You can wash your hair two days to three days after the surgery. Please make sure to avoid getting your incisions wet. If you want to have a shower, you should wait for a week or two after the surgery.
Fill a container with lukewarm water and gently clean your skin using a soft sponge or washcloth and a mild antibacterial soap. Remember to avoid shampooing your hair until the third day. Patients should also steer clear of jacuzzies, hot tubs, pools, or natural bodies of water for at least two weeks after surgery.
How to wash hair after breast augmentation? Washing hair is possible on the 3rd day after the surgery. Patients can wash hair as usual, yet, any fast arm movements are not recommended.
Wash with warm water and gentle, fragrance-free soap. Gently clean your upper incisions and drain sites, and rinse well. Don't aim the shower stream directly at your breast. Aim it at your upper back or your arm.
You should be able to return to most of your normal activities within a few weeks of your operation but this will vary from person to person and it is helpful to take things gently at first try to avoid strenuous housework such as vacuuming, ironing or carrying heavy shopping for the first 1 or 2 weeks.
When you begin showering, take a shower every day to help keep your incision clean. Before entering the shower, remove your bra and the gauze pad covering your incision.
Take it easy for one week. Take short walks, move slowly, take care of yourself, eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water. Do not try to exercise, diet or do anything more than rest and recover. You will need to sleep on your back for at least 2-3 weeks.
The most optimal position to sleep in after a breast reduction is on your back. This is particularly important in the first few weeks after breast reduction, as sleeping on your stomach or side can put additional pressure on the chest and the incision sites.
After 48 hours, surgical wounds can get wet without increasing the risk of infection. After this time, you can get your stitches wet briefly with a light spray (such as in the shower), but they should not be soaked (for example, in the bath). Make sure you pat the area dry afterwards.
The basic rule is that you should not get your wound dressing wet for several days/weeks following surgery. Generally, you should wait until your first follow up appointment before thoroughly washing your hair.
Returning to normal activities
In the first 1 to 2 weeks, you can use your arm normally up to shoulder height for light activities, such as face washing, hair brushing and eating. But avoid lifting your arm above the height of your shoulder. Don't lift anything heavy, but you can use your arm to lift a cup of tea.
Do not shave or use deodorant for 1 week after your drains have been removed. You can shave and use deodorant after 1 week if your incisions have no open areas. For pain, take prescribed pain medication, Tylenol®, or ibuprofen every 4 to 6 hours as needed.
After six weeks, most swelling should have dissipated, and you should feel comfortable doing all of your normal activities. You should be able to engage in more strenuous activity as your motion will return to normal, and you can raise your arms as normal.
During your recovery, your activity level will be significantly reduced. This decrease in movement can lead to fluid retention, increasing your swelling and bloating symptoms. Without being able to engage in the physical activity you usually would, you may even recognise a small weight gain. This is completely normal!
If you have undergone a reduction or implant removal and don't wear your compression bra you may end up with more excess, sagging skin around your breasts.
Avoiding post‐operative bathing or showering for two to three days may result in accumulation of sweat and dirt on the body. Conversely, early washing of the surgical wound may have an adverse effect on healing, for example by irritating or macerating the wound, and disturbing the healing environment.
Should you keep stitches covered? You'll likely leave the hospital or your provider's office with your stitches already covered, and Dr. Yaakovian recommends leaving them dressed for two to three days. During this time, avoid getting the covering wet.
Patients can use SealSkin medical wrap around wound dressings and drain tubes prior to bathing and ambulating to keep everything under it dry and secure.
The pain from the surgery will be highest during the first few days after surgery. However, you will most likely be on pain medications so the pain should be moderate at worst. During week one the pain will reduce and should be mild to moderate.
You'll feel a bit tired for first few days: the effects of anaesthesia, your body using energy for healing, plus a sleepless night before, or after surgery (hospitals can be noisy!) all combine to make tiredness after breast reduction surgery pretty common.
Is the breast reduction procedure painful? Anesthesia will be given during the procedure, but you should expect to feel sore for two to three days after surgery. You will be prescribed pain medication, and your surgeon may advise placing wrapped ice packs gently over sore areas to help with pain and swelling.
One of the most significant advantages of weight loss after breast reduction surgery. Most women report feeling much more capable of exercising and maintaining their weight after the operation. It's common for women to lose between 10 and 20 pounds in the months following surgery.
1) When can I wear normal clothes after breast reduction surgery? You can wear whatever you want from a week after the surgery, but you should keep wearing the compression or surgical bra for at least three weeks.