Dogs can eat every part of the strawberry, including strawberry tops and leaves. The leaves contain a few vitamins and minerals that the flesh doesn't, so feeding your dog the leaves can provide additional health benefits.
But can dogs eat strawberry tops? They can, but they may not like them. The leaves are non-toxic and contain a few vitamins and minerals that the flesh doesn't, but they taste a little bitter.
Can Dogs Eat Strawberry Leaves? The leaves on a strawberry plant are not toxic for dogs, but they could cause your dog to have an upset stomach. Make sure to remove these as well as the stems, so they don't become a choking hazard or cause intestinal blockages.
Although uncommon, ingestion of strawberry stems and plants can cause gastrointestinal obstruction. The leaves and plant, while not toxic, are very difficult to digest. Signs of problems include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, abdominal pain, straining to defecate, and/or a decreased appetite.
Dogs can eat the white section or unripened strawberry tops because strawberries generally aren't toxic to dogs. However, I wouldn't suggest offering these parts of strawberries to your dog because they're difficult to digest and can cause diarrhea, upset stomach, etc.
Are there any toxic parts of strawberries that dogs should avoid? Dogs shouldn't eat strawberry leaves or stems. They're difficult for your pup to digest and can lead to stomach or digestive problems.
The answer is yes! All parts of the strawberry are safe for dogs to eat - from the fruit to the seeds to the leaves. Not only are strawberries safe for your dog, but they are highly nutritious too!
In fact, not only are the tops safe to eat, they're healthy and very flavorful.
Most of us are accustomed to lobbing off the top of strawberries before eating or baking, but the whole berry — flesh, leaves, stem, and all — is totally edible.
Most people throw away the leaves when they eat strawberries, but strawberry leaves aren't bad for you — they actually have a bunch of potential health benefits including improving heart health, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, boosting the immune system, and reducing blood sugar levels.
It is even the host plant for a handful of tiny moths like the ermine moth. In spite of the fact that wildlife eats strawberry bush, the plant's bark, leaves and berries are poisonous to humans.
The strawberry tree fruit and leaf are a rich source of minerals, easily digestible sugars, dietary fibers, vitamins (especially vitamin C) and many bioactive compounds of significant functional value.
The amount of strawberries you can feed your dog depends on their size. One strawberry a day is enough for small dogs, medium dogs can eat 3-4 strawberries, and large dogs can eat up to five. Just make sure to thoroughly wash and cut up the strawberries before feeding them to your dog so they don't choke.
Feeding Your Dog Too Many Strawberries
Strawberries, like many fruits, have a high sugar content. But a lot of sugar isn't good for your pooch. So, don't let your dog eat too many strawberries at once, because it might make him or her sick. It's best to stick to only a few strawberries at a time.
Strawberries are sweet, juicy fruits that dogs can eat. They can be grown in most gardens with well-drained sandy loam soil. Similar to its fruits, strawberry plants are also safe for dogs and cats.
The hull or calyx is the green leafy top of the strawberry, which is generally removed before cooking or serving.
Wild strawberry leaves can be consumed in both raw and cooked applications such as boiling. Some consider the leaves to taste unpleasant if eaten raw, but others use the fresh leaves in salads. Wild strawberry leaves are most popularly consumed as a tea from either fresh or dried leaves.
Leave the stem and leaves on
Hulling the strawberries, or even just tearing off the leaves and stems, exposes the flesh of the fruit to air and bacteria, which will cause them to rot quickly. It's best to leave strawberries whole with leaves and stems intact until you're ready to use them.
The reaction does change the color as well as make the tissue feel softer or even mushy but it is not an indication that the fruit should no longer be eaten. The bruise is simply displeasing aesthetically but not a health hazard.
Dogs can eat strawberries, says the American Kennel Club. Strawberries are not toxic or poisonous to dogs. They do, however, contain sugar which can upset your pup's stomach if they eat too many. Make sure to not give your pet canned strawberries or strawberries in syrup as these are not good for your dog.
While there are some summer fruits that aren't exactly pet-friendly, like grapes or cherries, strawberries are a fruit that can be safely offered to your pet, as long as they are properly cleaned, the leaves are removed, and they're served in pieces to prevent choking or intestinal blockages.
Tomato Plants
The tomato plant's leaves and stems contain solanine. This substance is toxic to both dogs and cats. If pets eat a tomato plant's greenery then they might suffer from nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and lethargy.