Dehydration can cause all sorts of mischief, both visible and invisible, to the cells in our body, including our skin cells. The good news is that these signs of dehydration can be easily reversed by rehydrating our bodies and moisturizing our skin.
Ivy Lee, a board-certified dermatologist practicing in southern California, told Insider that while all fine lines improve with more moisturization, dehydration lines (which can look just like wrinkles) tend to go away once you start using the right skincare products.
If your skin is dehydrated, it might appear sunken or shadowy—you'll notice a dull tone to your skin, or dark circles under your eyes. Where you have wrinkles or fine lines on your skin, they may look more defined, particularly around your face and the backs of your hands.
If your skin is dehydrated, you may notice itchiness, dullness, under-eye circles, sunken eyes, and/or more noticeable fine lines. Severely dehydrated skin symptoms may include dizziness, dry mouth, lightheadedness and/or weakness.
Although they start as temporary wrinkles, when skin is neglected for long periods those lines can become more permanent. Dry dehydrated skin will never look its best. The easiest way to quickly improve wrinkles caused by dry dehydrated skin is to hydrate the skin both internally and externally.
ARE FOREHEAD WRINKLES REVERSIBLE? Yes—well, sort of. “In some cases if lines are not deeply set into the skin, you can totally reverse them,” says New York-based dermatologist Joshua Zeichner. However, he cautions, “If lines are deeply etched into the skin, you may not be able to completely eliminate them.”
Unlike wrinkles, dehydration lines are not caused by aging but by dehydration itself. Dehydrated skin is a skin condition often caused by external elements like the weather and seasonal changes [2]. It can be also largely associated with your diet and lifestyle choices.
When your skin is dehydrated, your skin will display signs of premature aging like less elasticity and more fine lines and wrinkles. Just like the rest of our bodies, our skin is mostly made of water. So when it is missing its normal level of moisture, the skin will not perform its functions as it normally would.
While dry skin does not directly cause wrinkles, proper skin hydration and moisture can reduce dryness and wrinkling.
The reason that dry and dehydrated skin can appear more wrinkled is simply down to the fact that dry or dehydrated skin can appear even thinner and duller than skin that is well hydrated. This means the skin is likely to be low on collagen, therefore be saggy and sallow.
What Are the Causes of Crepey Skin? While there are many causes of crepey skin, including aging, hormonal changes, dehydration, weight loss, using tobacco, and even stress, Dr. McMahan says, “The main reason people develop crepey skin is prolonged or excessive exposure to sunlight.
As the skin loses moisture to both the external and internal environment after consuming substances like these, it loses elasticity and can exaggerate facial wrinkles or issues like flaky skin.
“Everyone wants a quick fix when it comes to making skin look better, but drinking more water isn't going to help get rid of wrinkles or plump up your skin unless you are extremely dehydrated,” says Elizabeth Damstetter, MD, a dermatologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.
Try Retinoids, the Ultimate Skin-Plumping and Firming Superheroes. Among all the available products, if there's one you buy, make it a retinoid. “A daily sunscreen and nightly retinoid can actually prevent the need for injectables,” says Lauren Ploch, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Aiken, South Carolina.
One of the most obvious signs of dehydration is a lack of elasticity in the skin: You'll notice more prominent fine lines and wrinkles, and skin may appear dull or begin to sag. As such, skin hydration is often mistaken for dryness or premature aging.
Signs of severe dehydration include: Not peeing or having very dark yellow pee. Very dry skin. Feeling dizzy.
If a complete dehydration approach is taken, this means the 75% of a muscle that is water will also be significantly depleted. This results in smaller and flatter looking muscles.
Drinking adequate amounts of water is important to keeping skin hydrated and supple, and is especially important in preventing crepey skin. By ensuring you are properly hydrated with a higher water intake, you can provide your skin with the hydration it requires to stay elastic and moisturized.