Grand Master Yoda encountered the specter of Darth Bane during the Clone Wars. During the war, Jedi Grand Master Yoda ventured to Moraband on a journey to discover the secrets of immortality. He entered Bane's tomb and encountered a fiery vision of the ancient Dark Lord.
At the end of the clone wars it is made clear that yoda has knowledge of Darth bane and that he created the rule of 2, surely they could only know this if a Sith told them or they learnt from a Sith holocron which requires a dark side user to open which poses the questions: who told them? or who opened the holocron?
In the Star Wars: The Clone Wars season six episode "Sacrifice", Darth Bane appears as an apparition to Yoda on the Sith home planet Moraband. He is voiced by Mark Hamill, who portrayed Luke Skywalker in the films.
"Sacrifice" is the thirteenth and final episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' sixth season.
How did Darth Bane die? - Quora. He dies in a final duel against his apprentice Darth Zannah. Worried that Zannah is too weak to truly carry on his newly established Rule of Two, Bane devises an attempt to prolong his life. Zannah was not impressed, feeling that Bane was breaking his own rules…
Requesting that Githany secretly teach him Force techniques she learned from the masters, Bane also began private lightsaber combat instruction with Kas'im.
1 Darth Sidious
There has been no Sith, as powerful, meticulous, nor as evil as the Emperor himself, Darth Sidious. As previously mentioned, Sidious trained in the Dark Side by Darth Plagueis before Sidious killed Plagueis in his sleep, making Sidious a Sith Master.
Yoda would absolutely annihilate Darth Bane. The whole point of the Rule of Two is that each “generation” of Sith Lords surpasses the last.
He once stood in the middle of the Jedi Council, and not a single Jedi Master (including Yoda) could sense the dark side in him. Moreover, he also used a technique known as “Sever Force,” to dampen the Force abilities of every single Jedi in the galaxy, with little to no effort as well.
Master Yoda has risen above all others to claim the top spot as the most powerful Jedi of all time and the true chosen one according to IGN's audience. He won pretty handily as well, as he was victorious in 89,756 of his 95,243 battles and had a win percentage of 94.2%.
killed by an Imperial strike team, his dark side, like many Seth before him, refused to let go of life.
He was still completely unaware of the Sidious/ Palpatine connection until ROTS. He also said during TCW season 6 that the Jedi order must believe in the clones and end the war before the Sith's plans are realized.
Darth Bane's lightsaber was the weapon wielded by the Dark Lord of the Sith for most of his career. The weapon was given to him by his lightsaber instructor, Kas'im, who had in turn taken it from his own master upon killing him.
Bane was also forced to create a special helmet and mask that he wore while he slept, in order to prevent the orbalisks from eventually growing over his eyes, nose, and mouth and smothering him.
More cunning and devious than all but the most attuned Force-sensitive beings, Darth Bane could more than likely defeat Yoda in a battle of both strength and wit.
Most of them were just happy to last longer than 20 seconds against the Grandmaster, and bragged about it to their friends if they could.
Darth Sidious, also known as the Emperor and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, is not just the evilest Sith in Star Wars (arguably in both canon and Legends) but the evilest villain overall, deemed so thanks to his irredeemable actions throughout the Skywalker saga and surrounding content.
Sirak was renowned at the Academy for his strength in the dark side and his skills in lightsaber combat. He developed a rival in the fellow apprentice Bane, whom Sirak believed was one of the few students that could eventually challenge his place at the Academy.
Darth Zannah was Darth Bane's apprentice in Star Wars Legends.
Darth Bane
Attracted by his strength and ambition, Githany began a relationship with the future Dark Lord while the pair were studying at the Korriban Sith academy.