If you're aged 60 or over and withdraw a lump sum: You don't pay any tax when you withdraw from a taxed super fund.
You can access your super, without restrictions, even if you're still working. Rules for accessing your super: You can access your super as long as you've permanently retired. If you end an employment arrangement on or after age 60, you can also access the super you've earned up until then.
There are absolutely no restrictions to accessing your Super Benefit when aged between 60 and 64 after you are retired. There are two ways you can access your Super; either as a lump-sum payment or as a pension.
You may be able to take your superannuation as a lump sum payment when you retire. This is usually tax-free from age 60.
Once you reach age 60 you can normally access your super tax free.
Assume, for example, you will need 65 per cent of your pre-retirement income, so if you earn $50,000 now, you might need $32,500 in retirement.
Yes, provided you have reached the Age Pension age, you may be eligible for the Age Pension even if you have super savings.
Tax on withdrawals of taxable component
Your marginal tax rate or 32%, whichever is lower – unless the sum of the untaxed elements of all super lump sum benefits received under the super plan exceeds the untaxed plan cap. Amounts above the cap will be taxed at the top marginal rate.
If you are under age 60, you may be required to pay lump sum withdrawal tax, depending on the amount you withdraw and your superannuation tax components. The Low Rate Cap amount actually allows you to receive up to $230,000 of the taxable component tax-free. This is a lifetime (i.e. not annual) indexed cap.
The Bottom Line. For some, a lump-sum pension payment makes sense. For others, having less to upfront capital is better. In either case, pension payments should be used responsibility with the mindset of having these resources support you throughout your retirement.
WILL ACCESSING MY SUPER AFFECT MY CENTRELINK PAYMENT? If you withdraw money from your super fund, you must tell Centrelink within 14 days. Money withdrawn from super is not treated as income for a person receiving a social security payment.
If you are between 60 and 65 you are only required to cease an employment arrangement to meet the retirement condition of release. If you are between preservation age and age 60, in addition to ceasing employment, at that time you must not intend to return to work for over 10 hours per week.
You can withdraw your super if you're. 65 years or over, whether you keep working or not. 60 or over and change employers or temporarily stop working. Under 60 and have permanently stopped working, and you've met your preservation age.
Despite what many people (and under-educated advisers) think, superannuation investment earnings are not received tax-free just because you have reached age 60. In fact, your age has absolutely no bearing on the taxation of your super earnings.
You can withdraw your super: when you turn 65 (even if you haven't retired) when you reach preservation age and retire, or. under the transition to retirement rules, while continuing to work.
If you're 60 and over, the income will generally be tax-free. If you're between your preservation age and 59, the components of your super will dictate how it will be taxed.
You can use super to pay off a loan, provided you are eligible to access your super. Whether you are using your super to pay off a home loan, investment loan, car loan or personal loan, there is no difference in your eligibility. In all instances you are required to first satisfy a superannuation condition of release.
If you leave your super in accumulation phase, you are not required to make any withdrawals from it, even if you are retired. Your accumulation balance will simply continue to be invested and (ideally) increase in value over time. Keeping your super in accumulation phase does not prevent you from accessing it.
When you turn 60. If you're 60 or older, you can meet your mutual obligation requirements through any of these: 30 hours per fortnight of approved voluntary work. 30 hours per fortnight of suitable paid work where the income is equal to or more than the minimum wage.
The asset value limit is the amount of assets a person can own before their pension or payment will reduce from the maximum rate under the assets test. Example: Currently the asset value limit for a single service pension homeowner is $280,000 and for a single service pension non-homeowner is $504,500.