Police forces advise against the use of barbed wire to protect residential buildings as the householder is likely to be liable for any injuries or damage caused if a trespasser or burglar attempted to break in. They recommend considering alternative, safe perimeter security precautions.
Using barbed/razor wire and broken glass in order to stop people getting into your home is not advisable. You are making yourself liable to civil action, if by doing this someone is injured, as you owe a duty of care to ensure that visitors to your property are reasonably safe.
As stated before, you are legally allowed to install barbed wire to your garden fence, however it must be done with proper signage. If you are served with a notice to remove the barbed wire from your fence, then you must do so accordingly. Failure to remove the barbed wire may result in fines or court action.
While perfectly lawful, it is not recommended as a method of security because property owners can find themselves sued by trespassers and even burglars if they injure themselves.
Trellis, thorny plants, or a suitable anti-climb topping such as plastic spikes make it difficult for anyone climbing over a fence or gate. Planting prickly or barbed shrubbery along boundaries and fence lines acts as an effective natural barrier. Gravel driveways and paths will make sure you hear anyone approach.
Used predominantly in the creation of fences and for pens, it acts as a practical way of keeping livestock safe and secure. Barbed wire is also used heavily in the prison service and similar institutions. Acting as a deterrent for those looking to enter or leave, it makes for a cost-effective method of security.
The use of barbed wire is only permitted in industrial and rural areas. The barbed wire must not endanger people using the adjacent public land. Hazardous fencing materials such as razor wire, tiger wire and other materials which could cause harm to people or animals are only permitted in industrial areas.
It's also a dangerous environment for both animals and people. Animals can become entangled and suffer cuts that may lead to an infection. Cattle could ingest a piece of wire causing hardware disease – a serious issue in their intestines and stomach. People risk getting scrapes and cuts that lead to tetanus.
Rights and Permissions. If you do not own the fence and it resides within your neighbour's property, you will likely need their permission to attach anything to it.
Pros: Barbed wire provides a solid barrier and is a cheap fencing option. Cons: Barbed wire is not a safe fencing for horses. Its barbs can quickly tear into a horse's thin skin, and if a horse becomes tangled in barbed wire, the injuries can be devastating.
The suspended barbed wires are held apart by twisted wire stays or short pieces of fiberglass posts spaced approximately 10 to 12 feet apart. Line posts are spaced from 50 to 60 feet apart. The suspension barbed wire fence sways back and forth in the wind or when animals hit it.
Climbing over a fence should be done slowly and carefully. Climbing barbed wire fences should be done at fence posts and with at least one hand on the post and your feet positioned as close to the post as reasonable. Being close to the fence post minimizes the chance of breaking the fence and it is also more stable.
Some places require a building permit to build a fence. Others may only require a permit for certain kinds of fences. A local building code might require a permit for an unusually tall fence or a stone or concrete wall, for example, but not for a simple chain link fence. Some locations may not require a permit at all.
If you're purchasing barbed wire, one roll is equal to 1,320 feet of fence, or 1/4 of a mile. Therefore, for a 40-acre square area that requires 1/4 mile of fencing on each side, you will need one mile of fencing, or four rolls of barbed wire per line.
Can I use my neighbours fencing as a support for plants, etc.? As with leaning something against or hanging something on your neighbour's fence, you should only paint, stain or varnish your neighbour's fencing with their permission. However good your intentions, if you do it without their say so it's criminal damage.
But the same law also says that duty has been discharged if you've warned people that the hazard exists, and that they can see it. Therefore, anti climb spikes on top of the wall are allowed, so long as you've added a notice saying something like: 'Caution: danger of injury from fence spikes'.
That depends on where your fence is situated. In most cases you will need to apply for council permission. Fences need to be 2 metres high before you can install security toppings such as Bulldog spikes so that may rule out most residential fences except fences on street frontages.
Barbed wire should never be used for horse fencing. Barbed wire fencing is highly likely to result in serious injury to horses due to its lack of visibility and dangerously sharp edges. Pipe fencing may be quite suitable for horse enclosures, and is strong and durable.
Fences opening onto a street alignment or open space cannot be made of barbed wire, or feature sharp protrusions, except in the following cases: Your fence is set at least 150mm back from the public open space or the street alignment.
The cost to install a barbed wire fence is $1 to $6 per foot. Here's how this price covers materials and labor fees. What is this? Expect to pay about $65 to $200 for a 1,320-foot roll of barbed wire, with pricing going as low as $45 per roll for low-cost options.
Barbed-wire fences are well-known for keeping intruders out and keeping your property secure. When people see the little barbs placed on a fence, it instantly deters them from attempting to enter an area.
On average, a barbed wire fence's cost per square foot ranges from $0.03 to $0.08 per foot. Each roll of barbed wire is 1,320 feet long, so you're looking at spending between $60 to $110 per roll.