Tolkien considered Sam a hero of the story. Psychologists have seen Sam's quest as a psychological journey of love. Tolkien's biographers have noted the resemblance of Sam's relationship with
In one of his letters, Tolkien described Sam is as the "chief hero" and placed special emphasis on his "rustic love" for Rosie. He was known for rescuing Frodo at Cirith Ungol, and carrying him up Mount Doom. He was one of only two Ring-bearers strong enough to surrender the Ring voluntarily.
But Sam represents a kind of heroism that we're all capable of. He is good, humble, unselfish, and tenderhearted. And when the odds are stacked against them, when Frodo wants to give up and give in to the corrupting power of the One Ring, it's Sam who keeps the journey on track and drives them toward Mount Doom.
There is more than enough evidence that Sam is the real hero of the story, despite Frodo being at the forefront of the story. It's mostly because he was the one who helped Frodo fulfill his task and carried him throughout the whole journey.
No, Sam was not inspired by any specific friend of Tolkien's. Rather he was inspired by the many common English soldiers Tolkien met in the war, including the batmen (officer's personal servants) assigned to him.
But when watching Frodo and Sam interact, there always seemed to be a lot more there than just friendship, and that's not even counting the master-servant relationship. In the second book, Sam does say he loves Frodo.
After all, Sam's loyalty is partly a result of his servant status. Since Sam knows his place and has no ambition to rise socially, he never appears to envy Frodo's wealth or authority in the Shire. In fact, it's quite the opposite: Sam loves and admires his master, as though Frodo's honor reflects well on Sam himself.
We asked readers which character from Lord of the Rings would make for the best roommate.
Yet strangely, the greatest task of all is given to Frodo, the smallest and weakest of Tolkien's characters. This unlikely hero does not seek adventure, has no special abilities, and comes from a race of people who are unknown. Frodo, and others like him, is simply an ordinary person swept up in extraordinary events.
Because Sam is Sam, he forgives Frodo immediately and then turns his thoughts to the journey ahead. He goes and finds clothes for Frodo and whatever food he can scrounge up, and then they get the heck outta Cirith Ungol. The Watchers aren't about to let them out, though, so Sam pulls out Galadriel's phial again.
All Gandalf needed to do was give the suggestion to Bilbo that he should give up the Ring, and he was able to do it because the Ring had already made the decision. As for Sam, his resistance likely has to do with his innate goodness and loyalty.
Because he was also a Ring-bearer, he was allowed to pass over the Sea to be reunited with Frodo in the Undying Lands. He married Estella Bolger some time after the end of the Third Age and later became the Master of Buckland.
Tolkien considered Sam a hero of the story. Psychologists have seen Sam's quest as a psychological journey of love. Tolkien's biographers have noted the resemblance of Sam's relationship with Frodo to that of military servants to British Army officers in the First World War.
Played by Sean Astin, the brave Samwise saves Frodo from ultimate demise and from straying from his course, time and time again. There would be no Middle-earth without Samwise Gamgee, really. Here are five moments that prove that he was the true hero of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Hobbits are naturally more resistant to the influences of the ring than other races (Gandalf comments on this). Sam had only been carrying the ring for a short time, the longer the ring is in someone's possession, the more addicted they become to it. Sam's love for Frodo was too great for the ring to corrupt.
Based on his portrayal in the movie, Sam wasn't intelligent enough for the ring, so it wasn't tempted to turn him. The ring likes a challenge. Don't forget that Frodo had the Ring for considerably longer than Sam, and even offered it up freely on at least two occasions (once to Gandalf and another time to Galadriel).
The Rings of Power has shown that Galadriel can be reckless, vindictive and even cruel at times. At the beginning of the series, she is shown to be pushing her soldiers far beyond their limits, to the point that they even mutiny against her.
There is hatred in Galadriel that makes her something more than a hero. Rings of Power has made an interesting and unique decision to set a gritty anti-hero gradually finding her way to pure-hearted heroism in the starring role.
Another issue that clearly separates Bilbo Baggins from the classic hero's concept is the fact that he “betrays” his group. By giving the Arkenstone to Bard, knowing that was one of the items the Dwarves wanted the most, Bilbo is accused of treason, something that was unthinkable for the classic hero.
Other than Thor and Odin, certain other individuals have proven worthy of lifting Mjolnir in the primary continuity: Roger "Red" Norvell (a deliberate ruse by Odin) Beta Ray Bill. Buri (also known as Tiwaz, Thor's great-grandfather)
Beta Ray Bill, one of Marvel's most unique-looking heroes, was the first Marvel character who wasn't a Norse deity to be able to wield Mjolnir. A member of the Korbinite race, Bill was chosen to lead his people, and in his journey stumbled upon Thor. The alien warrior defeated the God of Thunder and claimed his hammer.
However, Odin and Mjolnir may still have the last laugh since, by negating the spell, the Scarlet Witch could potentially remove the hammer's ability to grant its wielders Thor's power. So, while she could technically lift Mjolnir, Wanda might just end up turning Thor's mighty hammer into an extra-heavy paperweight!
I think it possible that the ring falls to Sauron without Sam. However, I think it also possible that Gollum would have killed Frodo had it not been for Sam. Assuming that Frodo still left the fellowship when he did I think it possible Gollum would have been alone with Frodo and throttled him in his sleep.
Sam Never Breaks a Promise
I don't mean to.” Even when Frodo sends Sam away on the Stairs of Cirith Ungol, Sam ultimately returns to his best friend's side and saves his life. There is no doubt that without Sam's unwavering loyalty to Frodo, the quest to destroy the Ring would have failed.
Curiously, Sean Astin is a full decade older than Elijah Wood despite the pair's on-screen parity. Although make-up and performance cover the difference quite nicely, the casting suggests Sam was meant to feel a little older than Frodo in the movies, altering their dynamic as Tolkien originally wrote it.