Phantom Lice Syndrome – Psychosomatic lice. Just thinking about lice can make you itch, and the more you scratch, the more you itch. And the more you may think you have
Psychosomatic Itch
Since the mere thought of head lice is enough to make anyone's head itch, it's important to consider that your itching may not have a physical cause, and is likely just the manifestation of your continued lice-related anxiety.
However, it may take up to 4 to 6 weeks after lice get on the scalp before the scalp becomes sensitive to the lice saliva and begins to itch. Most of the itching happens behind the ears or at the back of the neck. Also, itching caused by head lice can last for weeks, even after the lice are gone.
So, how does this happen? Research into anxiety and itching says that the brain plays a critical role in the sensation of itching. The brain's sensory, motor, and emotion-related areas are activated when we're feeling itchy, and even when we just think about scratching.
Common signs and symptoms of lice include: Intense itching on the scalp, body or in the genital area. A tickling feeling from movement of hair. The presence of lice on your scalp, body, clothing, or pubic or other body hair.
In fact, it can take up to six weeks for a child or adult to develop the typical itchiness that might prompt a head check. And even then, half the people with lice still won't exhibit any symptoms associated with lice.
An intensely itchy scalp without signs of a rash or another skin reaction can be a sign of a nerve problem. Your doctor may say you have neuropathy (neu-rop-ah-thie). It's the medical word for a problem along a nerve due to damage, disease, or an abnormality in the way the nerve works.
Contact dermatitis or atopic dermatitis (eczema)
Another form of dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, can affect the scalp and cause itching. It usually develops in people with a personal or family history of asthma or hay fever. Other symptoms you may notice include dry, cracked and discolored skin.
Best places to look for nits: behind the ears and along the hairline at the neck. Itching of the scalp is the main symptom. A scalp rash may be present. The back of the neck is the favorite area.
The most common symptom of head lice is itching on the scalp, neck and ears. This is an allergic reaction to louse bites. When a person has head lice for the first time, itching may not occur for 4 to 6 weeks.
Can thinking about lice make you itchy? Yes – we call these phantom lice. Sometimes they will even say “is my hair so itchy but no lice are there?” This is an emotional response to being in close proximity to someone who has or is speaking about lice – something nobody wants to have.
NitWits All-In-One Spray, with key active ingredient Dimethicone, is effective in killing lice and eggs in one go*. NitWits All-In-One Head Lice Solution is the latest NitWits innovation that delivers a quick and easy way to kill head lice AND their eggs without the need for rigorous combing.
Avoid head-to-head (hair-to-hair) contact during play and other activities at home, school, and elsewhere (sports activities, playground, slumber parties, camp). Do not share clothing such as hats, scarves, coats, sports uniforms, hair ribbons, or barrettes. Do not share combs, brushes, or towels.
Lice dislike the smell of many things, but the thing they hate most is peppermint. So, before you send your kid off to hang out with other kids, spray them with a peppermint spray. It's the same concept as using a mosquito or bug spray in the summer months, except the scent is less offensive.
University of Pennsylvania neuroscientist Dr. Wenqin Luo places the blame for phantom itch on memories of an itchy past. Thinking about bugs, she explains, might prompt memories of previous experiences – “itchy associations.” Why, then, doesn't thinking about injuries prompt our bodies to feel phantom pains?
Some common causes are: Allergic reactions to food, insect bites, pollen, and medicines. Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin. Irritating chemicals, cosmetics, and other substances.