Dental sedation should be used only during procedures where significant stress, pain, or fear are expected during pregnancy. Your dentist works with you in choosing the safest sedative, and they'll use as little as possible for your comfort during the procedure if you're pregnant.
Can I have anaesthetic? If you need to have a dental procedure while pregnant, anaesthetic can still be used safely to help you relax and numb the pain. It's essential that you inform your dentist about your pregnancy so they can choose suitable anaesthetics and set appropriate levels.
Elective treatments, such as teeth whitening and other cosmetic procedures, should be postponed until after the birth. It is best to avoid this dental work while pregnant and avoid exposing the developing baby to any risks, even if they are minimal.
Dental fillings are also safe to perform during pregnancy. If you have a cavity that you need to be resolved, you might choose to schedule your filling for your second trimester when the risk of nausea has generally passed. Dental cleaning is also safe for pregnant women.
Third trimester (29th week until childbirth):
It is safe to perform routine dental treatment in the early part of the third trimester, but from the middle of the third trimester routine dental treatment should be avoided.
Inform Your Dentist
Once you're actually pregnant, let your dentist know about it at your appointment. They'll let you know what dental care you should get done and what elective care can wait until later. They also might have special instructions or cautions for you.
Surgery and anesthesia can affect uterine activity and placental perfusion, and therefore fetal oxygenation and fetal heart rate. Fetal heart rate can also be affected directly by medications that readily cross the placenta or indirectly by their influence on maternal hemodynamics.
For example, IV sedation and conscious oral sedation are not typically recommended during pregnancy. Luckily, root canal treatments are performed using local anesthetic injections—local anesthetics are not harmful during pregnancy because, as their name suggests, they are localized to the injection site.
Here are the two options that are safest for pregnant patients and what to expect from them: Nitrous oxide sedation: Also known as “laughing gas,” this method is the mildest form of relaxation. Your dentist will place a mask over your mouth and nose to administer the treatment.
While technically still conscious, IV sedation allows patients to “sleep” through their procedure; once it's over, they have no memory of it. IV sedation is generally not recommended for pregnant patients, but when a case is complicated, we may work with your obstetrician to determine a safe method of sedation for you.
But don't worry, experiencing tooth pain while pregnant is relatively common — you can thank hormones for this! The easiest way to minimize tooth pain during pregnancy is maintaining good oral health habits, which includes: Not skimping on healthy habits — make sure to brush twice a day and floss.
Anaesthetic considerations for non-obstetric surgery during pregnancy. In the context of an anaesthetic, the following are harmful to the fetus and should be avoided: prolonged maternal hypo-/hyperthermia, hypoxaemia, hypercarbia and hypotension.
Regional anesthesia is the most common and effective pain relief during labor. It greatly reduces or eliminates any pain you feel below your waist. It can also be used if a C-section becomes necessary. There are three types of regional anesthesia: spinal, epidural and combined spinal/epidural.
Anesthesia is usually very safe and most kids have no problems. Some research says that general anesthesia or being sedated for a long time in children under 3 years old can lead to changes in brain development. But more recent data is reassuring.
You can pass the bacteria that causes cavities to your baby during pregnancy and after birth. This can cause problems for your baby later in life.
The amount of radiation used in a dental X-ray is very low and, according to both the American Dental Association and the American Pregnancy Association, is not enough to cause any harm to a pregnant woman or her baby.
Most sedative and anesthetic medications can cross the placenta with relative ease, the noted exception being agents that are hydrophilic, highly ionized, or large in molecular size.
Generally, most individuals can safely undergo anesthesia multiple times for various procedures. However, it is essential to consult with your doctor to assess your unique risk factors before any medical intervention.
Average Pregnancy and Delivery Costs
The procedure is common and included in average costs associated with delivery. For uninsured people, the cost of an epidural can range from about $1,000 to over $8,000. Doulas, who support a pregnant person before, during, and sometimes after the delivery, are an optional cost.
If you are pregnant and your toothaches are causing discomfort, your best option is to see your dentist. In cases in which gingivitis or periodontitis is causing your toothache, a professional dental cleaning can alleviate the discomfort. If you have tooth decay, you may need a filling.
Infection – A deep cavity that leads to an abscess can affect not only your health, but that of the baby, especially if the pain is severe enough to cause significant stress. Also, the inflammation and resulting fever can cause stress in the growing fetus.
Acceptable antibiotics include penicillin, amoxicillin, and clindamycin. Tetracycline should be avoided. Pain medications such as Tylenol are approved, but aspirin or ibuprofen should not be used. X-rays: In general, X-rays are best avoided in pregnancy.
Periodontal disease in an expectant mother can even lead to miscarriage or stillbirth. And the cause can be as simple as gestational gingivitis—something that is easily overlooked, even by doctors. The key to limiting the impact of gum disease on pregnancy lies in controlling inflammation.
If you experience toothache while pregnant, call your dentist and tell him or her what you are feeling and if you have had any complications while pregnant. If your dentist is unavailable and you feel as if you have an emergency, go to the emergency room at your nearest hospital.
As your baby develops in the womb, your hormone levels increase, which can lead to tooth pain and other concerning dental symptoms, such as: Plaque buildup – Your body's natural response to fighting off plaque fluctuates during pregnancy, mostly due to hormonal changes.