Did Poseidon cheat on Athena with Medusa?

Medusa and Poseidon engaged in a love affair and would have two children together, but not before Athena discovered the illicit affair. When Athena discovered the affair, she was enraged and immediately cursed Medusa by taking away her beauty.

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Did Medusa sleep with Poseidon willingly?

In the origin as a Greek myth, Medusa is yet another simple monster, and was not raped by Poseidon, but willingly had an affair, and her becoming a gorgon was punishment for choosing to do this, defiling the Athenian temple by having sex in a blessed place, and defying her chastity vows.

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Why did Athena and Poseidon not like each other?

Not satisfied with lordship over the sea, Poseidon coveted earthly realms as well. In his dispute with Athena for dominion over Athens, the two gods had a contest as to which one could give the Athenians the best gift. Poseidon shoved his trident into the Acropolis and produced a flowing stream or a horse.

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Why did Athena punish Medusa and not Poseidon?

“Instead of punishing Poseidon, Athena turns her rage against Medusa, on the one hand because she is not able to punish the powerful Poseidon, and on the other hand because she is envious of Medusa´s beauty.”

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What happened with Athena and Poseidon?

According to legend, Athena became the patron goddess of the city of Athens after a competition with Poseidon, though he remained on the Acropolis in the form of his surrogate, Erechtheus. After the fight, Poseidon sent a monstrous flood to the Attic plain to punish the Athenians for not choosing him.

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44 related questions found

Did Athena ever fall in love?

She never had a true lover or someone to hug and hold her; all she had was her loving mother, caring father and most of all her brothers and sisters. For some very strange reason it was hopeless that she would fall in love; Hephaestus tried once, yet failed. Athena was well known for giving advice/mentoring heroes.

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Why did they choose Athena over Poseidon?

Athena's gift was superior beyond doubt. Without hesitation, Cecrops proclaimed Athena the winner of the competition and the goddess of wisdom gave her name to the city, which was hence called Athens.

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Why did Poseidon abuse Medusa?

In fact, she was gorgeous and attracted the attention of the sea god Poseidon. There was a problem though; Medusa had taken an oath of chastity in order to serve the virgin goddess Athena in her temple. Instead of taking no for an answer, Poseidon brutally attacked and raped Medusa inside of Athena's temple.

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Why did Athena want Medusa dead?

When Medusa had an affair with the sea god Poseidon, Athena punished her. She turned Medusa into a hideous hag, making her hair into writhing snakes and her skin was turned a greenish hue. Anyone who locked gaze with Medusa was turned into stone. The hero Perseus was sent on a quest to kill Medusa.

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Is Athena in love with Poseidon?

Athena's feelings about Poseidon are not really discussed, though they are clearly rivals. Athena and Poseidon entered into a contest to be the patron of Athens. Poseidon produces a spring of water but it was salty. Athena bested Poseidon by producing an olive tree on the Acropolis.

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Why was Athena jealous of Medusa and Poseidon?

In fact, Athena was jealous of Medusa's beauty and lustrous hair. Poseidon ravaged her and took what she held dearly, her purity. Athena, outraged by this incident, cursed Medusa and turned her wonderful hair into venomous snakes, her beautiful face turned so ugly that any man who gazed upon would turn to stone.

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Did Poseidon love Medusa?

Poseidon was enamored by Medusa's beauty, and Medusa returned the same feelings. Medusa and Poseidon engaged in a love affair and would have two children together, but not before Athena discovered the illicit affair.

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Why did Athena betray Zeus?

She was affected by the evil's, becoming greedy and ambitious to rule the world after the destruction of the Greek pantheon. She could have been jealous of Zeus' authority over the world, which would also explain why she wanted Kratos to kill him.

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Did Medusa get pregnant by Poseidon?

So, when Poseidon raped Medusa she became pregnant. When her head was chopped off by Perseus, her children came to be. Pegasus and Chrysaor sprung from the severed neck of Medusa. Pegasus is also one of the most famous characters in Greek mythology, the winged white horse.

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Is Medusa a victim or villain?

The myth of Medusa carries with it a plethora of issues. Yes, she was a monster, but she was also a victim. Garbati's work is a reminder that monsters are not always villains, and that the characterisation of good or evil is often complex.

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Was Medusa forced to marry Poseidon?

He also happened to be an enemy of Athena. So, to spite his foe, he decided to rape her priestess right inside her temple – humiliating the priestess, and breaking the vow of celibacy she had taken in service to Athena. The Gods took their lovers as life partners, and that's how Medusa came to be Poseidon's wife.

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Why was Athena cruel to Medusa?

The snake-haired Medusa does not become widespread until the first century B.C. The Roman author Ovid describes the mortal Medusa as a beautiful maiden seduced by Poseidon in a temple of Athena. Such a sacrilege attracted the goddess' wrath, and she punished Medusa by turning her hair to snakes.

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What is the true story of Medusa?

Medusa was a beautiful woman who was raped, killed and beheaded by various gods. However even in the face of tragedy and disgrace, the Medusa was portrayed as meaningful. Following the moment her head was removed, a Pegasus flew out of her body, representing the birth of beauty.

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Who killed Poseidon?

Poseidon warned Kratos that Olympus' destruction meant the world's destruction. The Ghost of Sparta did not react and told him to prepare for his own death, Kratos proceeded to brutally beat on the sea god, before finally finishing Poseidon by gouging out his uncle's eyes with his thumbs and snapping his neck.

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What did Poseidon do after seeing Medusa?

Poseidon (Neptune), god of the sea, also noticed the girl – Medusa – and decided she would be his. Fleeing from him, Medusa came to the temple of Athena (Minerva), goddess of wisdom. Poseidon captured Medusa in the temple and violated her.

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What did Poseidon do with Medusa's head?

From the blood that spurted from her neck sprang Chrysaor and Pegasus, her two sons by Poseidon. The severed head, which had the power of turning into stone all who looked upon it, was given to Athena, who placed it in her shield; according to another account, Perseus buried it in the marketplace of Argos.

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Does Medusa hate Poseidon?

There are several variations of the myth, some of which claim that Medusa was seduced by Poseidon, falling in love with him and choosing to forego her dedication to Athena. The more common version suggests that Medusa remained loyal to the Goddess and was taken by Poseidon against her will.

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Why did Athena become a virgin goddess?

One of the reasons she became a virgin was to avoid having a fate similar to her mother, Metis. Even though she is a virgin goddess, Athena has demigod children, who are born from her own thoughts combined with the thoughts of mortal men she loves. These children are "gifts" to the men she favors.

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Was Athena mad at Poseidon?

On another occasion, Poseidon seduced the gorgeous maiden, Medusa, in one of Athena's temples. Naturally, the virgin goddess was enraged that her temple was so defiled. Athena retaliated by transforming Medusa into a hideous monster with snakes for hair who would turn anyone who looked at her into stone.

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Why did Athena want Zeus dead?

She stated that Zeus' death was necessary if humanity was ever to be freed, and would aid Kratos throughout his quest. Athena aiding Kratos in Astral Form in God of War III.

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