Can you have trauma and not know?

Most people are indeed entirely unaware that they are suffering from trauma at all. Many put their symptoms and negative experiences down to stress which is often vague and unhelpful, particularly when trying to get to the core of the problem.

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Is it possible to have childhood trauma and not know?

Sometimes — as in physical or sexual abuse — trauma is quite obvious. But there are many kinds of childhood trauma that you might not identify as trauma at all.

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Is it possible to have hidden trauma?

Like so many mental disorders, those who suffer from unresolved trauma often suffer in silence. Many of the signs and symptoms of unresolved trauma are invisible, and you may not know the person is suffering unless they directly confide in you.

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What are hidden signs of trauma?

8 Signs of Repressed Childhood Trauma in Adults
  • Strong Unexplained Reactions to Specific People. ...
  • Lack of Ease in Certain Places. ...
  • Extreme Emotional Shifts. ...
  • Attachment Issues. ...
  • Anxiety. ...
  • Childish Reactions. ...
  • Consistent Exhaustion. ...
  • Unable to Cope in Normal Stressful Situations.

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What does undiagnosed trauma look like?

If the trauma is left untreated, one can experience nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, depression, phobias, substance abuse, panic attacks, anger, irritability, or hopelessness. The individual might also begin to have physical symptoms such as gastrointestinal distress, rapid heartbeat, or extreme fatigue.

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6 Signs You Have Emotional Trauma But Don't Know It

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What are signs of unhealed childhood trauma?

Signs of childhood trauma
  • Reliving the event (flashbacks or nightmares)
  • Avoidance.
  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Anger.
  • Problems with trust.
  • Self-destructive or risky behaviors.
  • Withdrawal.

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What does unresolved trauma look like in adults?

The symptoms of unresolved trauma may include, among many others, addictive behaviors, an inability to deal with conflict, anxiety, confusion, depression or an innate belief that we have no value.

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What is silent trauma?

They feel that no one really wants to hear how terrible something was for them, whether it is being sexually assaulted, the suicide of a relative, or combat. People who have experienced any of these examples might feel that no one can understand the experience.

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What does unresolved trauma do to a person?

Unresolved trauma puts people at increased risk for mental health diagnoses, which run the gamut of anxiety, depression and PTSD. There are physical manifestations as well, such as cardiovascular problems like high blood pressure, stroke or heart attacks.

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Can you be subconsciously traumatized?

Some people experience something called subconscious trauma, which is when we develop habits, behavior patterns, and beliefs due to traumatic events that we may not even remember or recognize as harmful.

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What does untreated childhood trauma look like?

Without treatment, repeated childhood exposure to traumatic events can affect the brain and nervous system and increase health-risk behaviors (e.g., smoking, eating disorders, substance use, and high-risk activities).

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What childhood trauma looks like in adults?

Adults who have experienced childhood trauma usually have heightened levels of anxiety. They may worry excessively and have trouble managing their anxiety. It can lead to persistent feelings of sadness, lack of interest in activities, and difficulty experiencing pleasure.

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Why do I have signs of trauma but no trauma?

When Symptoms Occur Without a History of Trauma. It is important to understand that trauma can be inherited independently of difficult family circumstances. A child can develop anxiety, depression, or other stress-related issues such as PTSD as a result of an inherited vulnerability rather than direct trauma.

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Why do I feel like my trauma never happened?

Denial of trauma is a defense mechanism that protects you from emotional pain. Sometimes, however, healing is on the other side of it. Healing from all types of trauma is possible, even if it takes some time. For some people, the first step toward that recovery may be the most difficult one, though.

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Why do clients smile when talking about trauma?

Smiling when discussing trauma is a way to minimize the traumatic experience. It communicates the notion that what happened “wasn't so bad.” This is a common strategy that trauma survivors use in an attempt to maintain a connection to caretakers who were their perpetrators.

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What does trauma release feel like?

After practicing TRE® people often use the words 'grounded', 'relaxed' and 'calmer' to describe their feelings. After a period of several months people have reported relief from illnesses such as Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Eczema and IBS.

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What are 3 symptoms of psychological trauma?

Emotional Trauma Symptoms

Psychological Concerns: Anxiety and panic attacks, fear, anger, irritability, obsessions and compulsions, shock and disbelief, emotional numbing and detachment, depression, shame and guilt (especially if the person dealing with the trauma survived while others didn't)

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How can you tell if someone has unresolved trauma?

Symptoms of Unresolved Trauma

Hypervigilance and inability to let one's guard down5. Lack of trust and difficulty opening up to other people6. Dissociation and a persistent feeling of numbness7. Control issues, to overcompensate for feeling helpless during the traumatic incident8.

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Can someone whose been through trauma not cry?

Some symptoms of depression (which often accompanies PTSD), along with repressed emotions and a loss of interest and pleasure in social activities or physical sensations (often called anhedonia) can cause an inability to cry.

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How do you identify someone who has experienced trauma?

Signs and symptoms of emotional & psychological trauma
  1. Intrusive thoughts of the event that may occur out of the blue.
  2. Nightmares.
  3. Visual images of the event.
  4. Loss of memory and concentration abilities.
  5. Disorientation.
  6. Confusion.
  7. Mood swings.

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What does unhealed childhood trauma look like in adults?

Childhood trauma in adults also results in feeling disconnected, and being unable to relate to others. Studies have shown that adults that experience childhood trauma were more likely to struggle with controlling emotions, and had heightened anxiety, depression, and anger.

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How do I know if I was neglected as a child?

How do I know if I was emotionally neglected as a child? There are several signs such as feelings of detachment, lack of peer group, dissociative inclinations, and difficulty in being emotionally present.

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What is trauma blocking?

What is Trauma blocking? Trauma blocking is an effort to block out and overwhelm residual painful feelings due to trauma. You may ask “What does trauma blocking behavior look like? · Trauma blocking is excessive use of social media and compulsive mindless scrolling.

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How do I know if I've been traumatized as a child?

Some of the symptoms of trauma in children (and adults) closely mimic depression, including too much or too little sleep, loss of appetite or overeating, unexplained irritability and anger, and problems focusing on projects, school work, and conversation.

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How does a person with trauma behave?

Emotional reactions to trauma

fear, anxiety and panic. shock – difficulty believing in what has happened, feeling detached and confused. feeling numb and detached. not wanting to connect with others or becoming withdrawn from those around you.

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