A research review in 2017 also found that a vitamin D deficiency may weaken the body's immune response, making it more likely to develop infections, including fungal infections.
CARD9 deficiency is a genetic immune disorder characterized by susceptibility to fungal infections like candidiasis, which is caused by the yeast fungus Candida. Typically, Candida does not cause severe problems in healthy people, but it can take advantage of those with a weakened immune system.
In summary, the vitamin B2 (riboflavin), B3 (pantothenic acid), and B9 (folate) pathways appear to offer the most attractive antifungal drug targets among the essential vitamin biosynthetic pathways.
Multiple epidemiological studies in adults and children have demonstrated that vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased risk and greater severity of infection, particularly of the respiratory tract.
According to a study recorded by Cynthia Aranow, M.D. in 2011, “vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased autoimmunity and susceptibility to infection.” Low levels of vitamin D were also found in those suffering with Candida, yeast, bacterial overgrowth, and various digestive disorders.
A moist environment, humid climate, wearing synthetic clothes, sweating excessively, or certain personal habits may make you prone to an occasional superficial fungal infection.
Vitamin D deficiency — when the level of vitamin D in your body is too low — can cause your bones to become thin, brittle or misshapen. Vitamin D also appears to play a role in insulin production and immune function — and how this relates to chronic disease prevention and cancer — but this is still being investigated.
Left untreated, vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis in adults, rickets in children and adverse outcomes in pregnant women. It may also be linked to heart disease, diabetes and cancer — although more study is needed on the topic.
How Much Vitamin D Do I Need Per Day? Besides going outdoors in the sunshine, there are two others ways to improve the amount of vitamin D in your system: eating foods rich in vitamin D and supplements. “Adding an over-the-counter vitamin D supplement can make improvements in just three to four months time.
Use Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is naturally antifungal and antibacterial. Mix it with any carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil and dab over the infected area about three to four times a day. This is one of the most effective home remedies to treat fungal infections.
To help the immune system fight off infection, it is important to not smoke, exercise with regularity, drink in moderation, eat a balanced diet and get plenty of rest.
Fungal infections are typically treated with antifungal drugs, usually with antifungal drugs that are applied directly to the affected area (called topical drugs). Topical drugs may include creams, gels, lotions, solutions, or shampoos. Antifungal drugs may also be taken by mouth.
In fungal infections, vitamin D has also been shown to modulate the production of cytokines such as IL-6, TNFα, IL-17, and IFNγ in monocytes24.
Anyone with a weakened immune system may be more likely to contract a fungal infection, as well as anyone who is taking antibiotics. Cancer treatment and diabetes may also make a person more prone to fungal infections.
Results: The antifungal activity indicted that 100 μg/ml of vitamin D3 had a power inhibition in the growth of C. albicans with zone of inhibition 12.5 mm and CMFC and CMFs were 1.58 ± 0.0764 μg/ml. Conclusion: These values indicate that vitamin D3 can be considered to have fungicide activity.
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with the risk of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, and several clinical/observational studies have suggested the beneficial effect of vitamin D in the therapy of these 2 inflammatory skin disorders.
Severe lack of vitamin D in children causes rickets. Symptoms of rickets include: Incorrect growth patterns due to bowed or bent bones. Muscle weakness.
Bone and lower back pain may be symptoms of inadequate vitamin D levels ( 17 , 18 ). Vitamin D helps maintain bone health by improving your body's absorption of calcium. One study in 98 adults with lower back pain linked lower levels of vitamin D to more severe pain.
Antifungal resistance can occur for many reasons. It sometimes develops spontaneously. Or it may result from antibiotic overuse or misuse of antifungal medicines. People with compromised immune systems are most at risk for developing fungal infections that can lead to antifungal resistance.
Fungi find warm and moist environments favourable for growth, so if you live in an area with hot humid weather, you could be prone to this problem. If your skin tends to be sweaty and moist, you may again be vulnerable. But simple cleanliness tips can help ward off future infections and contain existing ones.