Caffeine can cause your blood vessels to constrict, and as a result, the vessels at the surface of your skin won't deliver as many antioxidants and nutrients to promote collagen production. "The results of drinking too much coffee can cause the skin to wrinkle prematurely, and become more lax with time," says Dr. S.
Slow down skin aging
When the amount of collagen is less, the skin begins to sag, and wrinkles appear. So when you stop drinking coffee, you can reduce the factor that slows down the creation of collagen, thereby reducing the speed of skin aging.
Quitting or cutting your coffee intake may stop or reverse aging leading to a more youthful appearance. Caffeine slows down the rate your body makes collagen, a protein that both tightens and gives your skin its elasticity.
Caffeine has several benefits as an anti-aging substance. The first is that it appears to protect your body against chronic inflammation—a condition that occurs increasingly as you get older. As people age, inflammation throughout the body rises.
The high acidity of coffee can interfere with your hormones and impact the amount of oil your skin produces. Coffee drinks with dairy products increase your risk of developing acne. Dehydration from coffee and other drinks such as soda or alcohol may also cause skin redness or inflammation.
Caffeine suppresses collagen production by preventing cell growth and interfering with the development of cartilage. In turn, this affects the ability to make new collagen and the genes involved in maturing cartilage cells. One study found that caffeine reduces collagen synthesis in human skin.
Excessive coffee drinking can negatively impact your complexion, due to its stress heightening characteristics. Caffeine is known to cause adrenaline and cortisol spikes, both of which can increase oil production and result in blocked pores and acne.
Fight skin problems: The caffeine and chlorogenic acids (CGA) contained in coffee beans can help reduce inflammation due to skin problems such as eczema, acne and psoriasis. Additionally, coffee grounds are promising for fighting skin infection diseases given the antimicrobial properties of their CGA and caffeine.
“Coffee contains caffeine, which has a diuretic (water losing) effect, so drinking coffee (even decaf) can make you and your skin dehydrated and saggy,” she says. “Drinking coffee has also been shown to reduce skin circulation by constriction blood vessels.
Giving up coffee allows your adenosine to reset and fix your sleep schedule. Your body will bounce back into working order when you take away the loads of caffeine you consumed. You might find yourself with more energy, better sleep, and more stable moods.
The severity of symptoms vary from individual to individual, and most commonly include a headache, fatigue, decreased energy/activeness, decreased alertness, drowsiness, decreased contentedness, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and feeling foggy/not clearheaded.
Some studies have shown that coffee (specifically coffee oil) has similar effects on the skin as the anti-aging skincare ingredient hyaluronic acid. Coffee seed oil can increase collagen and elastin, making the skin look and feel firmer. And these qualities aren't just coming from the roasted bean.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, dependence on caffeine is not technically an addiction, but it can absolutely lead to withdrawal if you decide to quit. Symptoms of withdrawal include possible headaches, sleepiness, nausea, and irritability.
What's the better choice, coffee or tea? “Neither is particularly harmful, and both offer an abundance of potential health benefits. Like most things in life, it comes down to portion control and individual preference,” Bollig said. If you aren't sensitive to caffeine, both are considered healthy.
Apple juice is, without any doubt, the number one juice for aging skin. It contains antioxidants that do not only beat wrinkles and fine lines, but also make your skin soft and give it a healthy glow. Another great source of antioxidants is grape juice. Thus, it is perfect for reducing acne and any signs of skin aging.
But water also has supplemental benefits, including being great for skin care, and drinking eight cups of it a day is the best drinking habit to follow to help reverse aging.
Free radicals damage collagen — “they are our skin's enemy,” says Dr. Zeichner. Environmental factors (like UV rays or pollution), bad lifestyle habits (smoking), and a poor diet (for example, one high in sugar) all create free radical formation, which speeds collagen breakdown.
Bone broth
Dr. Bradley says her favorite collagen-boosting brew is bone broth. Bone broth draws collagen out of beef, chicken or fish bones, leaving a flavorful liquid that you can drink straight up or use in other dishes.