For people who do not experience abdominal pain, fatigue, or other discomfort when walking just after a meal, walking at a brisk speed for 30 minutes as soon as possible just after lunch and dinner leads to more weight loss than does walking for 30 minutes beginning one hour after a meal has been consumed.
4. Burn calories. Walking after eating can help with weight loss. Traditional weight loss plans say you need to burn 3,500 calories to lose a pound of fat.
Walking boosts your metabolism, which means that you burn more calories, stay in great shape, and even burn calories while resting. This means it gets easier to burn that stubborn belly fat, and you can get rid of that unwanted body fat as well. So yes, walking after dinner for weight loss works.
Walking within 60 to 90 minutes after eating delivers the best results. Although light walking at any time is good for your health, a short walk within 60 to 90 minutes of eating a meal can be especially useful in minimizing blood sugar spikes, as that is when blood sugar levels tend to peak.
Walking after a eating stimulates your body to boost your metabolic rate, which will utilize more calories from your meal as opposed to converting them into glucose or fat storage. More importantly, the metabolic benefits can be amplified if that activity happens on a regular basis.
The walk should ideally be within an hour and a half of eating to derive the benefits to the blood sugar level. The research suggests that an optimal duration of time to walk after eating is 10-15 minutes, but even a few minutes confers significant benefit.”
For people who do not experience abdominal pain, fatigue, or other discomfort when walking just after a meal, walking at a brisk speed for 30 minutes as soon as possible just after lunch and dinner leads to more weight loss than does walking for 30 minutes beginning one hour after a meal has been consumed.
Experts believe that walking at least 100 steps after eating your dinner improves your overall wellbeing. This includes proper digestion, burning calories, better control of blood sugar levels and triglycerides in the body.
Post-dinner walks can help you better digest your dinner. Going to sleep right after eating can cause various health issues. Sleeping right after eating can affect digestion and also cause unhealthy weight gain. Walking after meals, especially dinner ensures the food is digested well.
Yoga, walking, and climbing stairs are some of the best post-meal exercises one can practice. Engaging in short bouts of exercises after meals can be coupled with daily errands like dog walking or walking to the market to make it achievable and enjoyable.
In a nutshell
Walking after a meal is one of the trending health and fitness mantras. Above, it maintains many physical and mental issues such as digestion, blood sugar & pressure, heart health, fat, and sleep. It also fits in the goal of walking 10,000 steps a day that everyone should follow to maintain good health.
Walking after eating may help you avoid storing a lot of extra fat. Sip water or a low-calorie drink. When you eat a huge meal, you can take in a lot of sodium without realizing it, which may cause you to retain water and feel bloated.
“Walking 100 steps after every meal is just inviting good digestion habits to your body,” the Ayurvedic expert said, adding that walking and running is the most beneficial way of keeping your body fit and your digestion process effective.
The ideal time would be in the morning, before having your breakfast. At this time your body is already in a calorie deficit mode, and walking can ignite the body's ability to burn fat.
In terms of how the type of walking you need to do to lose weight, a brisk pace is recommended. Walking for 30-90 minutes several days each week will help you to lose weight. Walking at a brisk walking pace for 30 minutes typically results in a distance walked of 1.5-2 miles or 3,000-4,500 steps.
If you walk at least 1000 steps post every meal, it easily adds to 3000 steps. This naturally ups your activity level. Plus, walking post meal aids in digestion thus increasing metabolism.
Exercise like walking also increases insulin sensitivity, which means it allows the body to use glucose more effectively, thus lowering blood sugar levels." For the biggest health benefits, aim to walk within 60 to 90 minutes after you finish a meal; this is when blood sugar levels tend to peak, Cardel says.
Experts believe that walking at least 100 steps after eating your dinner / lunch improves your overall wellbeing. This includes proper digestion, burning calories, better control of blood sugar levels and triglycerides in the body.
In fact, the American Diabetes Association has gone on to say that 10 minutes of post-dinner walking can improve blood glucose levels, as compared to other times during the day. If you practice walking daily after meals, your body can also lower the risk for insulin insensitivity.
An evening walk not only helps you relax and unwind but also boosts your immunity and muscular strength. It helps you destress, connect with nature, think clearly, and sleep well. If still not motivated, tag along a friend or partner to include evening walks in your daily routine and feel the difference for yourself.
Walking after dinner allows your body to produce more gastric enzymes along with allowing the stomach to assimilate the nutrients it has absorbed. This improves our digestion and reduces bloating, constipation and provides relaxation from any other stomach related problems.
During this time, overstuffed guests might engage in conversation, watch TV and fall into a food coma, or perhaps the more intrepid might venture outdoors—maybe for a "post-meal walk," or a "postprandial walk." (Prandial is an adjective meaning "of or relating to a meal.")
Just 2 minutes of walking after eating can help blood sugar, study says. Getting up and moving after you eat -- even if it's only for two minutes -- can help control blood sugar levels, a new study says. If you can't do that, try standing. It helps, too.