The ideal substrate for axolotls is sand. It can pass through even small individuals without any issues and provides them with something to comfortably grip as they roam through their aquarium.
Axolotls especially like rocks and caves. You can also utilize pieces of driftwood and plastic decorations to create some safe spaces. Live plants are always appreciated too. Axolotls do well with Anubias and Java fern.
They like to be in areas where they can easily hide in the daytime. Aquarium thus should consist of a hiding shelter such as PVC pipes, stacked rock, hollow ceramic decorations, & even hollow ceramic rocks utilized for cichlids make a good hiding spot for axolotls. Various other decorations are just optional.
Sand should never be layered more than 1-2 inches, and should be stirred up weekly to make sure there is no buildup of gas or anaerobic bacteria (bacteria that grows in oxygen-free environments).
The ideal substrate for axolotls is sand. It can pass through even small individuals without any issues and provides them with something to comfortably grip as they roam through their aquarium.
Always rinse dry sand first, it really helps reduce the cloudiness. Add all of the water and the sand that comes with live sand to retain the bacteria. Use the water clarifier, it helps! Build your aquascape before adding sand and water, it's easier.
Axolotl Tank Cleaning
You simply need to remove 25% of the aquarium water every 1-2 weeks to make sure that there is no buildup of harmful ammonia and nitrates in your tank. Follow the steps below to keep your aquarium clean and safe for your axolotls.
Axolotl care requirements are minimal, and provided temperature and water flow are well controlled, they are hardy, easy-to-care-for captives that breed readily in captivity. It is difficult to think of a more unusual display animal than the axolotl, and its bold and tame nature makes it an interactive pet.
The first benefit is that axolotls will actually play in the bubbles. Many axolotl keepers (myself included) have witnessed their axolotls swim over to the air stone and then ride the bubbles up to the top. They will purposefully go over to the air stone to hang out in the bubbles, and they seem to really enjoy it.
Housing Your Axolotls
A 10-gallon tank could work fine for an adult axolotl, but they do produce a significant amount of waste, so you may want to go with a 20-gallon tank that will stay cleaner for a longer time.
The optimum environmental temperature for axolotls is 16-18°C and should never exceed 24°C. The ideal water pH is 7.4-7.6. Chlorine, as found in tap water, is harmful to axolotls and so either a de-chlorinator must be used, or the water must be left to stand for 24 hours before adding it to the tank.
It may be tempting to buy an axolotl and put them in an existing fish tank, but most other aquatic creatures can not cohabitate safely with axolotls. Axolotls will try to eat anything that will fit in their mouths—including other axolotls! Any smaller fish in the aquarium will become food sooner or later.
The best axolotl food is a combination of earthworms, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia (a small aquatic crustacean). They also seem to enjoy lean pieces of beef and chicken. However, you should avoid the temptation to feed them too much live food, which may accidentally spread parasites and diseases.
Some food items that we recommend are: Tubifex worms, bloodworms, shrimp, beef heart, insects, feeder fish and balanced pelleted foods. Whole foods such as worms, shrimp and insects are more balanced and therefore better for your axolotl.
Axolotls live in aquariums and do best in cool or room-temperature water with low lighting. Provided each individual has 10-gallons of water they are peaceful in small groups. Besides a good aquarium pump, you do not need any special equipment to care for axolotls.
Weaknesses: As they grow gills instead of lungs, axolotls cannot survive outside of water. Their regeneration is rather slow, meaning it'd still be easy to kill an axolotl. As pets, water temperatures outside an acceptable range (16-18 °C) will cause stress, which leads to disease and death.
The water depth should be at least 15cm deep and needs to be kept at between 14 and 20°C. If the water gets too cool the axolotl will become sluggish and eat less frequently and if too warm it will become stressed. A standard aquarium heater set at 18°C is ideal for an axolotl tank.
Humans can touch an Axolotl anytime. There is nothing on their skin that can hurt a human. Keep in mind that before you touch an Axolotl, make sure to wash and disinfect your hands. Try to avoid transferring any type of bacteria or contaminants from human skin to the Axolotl.
Adult axolotls poop about once a week. Usually, an adult axolotl poops about once a week. Anything above this is a sign that you're probably overfeeding your axolotl. However, if you suspect that your axolotl isn't pooping at all, it is also cause for worry.
Staying out of water for an extended period of time may dry the slime coat out. Also, axolotls need to breathe after using all the air in their lungs. And in this process, half of the axolotls may die, while the stronger ones survive.
Clean sand thoroughly before you place it in the aquarium. New sand can turn the water cloudy, so rinse in a bucket for adding it.