Can milk siblings marry?

As milk siblings, her children and the recipient infant must never marry each other. Midwives in Western countries may encounter this in relation to human milk banking.

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Can you give breast milk to older sibling?

Keep in mind that while the older child can receive foods and liquids from other sources, your infant depends entirely on your breast milk for her nutrition. Therefore, you should offer the breast to your infant first, and nurse your older child only after your infant has had her fill.

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Can siblings breastfeed each other?

Breastfeeding siblings that aren't twins is called tandem nursing. When you have two children in close succession, you may want to continue breastfeeding your toddler even after the new baby arrives. Since breastfeeding works on supply and demand, you should have an adequate milk supply for both children.

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Can my baby drink my sister's breast milk?

The AAP does not encourage using informally shared breast milk, citing the risks of spreading disease. It can also expose an infant to medications, alcohol, drugs, or other contaminants.

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Is it haram to breastfeed after 2 years in Islam?

There is a huge variation in practice regarding the maximum age limit for breastfeeding, depending on which school of Islamic jurisprudence the family chooses to follow. The opinions of Muslim scholars fluctuate, but generally range between two and seven years.

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If I breastfeed a baby girl would she became mahram for my husband

26 related questions found

Can I feed my husband my breast milk in Islam?

The fatwa said that if a woman fed a male colleague "directly from her breast" at least five times they would establish a family bond and thus be allowed to be alone together at work. "Breast feeding an adult puts an end to the problem of the private meeting, and does not ban marriage," he ruled.

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Is Wet nursing allowed in Islam?

Wetnursing in Islam

Wet nursing is a practice that has Islamic roots – it was followed by the Prophet (SAW) who fed from his own mother as well as a wetnurse – and is still quite common in Arab countries. This outlines the preference of breastmilk over animal milk when it comes to feeding the baby in Islam.

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What is the oldest child to breastfeed?

The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding babies up to two years, precisely because of the breast-cancer-prevention benefits. O'Connor nurses her children to sleep at night, and also throughout the day.

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Can my 7 year old drink my breast milk?

But people should be informed that nursing a 6-7+year-old is a perfectly normal and natural and healthy thing to be doing for the child, and that their fears of emotional harm are baseless."

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Do wet nurses still exist?

However, the concept of wet nursing still exists today and is known as co-feeding or milk-sharing. The term clearly defines an activity of sharing mother's milk or the sharing of expressed breast milk [1].

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Can I breastfeed my wife's baby?

If the non-gestational parent chooses to induce lactation, both moms can share in breastfeeding, or “co-nursing.” Inducing lactation for the mother who doesn't give birth does requires time and preparation, but it can give her the bonding and maternal health benefits breastfeeding offers.

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Can I breastfeed my grandchild?

Breastfeeding is the best way to feed your grandchild. It helps babies grow and develop, feel safe and secure, and stay healthy. But breastfeeding is not just good for babies—it's good for moms, too. Breastfeeding helps mom bond with baby, reduces the risk for certain diseases, and saves time and money.

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Is it illegal to breastfeed after a certain age?

There are plenty of moms who breastfeed well past the recommended six month mark (even as old as 6 years), because it works for them. Basically, if you're still wondering if there's a standard age limit with breastfeeding, there isn't.

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Can I breastfeed my 10 year old?

After that, they recommend breastfeeding as long as “mutually desired by mother and infant.” The World Health Organization (WHO) also recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months, and then continuing to breastfeed for “up to 2 years and beyond.”

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Can my 3 year old drink my breast milk?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that mothers breast-feed for the first 12 months and “thereafter for as long as mother and baby desire.” The World Health Organization recommends the practice up to age 2 “or beyond.”

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Can I breastfeed my second child?

Our resounding answer is always yes! While it may seem easier said than done, here are a few tips that we share with parents who didn't breastfeed the first time but would like to try with their next child.

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Can a 13 year old have milk?

General guidelines for how much milk a child each should drink are: 2 – 3 cups per day for children 12-24 months; and 2 – 2½ cups per day for children 2–5 years old. For children over 5 years old, the daily recommendations are 2½ cups to age 8, and then 3 cups for ages 9-18.

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Can a 16 year old produce breast milk?

Galactorrhea (say "guh-lak-tuh-REE-uh") happens when a teen's breasts make milk but she is not pregnant. The milk may leak from one or both breasts. Sometimes milk leaks only when the breast is touched. At other times, milk leaks without any touching.

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How long can a wet nurse produce milk?

Normally, without suckling, milk production ceases 14 to 21 days after birth. PRL- mediated milk production and secretion, however, may continue as long as the breasts are stimulated, as evidenced by the ability of wet-nursing for many years (16).

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Can you breastfeed for 20 years?

After one year, the AAP recommends breastfeeding for as long you and your baby wish to do so. The AAP also states that "There is no upper limit to the duration of breastfeeding and no evidence of psychologic or developmental harm from breastfeeding into the third year of life or longer."

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Are breastfed babies more intelligent?

The research group concluded that breastfeeding had no significant effect on intelligence (18).

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Can a 9 year old breastfeed?

“If they feed for as long as they want to they will naturally wean. “In a lot of countries it's perfectly normal to breastfeed older children and they will do it for a lot longer than we do in the West.”

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What is dry nursing?

With “dry” breastfeeding your baby does not actually drink significant amounts of milk, but he is able to smell and taste the droplets of milk that remain in your breast after pumping.

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What is dry nurse?

transitive verb. : to take care of but not breastfeed (another woman's baby) : to act as a dry nurse to. : to give unnecessary supervision to.

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Can any woman become a wet nurse?

A woman can only act as a wet nurse if she is lactating (producing milk). It was once believed that a wet nurse must have recently undergone childbirth in order to lactate. This is not necessarily the case, as regular breast stimulation can elicit lactation via a neural reflex of prolactin production and secretion.

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