The simple answer; The Civil Aviation Authority advise that you can fly a day after cataract surgery. There isn't any risk to your recovery as your eyes cannot be harmed by the altitude and pressure inside the cabin - although this is not the case if you have had some other forms of eye surgery.
Your eye will feel normal again 24 hours after surgery. However, your sensitivity to light may persist for a few more days. So, how soon can you fly after cataract surgery? Usually after 24 hours.
It's completely safe to fly after your cataract surgery, and it doesn't take long at all for your eyes to get back to normal. It is, however, recommended to avoid driving immediately after the operation since you may still be feeling some side effects.
You can read or watch TV right away, but things may look blurry. Most people are able to return to work or their normal routine in 1 to 3 days. After your eye heals, you may still need to wear glasses, especially for reading. This care sheet gives you a general idea about how long it will take for you to recover.
Most patients can get back behind the wheel of your car 24 hours after cataract surgery. You should ensure that you meet the standards of vision for driving. A driver rehabilitation specialist (DRS) can offer tests on how well you drive, as well as helping you improve your driving skills post-surgery.
Strenuous activity and exercise after cataract surgery
Most people can do very light exercise the day after surgery, including walking.
Simple diversions like reading, watching TV, writing, and walking are okay to resume as soon as you feel up for it after your eye surgery. Still, the healing process needs to run its course and vision may fluctuate slightly for the first few weeks before fully stabilizing.
You should follow the instructions provided by your surgeon regarding when you can resume normal activities. It is recommended to not rub or press on the eye, or to avoid exposure to soap or water while showering or washing your face for at least a week after the surgery.
Fatigue is normal following surgery and should improve day after day as your body begins to heal itself. Some people have it worse than others due to age, health, and the type of surgery they had, but with time and proper care, most will be able to build up their strength and energy levels.
“High eye pressure can interfere with the incision before it fully heals,” says Eghrari. “Positions that put your head below your waist, such as bending over, can also increase eye pressure and should be avoided initially after surgery.”
Driving After Cataract Surgery
Post-surgery, it's common for vision to be blurry for a few days. Many people can drive again within 24 hours. However, it's highly recommended you do not drive until you've seen your eye doctor after the surgery. Your ophthalmologist may recommend you wait a few more days before driving.
The simple answer; The Civil Aviation Authority advise that you can fly a day after cataract surgery. There isn't any risk to your recovery as your eyes cannot be harmed by the altitude and pressure inside the cabin - although this is not the case if you have had some other forms of eye surgery. …
As a rough guideline, it made the following recommendations on how soon you can fly after eye surgery: Cataract surgery: after 24 hours. Glaucoma surgery: after 24 hours. Refractive surgery: after 24 hours to 48 hours.
Patients remain awake but comfortable during the process. Since it's relatively low-risk, flying after cataract surgery poses no problem for air travel – be sure to attend every follow-up appointment.
As there is no cure for glaucoma, it's important to keep eye pressure levels as normal as possible. Though it may be quite tempting, don't try to lift anything that's over 10 pounds in the first week after cataract surgery.
While everyone's recovery period is different and your eye doctor will likely give you instructions specific to your eye, let's go over some of the general do's and don'ts following cataract surgery -- starting with the things you can do: You can watch TV. You can be on your computer. You can shower or take a bath.
Cataract surgery has a fast recovery rate with only a few restrictions to contend with. With the day of surgery excepted, no bed rest is required. Most patients can return to normal activities the following day.
Go with it. Sleeping a lot is how your body heals itself. Plenty of rest in the days following your procedure will speed up your recovery time.
You can discard your eye shield the morning after your cataract surgery, but it's still advisable to sleep on your back for a couple of weeks so your eye doesn't come into contact with your pillow and pick up any particles from it. This will help your eye to heal and reduce the risk of infection.
Take Care of Laundry and Other Chores Ahead of Time
These activities can increase pressure in the eye, so it's best to avoid them.
You should continue to wear sunglasses for at least a few weeks after your surgery. This will help to protect your eyes as they heal. After a few weeks, you can start to wear them less often.
In the first day or two after cataract surgery
Your vision will seem hazy as your pupil will remain dilated for 24-48 hours after cataract surgery. Sunlight and artificial light will seem a lot brighter than normal as the dilated pupil lets in lots of light.
Once the shield has been removed you are safe to take a shower and wash your hair once you return home from our office on the day after surgery. Just please do so carefully, and try to avoid getting soap, dirty water, or forceful sprays of water in the eye for the first few days after surgery.
1 to 2 days after keyhole surgery. 4 to 5 days after simple abdominal surgery. 7 days after more complicated eye surgery. 10 to 14 days after chest surgery or a coronary artery bypass graft.