You can bathe or shower with or without wearing your pouching system. Normal exposure to air or water will not harm or enter your stoma. If you're showering without your pouch, remove the skin barrier too.
Taking a Skin Break
Many people enjoy leaving their skin uncovered for 15 to 30 minutes after taking their pouching system off. This is called a skin break. Taking a skin break can help with irritation or keep it from happening. You can decide if you want to take a skin break.
You can either bathe with the pouch on or take it off - there's no damage that will be caused to the stoma if you choose to shower with the pouch off. If you shower with the pouch on the pouches are waterproof, the water just sits on top of the cover and can be towel dried.
It's totally safe to shower without a stoma bag as long as you just use water and pH-autobalancing soap. In fact, 29%* of colostomy patients always shower bag-less, another 29%* on 3-4 days per week. However, in case of a recent surgery, wounds, or high output, you should leave the bag on while showering.
Avoid applying products that contain alcohol as they can cause dry skin. Do not use skin products made with oil. They will make it difficult for the pouch to stay attached. If you have hair on the skin surrounding the ostomy, you may need to keep it shaved so the pouch will stick.
It's always a good idea to empty or change your stoma bag before you go to bed as it will help to prevent your bag from filling up too much overnight and disturbing your sleep. A full stoma bag is always at risk of leaking and that's not something you want to experience during the night.
The best position to sleep in when you have a stoma is on your back, or on your side. If you prefer to sleep on your stomach, this will be fine at the beginning of the night but increases the chances of leaks as the night progresses and your bag fills.
You can swim or be in the water while wearing your pouching system. Remember, your pouching system is water-resistant and is designed not to leak with the proper seal. Water will not harm or enter your stoma.
If your stoma is near your waist, avoid tight pants, skirts or belts that sit directly over the stoma. You may feel more comfortable wearing pants or skirts with a higher or looser waistband, or with an elastic waistband.
Cleanliness is one of the most important aspects when adjusting to life with a stoma. Once you've pushed the stool into the toilet, take some toilet paper and clean the inside and outside of the opening. Flushable wipes are very good to use in this instance, as they'll help eliminate any unsightly odor.
You may feel concerned about getting your stoma or skin wet, but normal exposure to water and air will not harm your stoma in any way.
After a stoma, the bottom part of the bowel no longer has poo passing through it, but it still produces mucus. Dead cells from the lower bowel or rectum may be mixed in with the mucus. The mucus may leak out of the anus, or you may feel the urge to go to the toilet.
Some common complications of stoma include poor siting, parastomal hernia (PH), prolapse, retraction, ischemia/necrosis, peristomal dermatologic problems, mucocutaneous separation, and pyoderma gangrenosum. Each will be discussed separately in further detail.
A colostomy is an operation to divert 1 end of the colon (part of the bowel) through an opening in the tummy. The opening is called a stoma. A pouch can be placed over the stoma to collect your poo (stools). A colostomy can be permanent or temporary.
Change your pouch every 5 to 8 days. If you have itching or leakage, change it right away. If you have a pouch system made of 2 pieces (a pouch and a wafer) you can use 2 different pouches during the week. Wash and rinse the pouch not being used, and let it dry well.
Diarrhoea can occur from time to time with ostomates, whether you have a colostomy or an ileostomy. Loose, watery stool can make life more difficult for an ostomate as it becomes more difficult to change the stoma bag, not to mention feeling unwell and losing vital fluids.
You'll need to remove the entire unit (pouch and wafer) and replace it, making sure that the wafer is securely attached to your peristomal skin before leaving the restroom. Regardless of if you're using a one-piece or a two-piece pouch, you'll need to put your used ostomy bag into something you can discard it in.
You can bathe or shower with or without wearing your pouching system. Normal exposure to air or water will not harm or enter your stoma. If you're showering without your pouch, remove the skin barrier too. Try to create a routine that coincides with when you're due for a pouch change.
You may wish to keep your clothing loose for the first couple of weeks, because your tummy may feel uncomfortable. But the good news is that in a few weeks, you should be able to wear your usual clothes. Wearing tight-fitting clothes will not affect your stoma.
Make sure your clothes are not too tight around the bag.
You may need to be careful that waistbands do not rest below the stoma restricting ability to drain into your pouch. Depending on stoma placement, you may feel more comfortable with high- or low-rise waistband items, like underwear, jeans, or activewear.
Most people will be aware of the smell of their colostomy because it's their own body. But someone standing next to you will not be able to smell the stoma. You'll have more gas than usual immediately after having a colostomy, but this will slowly reduce as your bowel recovers.
Top Tip: Wear a thin vest or top underneath other clothing, to keep your stoma pouch flat without deterring from the line of your clothes.
Instead of going to your bladder, urine will go outside of your abdomen. The part that sticks outside your abdomen is called the stoma. After a urostomy, your urine will go through your stoma into a special bag called a urostomy pouch.