Artemis and Apollo remained close to each other forever. Both siblings would become associated with the skill of archery, and they enjoyed hunting together. In addition, both had the power to send plagues upon mortals.
Artemis was the daughter of Zeus and Leto and the twin sister of Apollo.
Like Hecate, the Cypress Tree is sacred to Artemis and her brother Apollo because the trees were one of the plants found on Delos, their birth place. Artemis and Aphrodite clashed with each other many times due to Artemis not believing in love and Aphrodite's belief in love.
Artemis was distraught at Apollo's trick, and so she turned Orion into a constellation. In retaliation, she also killed one of Apollo's own love interests, named Chione, when provoked. Chione had boasted that she was more beautiful than Artemis because both Apollo and Hermes had fallen for her.
Apollo grew jealous of Artemis's affection to Orion and some stories say that sent a scorpion that stung Orion in the heel. Others tell that Apollo bet that Artemis could not shoot a speck in the distance and when she did, she learned that the speck was actually Orion.
Apollo's love for Daphne was so strong that the god of prophecy was unable to foretell his future but still, his emotions were uncontrollable. He approached the nymph whom he now saw more beautiful and virtuous than she actually was.
In Greek mythology, Hyacinthus was a Spartan prince of remarkable beauty and a lover of the sun god Apollo.
In another version of the story, she changed herself into a doe and jumped between them. The Aloadae threw their spears and so mistakenly killed one another.
One day Apollo saw Coronis and became enamoured of her. He lay with her in her home, and consequently she became pregnant.
HYAKINTHOS (Hyacinthus) A prince of Lakedaimonia (southern Greece) who was loved by the gods Apollon and Zephryos. He was accidentally slain by Apollon in a game of quoits and transformed into a flower.
Artemis and Apollo remained close to each other forever. Both siblings would become associated with the skill of archery, and they enjoyed hunting together. In addition, both had the power to send plagues upon mortals.
There is at least one myth that makes it explicit that she shared a degree of physical intimacy with one of her nymphs, Callisto.
According to one story, Artemis loved the giant huntsman Orion and lived with him in the forest. Eventually, Artemis became jealous. She thought that Orion loved another woman. In revenge, Artemis shot Orion with an arrow.
Even though Apollo intervened when Artemis fell in love with Orion, his reason was to protect the vow of purity that Artemis made when she was still a child rather than stealing her as a lover.
Artemis was a virgin goddess, and she was accompanied by nymphs, who also were expected to remain virgins.
Following this, Apollo, accompanied by a 12-year-old demigod named Meg McCaffrey (a daughter of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture) to Camp Half-Blood where he lives in the cabin that houses his demigod children.
Muses, the nine goddesses of arts, poetry, and song were all his lovers.
Although Apollo had many love affairs, they were mostly unfortunate: Daphne, in her efforts to escape him, was changed into a laurel, his sacred shrub; Coronis (mother of Asclepius) was shot by Apollo's twin, Artemis, when Coronis proved unfaithful; and Cassandra (daughter of King Priam of Troy) rejected his advances ...
At just four days old, Apollo went on a hunt to avenge the Python who had tormented his pregnant mother. With his handy bow and arrow, he hit the Python and killed it instantly, while the nymphs of Delphi cheered him on. The Python's mother Gaea, meanwhile, was deeply angered.
According to the usual version, his great beauty attracted the love of Apollo, who killed him accidentally while teaching him to throw the discus; others related that Zephyrus (or Boreas) out of jealousy deflected the discus so that it hit Hyacinthus on the head and killed him.
When clouds weren't blocking her view, Artemis gazed down on Orion as he roamed around his deserted island, and she fell in love with him. But there was a problem: The gods could not mingle with the mortals. Artemis knew this but couldn't resist.
Another common cause of Artemis' vengeance was betrayal. Callisto, one of Artemis' virginal companions, committed such a crime. Callisto was seduced by Zeus, undetected by the other Greek gods. It was only when Callisto was already with child and was seen bathing by the goddess, that the deception was discovered.
It is said that Daphne was the first love of Apollo but unfortunately the girl never responded his love. It was not usual or possible for a nymph or a mortal woman in the Greek mythology to resist to the love of a god, but Daphne did so and in fact, she lost her life trying to escape this love.
Apollo bragged to Cupid that his bow was bigger than Cupid's. Angered by the insult, Cupid shot him with a golden love arrow causing Apollo to fall in love with the first person he saw. Cupid then shot Daphne with a lead-tipped arrow causing her to be impervious to love.
According to Aeschylus, Cassandra promised Apollo favors, but, after receiving the gift, went back on her word and refused Apollo. Since the enraged Apollo could not revoke a divine power, he added a curse that nobody would believe Cassandra's prophecies.