From all these Hadiths we conclude that the Prophet took care of his hair, combing it frequently and applying lotion and perfume as was available to him.
Hair care in Islam
The Prophet (pbuh) ordered that the hair on the head to be washed from the root three times in the ritual bath and wiped at every Wudu. Jubair ibn al-Mut'am narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) said, “I pour three handfuls of water over my head, and he pointed to his hands” (Al-Bukhari, 1987).
The use of hair oil is directly mentioned in the Sunnah; Our Mother A'ishah (radhi Allahu anha) also narrated that “The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) used to (put) bend his head (out) to me while he was in Itikaf in the Mosque during my monthly periods and I would comb and oil his hair.”
It is sunnah to keep hair up to the earlobe. One should start combing from right side then from left side. One should apply oil in this way. Whatever oil whether olive or mustard can be applied, it will suffice for sunnah.
It is Sunnah to oil your hair and there are many AHadiths that mention the blessings received when oiling and combing the hair. Our Prophet (S.A.W) has said whoever combs their eyebrows is protected from any contagious disease.
Extensive use of olive oil and olive leaves is cited in the Holy Bible as a natural healer. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said “Eat olive oil and massage it over your bodies since it is a holy (Mubarak) tree”.
The Medicine of the Prophet: Sidr (Lote) leaves, a natural shampoo and much more! The Sidr tree is mentioned numerous times in the Quraan and Sunna.
Moye Hayat Islamic Hair Oil A supreme formula that helps protect and promote strong hair growth and shine, which with regular use will help reduce hair loss and split-ends.
The basic principle, as mentioned by Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) is that if a person uses dihn (cream or oil) on the parts of the body washed during wudoo', the dihn either remains solid, in which case it must be removed before doing wudoo', because if the dihn remains solid, then it prevents ...
A 2015 study found that oils can help revive hair with a much-needed moisture boost. Another study from 2021 found that coconut oil strengthens hair fibers. Especially for hair that's been affected by intense styling and heat damage, hair oiling can fill in some gaps to keep it moisturized and, in turn, silky smooth.
From all these Hadiths we conclude that the Prophet took care of his hair, combing it frequently and applying lotion and perfume as was available to him.
When his hair grew long because of travel or other reasons, the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) would put it into four braids, which was in accordance with the custom of the Arabs.
His hair are neither curly nor straight, but a mixture of the two. He is a man of black hair and large skull. His complexion has a tinge of redness. His shoulder bones are broad and his palms and feet are fleshy.
It is one of the miracles of Islam that the relics of Holy Prophet have been preserved and exist in the same condition with no decay. These relics are preserved at some places which also include Topaki Palace Museum in Turkey. Prophet Muhammad during his Hajj pilgrimage had distributed his hair to his companions.
Holly Prophet Muhammad s.a.v.s. recommended entire hygiene of teeth, gums, through tooth brushing and washing mouths by water three times.
Muslims learn about the Prophet's views on facial hair not from the Koran, but through hadith - or sayings - attributed to Muhammad. One such hadith, in a collection by Muslim scholar Muhammad al-Bukhari centuries ago, stipulates: "Cut the moustaches short and leave the beard."
Leaving oil on your hair everyday for too long can cause product build-up on your scalp. It may also clog your pores, attract dirt and accumulate dandruff. Oiling your hair everyday also means that you have to wash it with shampoo everyday. This is not ideal to achieve healthy, lustrous and soft hair.
Leaving oil on your hair overnight can make it greasy and sticky, and it will also attract dust from your pillow and bed. As a result, it can lead to hair loss and other hair problems.
Recite Surah Al-Lail 11 times (Durood Sharif thrice in the beginning and end) on pure almond/coconut/olive oil and apply on your scalp and roots and tips of your hair as frequently as you can. See the miraculous results, Insha'Allah.
While a hijab can come in many forms, it often specifically refers to a headscarf, wrapped around the head and neck, covering the hair, neck, and ears but leaving the face visible. The use of the hijab has been on the rise worldwide since the 1970s and is viewed by many Muslims as expressing modesty and faith.
Here the perfume that the prophet Muhammad is referring to is the scent of aloes or a combination of aloes and camphor (Book 27 no. 5601) (Sahih Muslim).
The siwak, a tree-twig, was in use for brushing and cleansing the teeth long before the advent of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as his sayings indicate that the miswak was a practice of all the Prophets of Allah.
Prophet Mohammed recommended miswak to be used to maintain proper oral hygiene, hence is considered by Muslims to be the first dental educator in oral hygiene. Orthodox Muslims practice miswak tooth cleaning five times daily as an important part of ablutions before worship.