Solanine is not removed by boiling, but it can be destroyed by frying. Solanine poisoning is uncommon as cooks and the public are aware of the problem and tend to avoid green potatoes, in any case, consumption of up to 5 g of green potato per kg body weight per day does not appear to cause acute illness.
Alkaloids like solanine have been shown to start decomposing and degrading at approximately 170 °C (338 °F), and deep-frying potatoes at 210 °C (410 °F) for 10 minutes causes a loss of ∼40% of the solanine.
CONSTITUTION: Solanin is removed from potatoes by dipping the potatoes in vinegar of 30-60 deg. C, containing 0.3-1.0 vol% of acetic acid, for 2-5 minutes.
It is reported that they are poorly absorbed by the human body and rapidly excreted. Solanines are not destroyed by cooking, but both boiling and frying do reduce the amount of these compounds.
This is because solanine is remarkably heat-stable since it can withstand being cooked at 200 degrees...
Some people believe that you can eat green, unripe tomatoes if they are cooked, but that is not true. Tomatine and solanine are very resistant to heat and do not break down during preparation, whether that be boiling, baking or frying. I am not an expert in this but advise against eating green, unripe tomatoes.
Some people report an increase in inflammation after eating nightshades. However, Nofziger notes that the connection between nightshades and inflammation is not supported by scientific studies.
Potatoes, tomatoes and the other Nightshades should always be cooked Ayuvedically, and the addition of Ayurvedic spices cumin, turmeric, black pepper or mustard seeds can relatively lessen their toxic effect. Cooking with healthy fat like ghee can reduce its toxicity.
Solanine is a bitter-tasting steroidal alkaloid saponin that has been isolated from all nightshades, including tomatoes, capsicum, tobacco, and eggplant. However, the most widely ingested solanine is from the consumption of potatoes. Potato leaves, stems, and shoots are naturally high in this saponin.
Solanine is a type of alkaloid which is toxic in large amounts and can promote inflammation—but it's almost entirely found in the leaves and stems of these vegetables, not the parts we eat.
New and fingerling potatoes offer the advantage that they contain fewer toxic chemicals. Such potatoes offer an excellent source of nutrition. Peeled, long-stored potatoes have less nutritional value, especially when fried, although they still have potassium and vitamin C.
Sweet potatoes and yams do not contain solanine. Most yams that you see on grocers shelves are actually sweet potatoes. They have a moderately moist texture and orange flesh. The native sweet potato flesh is dry and pale yellow to whitish.
Most people can easily cope with the solanine in the average portion of potato and show no symptoms of poisoning because the body can break it down and rapidly and excrete the products in the urine.
The solanine, or tomatine, level dramatically decreases in fully ripe tomatoes, to levels less than 5 mg per 1 kg of fruit weight. These low levels pose no health problems to humans, but even in the ripened form the solanine remaining in a tomato is harmful to cats.
Tomatoes and Avocados are fruits and not vegetables. Tomatoes belong to the Nightshade fruit family while Avocados belong to the Laurels family.
Are sweet potatoes nightshades? Sweet potatoes are among the foods that are commonly mistaken as nightshade vegetables, but they're not nightshades.
Nightshade vegetables, such as potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants, contain solanine. This substance may increase the leakiness of the intestines and affect the gastrointestinal microbiota, indirectly increasing the inflammation relating to arthritis.
Onions are not nightshades either.
Solanine has been shown anticarcinogenic potential against various cancer cell lines, but the underlying mechanism involved in inhibition of tumor growth by solanine remains to be further elucidated.
If your potatoes smell bitter, don't eat them, experts say.
Thankfully there are two common signs that a potato has developed dangerous levels of solanine: they can give off a bitter smell, and their skin may turn a shade of green.
Tubers with a high concentration of solanine will taste bitter, and can be harmful if eaten in large quantities. To be safe, it is best to not eat the green part of tubers." You do not need to discard green potatoes. Just peel the skins, shoots and any green color; that is where the solanines concentrate.