectins (found in the seed coats) are destroyed by the sprouting process.
People with O blood type should follow a high protein diet, full of lean meats, fish, eggs, kale, lettuce, broccoli, onions, pumpkins, turnip, red peppers, okra, garlic, ginger, cherries, figs, plums, prunes, raspberries, cranberries and gooseberries.
In conclusion, honey can be a great addition to a blood-type O-positive diet, as long as it is consumed in moderation. Its rich antioxidant content, natural energy-boosting properties, and ability to support digestive health make it an ideal choice for this blood type.
Excessive sugar consumption (especially sucrose and fructose) can dramatically increase triglycerides in the blood (a real problem for blood type O).
(Beneficial): Pumpkin seeds, Walnuts. (Neutral): Almonds, Almond butter, Chestnuts, Filbert, Hickory, Macadamia, Pecans, Pignola (pine), Sesame butter (tahini), Sesame seeds, Sunflower (butter, seeds).
The authors found that individuals with type O blood were relatively protected from viral infection (relative risk (RR) = 0.87; 95% CI, 0.82–0.91). Unlike previous studies, however, there was no difference between ABO blood type and progression of illness to hospitalization or mortality (each, P > . 40).
Blood Group: O
Avoid: Spinach, cabbage, corn, cauliflower, eggplant, mushrooms, oranges, kiwi, strawberry, blackberry, coconut, green peas, peanut butter and wheat starch.
Best Protein for Blood Type O – Nuts and seeds contain good-quality protein and fats but should not replace high protein meats in your diet. Rich in energy, protein, packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids, they should be eaten selectively because they are high in calories.
Dairy. Although people looking to follow the blood type O diet should generally avoid dairy and eggs, they can occasionally consume the following products: butter. cheeses, such as farmer, feta, mozzarella, and goat's cheese.
For the most part, those with blood type O should eat very few grains. However, there are some tolerable options. Grains such as buckwheat, rye, barley, kasha, amaranth, and millet are safe for consumption.
Some examples appropriate for blood type O individuals include cherries, apples, all varieties of grapes, watermelon, pears, bananas, blueberries, lemons, grapefruit, papayas and raspberries.
Exercise for Blood Type O - Intense Excercise
A consistent, rigorous exercise program releases the buildup of stress hormones in their systems. The most successful form of exercise for Blood Type Os is cardio based, such as running, cycling and martial arts. If you can't do high intensity workouts, that's OK.
Salmon is beneficial for Blood Types A, AB and B and neutral for Type O, making it one of the most universally healthy seafood options for Blood Type Diet followers. Wild-caught salmon is a great source of nutrients, including Omega-3 fatty acids; a kind of nutrient that many people are deficient in.
Type O people digest protein and fat better than other blood types. They can have chicken, fish, eggs, tofu, turkey, seafood, beef, spinach, sweet potato and broccoli, pineapple, poached pears and pumpkin, walnut, beans, buckwheat, pinto beans and pumpkin seeds.
Some experts believe that individuals with type O blood may have a reduced ability to metabolize certain fats, including those found in avocado oil. This could potentially lead to digestive issues or an increased risk of weight gain.
Seafood, the second most concentrated animal protein, is best suited for type O's. Fish is packed with protein, vitamins, and nutrients that can lower blood pressure and help reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Many seafood are excellent sources of iodine, which regulates thyroid function.
Cultured and soured products are easily digested by type AB, meaning cheeses such as mozzarella, ricotta and goat's cheese are all a great addition to the diet.