Can I read Quran in mobile without Wudu?

It is permissible to touch the mobile phone or tape on which Quran is recorded, and it is permissible to read from it without wudu.

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Do we need Wudu to read Quran from mobile?

Based on the Quran verse and Prophetic ahadith, the vast majority of the ummah and the fiqh scholars agree that wudhu is a prerequisite for touching and reading the Holy Qur'an. Therefore, one can recite the Quran without wudhu from his memory and either reading it from a mobile or tablet.

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Is it permissible to read Quran in Mobile?

But ultimately, reading from the actual holy book and memorising it is the most favoured method. On the other hand, a fatwa released last year stressed that when one is performing daily prayers, it is forbidden to hold on to a mobile phone and read out the duaa (supplications) and Quranic verses as it is a distraction.

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Can I read Quran on my phone while menstruating?

Scholars of fiqh agree that someone who is not purified CANNOT touch the Quran because Allah says in the Quran “None shall touch it except the purified” (Waqiah: 79). This includes the junub (sexually impure), the menstruating woman, as well as someone without wudhu.

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Can I read Quran while lying in bed?

“If a person recites the Quran while he is standing, lying on his bed or in other positions, it is permissible and he is rewarded.” To conclude, we would like to state that the ruling of reciting the Quran when a person is lying down is permissible. This shows that Islam is a religion of ease and flexibility.

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Is Wudu required to recite Quran on mobile, tablet, laptop

42 related questions found

Is it Haram to read the Quran in English?

Just as reading salat in English is not permitted or a viable substitute, reading the English version of the Quran is not considered a substitute for Arabic. One does not replace the other, and reading the Quran in English is a supplement to the original.

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Is it bad to sleep in the dark in Islam?

It is narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) said, “Put out lamps when you go to bed, shut the doors, and cover water and food containers” [SB 5301]. This may correspond with current scientific understanding that it is important to maintain a dark environment during sleep so as not to disrupt the circadian rhythm.

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What to do when your wife is on her period in Islam?

Say, "It is harm, so keep away from wives during menstruation. And do not approach them until they are pure. And when they have purified themselves, then come to them from where Allāh has ordained for you.

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Can I do dhikr on my period?

– Even if you are cooking or lying in bed due to pain, you can still do dhikr and duʿā'.

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What to do in Ramadan during period?

Women on their periods are exempt from fasting and praying and are required to make up their fasts at a later time. Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri mentions that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) clearly stated that a woman in menstruation may neither pray nor fast. She is required to compensate by fasting later on.

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What is major impurity in Islam?

The other state of impurity, which is sometimes called the major impurity, is referred to in ritual texts as preclusion (janābah). It arises from sexual intercourse, seminal emission, menstruation, and childbirth.

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Can I use my phone to help me pray?

Having the smartphone or tablet is okay because it allows you access to a whole range of good options- prayer and spiritual reading, but really it is a huge distraction. That being said, I do use my iPhone to pray the rosary when I am struggling with the prayer.

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Does reading Quran improve memory?

It is postulated that listening, reciting, and memorizing Quran may offer similar benefits. Other benefit includes activating and enhancing memory capacity as well as ensuring mental health [3]. Quran memorization is important for practicing Muslims.

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What breaks Wudu?

Activities that invalidate wudu include urination, defecation, flatulence, deep sleep, light bleeding (depending on madhhab), menstruation, postpartum and sexual intercourse. Wudu is often translated as 'partial ablution', as opposed to ghusl as 'full ablution' where the whole body is washed.

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What is Janabah in Islam?

Quick Reference. A state of major ritual impurity caused by any contact with semen. The state of janabah renders Muslims unfit for the performance of ritual duties, such as prayer, until they purify themselves through complete ablution (ghusl). From: Janabah in The Oxford Dictionary of Islam »

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How to perform ghusl Islam?

Pour water over the head three times, and rub the hair so that the water reaches the roots of the hair. Then wash the body, making sure that the water reaches all parts, starting with the right side of the body and then the left and rubbing it with the hands so that the water reaches the entire body.

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Can we make dua without wudu?

Wudu is not obligatory for dua. We don't even need to have wudu to make dua. We are allowed to put our hands up and ask Allah for what we need - at any time and any place. This is a huge mercy from Allah SWT.

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What if a woman dies on her period?

If there is an autopsy, the tampon or menstrual cup would most likely be discovered and removed at that point. Otherwise, they would most likely be found and removed when the body is being prepared for either cremation or embalming.

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Can I pray if I see spotting?

Because the bleeding is light and not constant, a woman who sees spotting should be able to wipe away the blood, wash her front private part, make wudu, and pray the obligatory prayer of the time without any bleeding exiting.

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What do husbands do when wife is on period?

5 Ways to Support your Partner During Her Period
  • Show some extra affection. There's no better way to express your love than by showing your affection for her. ...
  • Help her with chores. ...
  • Watch a movie together. ...
  • Be comforting. ...
  • Read a book to her.

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Can my girlfriend cook for me during Ramadan?

As long as it is a good and halal food then it is okay. It doesn't matter who prepared the food as long as it was prepared for you, not for some idol worshiping event. Regarding “girlfriend”, here is the thing. Without a full context, I won't say “haram!” or “allowed!”.

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Can we take ghusl on 5th day of period in Islam?

The one who has bleeding patches does the ghusl whenever the blood stops in the patched days unless she thinks that the blood will return before the time she is in finishes. In such a case she is not commanded to do ghusl.

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Is it permissible to use condoms in Islam?

If not, then how to avoid unwanted pregnancy?” Darul Ifta, while answering the question, said, “The use of condoms without a valid reason is not lawful. However, if the wife is too weak and cannot bear pregnancy or a victim of continual sickness, then in such case of exigency, using a condom is allowable.”

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Which side of the bed husband should sleep in Islam?

Prophet Mohammad found a man sleeping on his stomach and nudged him to wake up as that position was disliked by Allah and told him to sleep on the right side. This was 1400 years ago; in the modern age it has been proven that sleeping on the right side is beneficial for circulation and puts less pressure on the heart.

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