Only a mental health professional like a psychiatrist can give you a bipolar disorder diagnosis – not your GP. However, if you're experiencing bipolar moods and symptoms, discussing it with your GP can be a good first step. They can refer you to a psychiatrist, who will be able to assess you.
General practitioners are often consulted for first presentations of bipolar disorder and are well placed to coordinate patient care.
If you're diagnosed with the condition, it's important to talk to your psychiatrist so you're fully involved in the decisions about your treatment and care. But a person is sometimes not able to make an informed decision about their care or communicate their needs, especially if their symptoms become severe.
If you are concerned about your moods or think you may have bipolar, talk to a trusted adult. Share your concerns. Ask them to set up a visit with your doctor or a mental health provider. See a doctor or mental health provider.
being easily irritated or agitated. being delusional, having hallucinations and disturbed or illogical thinking. not feeling like sleeping. doing things that often have disastrous consequences – such as spending large sums of money on expensive and sometimes unaffordable items.
There are a few different healthcare professionals who can prescribe mood stabilisers to you. It may depend on which type of mood stabiliser you are being offered. It may also depend on whether you are just starting to take it or being given ongoing prescriptions. The person who prescribes it may be your doctor (GP).
No, a person cannot self-diagnose bipolar disorder or depression relating to bipolar disorder. A doctor or healthcare professional can diagnose a mental health condition by: conducting a physical exam. performing medical tests to rule out other causes of symptoms.
Bipolar disorder, especially subtypes I and II, are difficult to diagnose. In fact, during the first year of seeking treatment, only 20% of patients are correctly diagnosed. The usual time span between a misdiagnosis and an accurate diagnosis of bipolar disorder is 5-10 years.
Primary care physicians are the first point of contact for many patients with bipolar disorder, and they have a fundamental role in the diagnosis and treatment of this lifelong condition.
Should You Disclose Your Bipolar Disorder? “Definitely do not tell the person on your first date,” Zamo says emphatically. According to Greenberg, not disclosing right away is okay if doing so would be uncomfortable. But, she adds, “If the relationship is getting more serious, you should reveal it.”
No You Don't Have to Tell Anyone You Have Bipolar Disorder
And there are very valid and understandable reasons why you might not want to tell people you have bipolar disorder. Stigma creeps through much of our lives and we don't want to face its consequences, which is understandable.
your doctor – general practitioners can diagnose and treat mental health disorders, as well as advise you and refer you to other mental health professionals.
Prescribing. A specialist in secondary care will usually start a prescription for lithium. This is because doses need to be changed based on serum lithium levels and clinical response. A hospital and GP may share responsibility for prescribing lithium.
To diagnose bipolar disorder, a doctor performs a physical exam, asks about your symptoms, and recommends blood testing to determine if another condition, such as hypothyroidism, is causing your symptoms. If the doctor does not find an underlying cause of your symptoms, he or she performs a psychological evaluation.
A clinical diagnosis of bipolar disorder usually entails a relatively long interval between the initial presentation and the accurate diagnosis. Previous studies have reported that patients may wait for as long as 5-10 years4-7 from the onset of illness before the diagnosis is confirmed.
Bipolar disorder can occur at any age, although it often develops between the ages of 15 and 19 and rarely develops after 40. Men and women from all backgrounds are equally likely to develop bipolar disorder. The pattern of mood swings in bipolar disorder varies widely between people.
Your doctor may offer you mood stabilisers if you have an episode of mania, hypomania or depression that changes or gets worse suddenly. This is called an acute episode. Some people need to take mood stabilisers as a long-term treatment to stop this from happening.
“Around half of people with bipolar disorder don't take their medication which can lead to a relapse of symptoms. And this can have a knock-on impact with problems at work, strained relationships with family and friends, hospitalisation, and an increased risk of suicide.
A stressful circumstance or situation often triggers the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Examples of stressful triggers include: the breakdown of a relationship. physical, sexual or emotional abuse.
Grandiosity and overconfidence. Easy tearfulness, frequent sadness. Needing little sleep to feel rested. Uncharacteristic impulsive behavior.
People with bipolar experience both episodes of severe depression and episodes of mania – overwhelming joy, excitement or happiness, huge energy, a reduced need for sleep, and reduced inhibitions. The experience of bipolar is uniquely personal. No two people have exactly the same experience.
Symptoms of a manic episode
Having an abnormally high level of activity or energy. Feeling extremely happy or excited — even euphoric. Not sleeping or only getting a few hours of sleep but still feeling rested. Having inflated self-esteem, thinking you're invincible.