Full time students are generally ineligible for JSP unless the study is undertaken as part of their mutual obligations.
You can only get Austudy or Youth Allowance as a student for a set amount of time. We call this allowable time. If your study load is 75% instead of 100% you may run out of allowable time. This means you may not get your student payment for the whole time it takes to finish your course.
For more information about suitable voluntary work, click here. According to the Mutual Obligation Requirements Guideline, unemployed workers can undertake part-time study or training in a Certificate III or higher to meet their mutual obligations.
You may be an independent job seeker if you've supported yourself through full time paid work. This applies if you work full time for at least 18 months within any 2 year period. You don't need to work for 18 months in a row, or in the same job. Full time work is an average of 30 hours a week.
Most unemployed people will have full-time mutual obligation requirements of at least 70 hours per fortnight. If you are working less than 70 hours per fortnight (casually or part-time) you will still have to look for full-time work or undertake other suitable activities.
If you get DSP, you can have paid work up to 29 hours a week. You can do this without losing your DSP payment providing you meet the income test.
Yes. If you are a full-time student you can get your payment if you are studying outside Australia as part of a full-time Australian course. You will need to get a statement from UNSW confirming: that you will remain enrolled with your Australian educational institution.
It replaces the “Jobactive” system that required the “mutual obligation” of applying for 20 jobs a month for payments to continue. You must now instead earn 100 points a month through a variety of activities, including applying for jobs, attending courses and even working.
“Jobseeker rates should be sufficient for an unemployed recipient to pay their basic needs, but not high enough to discourage active job hunting. To maintain a low level of structural unemployment increasing rates beyond the pandemic crisis is not recommended.” There is mixed data to suggest if this is true or not.
The Work Bonus income bank is useful for pensioners who wish to work, particularly those who undertake intermittent or occasional work. Note: from 1 December 2022 to 31 December 2023, a one-off, temporary credit of $4,000 applies to Work Bonus income bank balances.
Centrelink administered payments for students are not paid indefinitely. A limit is placed on how long you may continue to receive payment at each level of study. This limit is based on the course you are currently undertaking. Other study you have previously undertaken at the same level may also be taken into account.
You can get the loan up to 2 times a year, once each loan period. Loans are tax free and you don't need to declare them to us as income for your regular student payment. You have to pay back the loan once you start earning a certain amount of income.
View the full conditions of Jobseeker. You can usually only study part time, if you are receiving an unemployment payment.
Payments from us
You may be able to get a payment from us while you study at a higher level. If you get a payment from us, you need to keep us up to date while you're studying. This is because changes to your circumstances can affect your payment from us. You need to tell us about any changes within 14 days.
Sign in to myGov and select Centrelink. Select MENU from your homepage. Select My details, then Personal and contact details and Manage study details.
Your payment will generally reduce by 60 cents for each dollar of income your partner has over $1,233 per fortnight. The point at which your payment reduces may be different depending on if your partner is either: under 22 years of age.
Under the income test applied to the JobSeeker payments, if you're single and not a principal carer, you can earn up to $150 per fortnight pre tax, before your payment is affected.
You can build up a maximum of 48 Working Credits each fortnight. You can build up a total of 1,000 Working Credits if you're getting any of the following payments: JobSeeker Payment.
Explanation: As full-time study is a minimum of 20 contact hours per week, a student needs to do only 15 contact hours per week, that is, 75% of a full-time workload, to qualify as a full-time student under Austudy.
Most full-time students need between 20 and 40 hours of private study per week (in addition to classes). Try to establish a weekly routine of study times.
Your payment is reduced by 50 cents for each dollar your gross income is over $480, up to $575 per fortnight. Once your gross income exceeds $575 per fortnight, your payment reduces at a rate of 60 cents for every dollar over $575.
Job seekers getting Youth Allowance
If you get Youth Allowance as a job seeker you can earn money and still get your payment. We'll start to reduce your payment if your income is more than $150 a fortnight. Your payment will reduce by 50 cents for each dollar of income you have between $150 and $250.
Cost-of-living package in federal budget delivers $40-a-fortnight welfare boost and energy relief | Australian budget 2023 | The Guardian.
Employment Verification Reports
We may send you an Employer Verification Report. This includes an Employment verification letter and a questionnaire. We use it to confirm employee details and to make sure they receive the correct payment or service from us.