Though this is the minimum, it's best to let pups relieve themselves more frequently. "The two most universal times to take your dog out are first thing in the morning and again right before bed," Evans says. "From there, they need to go out one or two more times at minimum, based on your schedule.
You said you're still taking her out before you go to sleep, but just to be clear on what's best practice, make sure she's getting a urine break two hours before bed, at the latest.
Dogs can go for 8 to 10 hours without urinating overnight, while sleeping. However, all dogs need to be taken out after a meal or a drink, upon waking up and after a period of play. Health: Urinary frequency in dogs will vary due to factors such as age, sex, body size and overall health.
On average dogs can hold their pee for up to 10-12 hours if they have to. If the need arises and your pet will be home alone for that long, most young dogs will manage, but asking them to do this on a regular basis may have some negative consequences.
The long answer is that every puppy is different so it depends. Some puppies will benefit being woken up in the middle of the night while others will turn it into a bad habit. If you're bringing your puppy home for the first time I wouldn't advise you to have a planned schedule to wake your puppy up every few hours.
How often does a dog need to pee? To put it simply, adult dogs generally need to toilet three to five times a day, and most vets will recommend a maximum window of between six to eight hours between toilet trips.
There's potential health risks associated with forcing your dog to hold its pee for too long. Although he physically might be able to do so, extended periods of holding it in can lead to urinary tract infections or urinary crystals and stones. The inability to urine can also lead to behavioral issues.
Some signs are obvious, such as barking or scratching at the door, squatting, restlessness, sniffing around or circling. When you see these signs, immediately grab the leash and take them outside to their bathroom spot. If they eliminate, praise them and reward with a treat.
With regard to companionship, it suggests that dogs should not be left alone for more than four hours a day depending on their age. However the survey revealed that 23% of respondents left their dog alone for more than five hours a day on a typical weekday.
Possible Health Issues that May Develop from Your Dog Holding Their Urine: There's an increased likelihood that your dog will develop urinary tract infections (UTI), and if left untreated infections can lead to urinary stones. This is the result of bacteria accumulating in your dog's urine.
Create a nighttime routine: TV off, hallway light off, outside light off, etc. This will let them know that they have to go potty because you are headed to bed. Try to wake up before they do. If they can wake you to potty, then they will learn that waking you up gets a reward of a bladder release.
Urinary tract infections, kidney disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal upset are a few of the common problems that may cause an increase need to eliminate. This increased frequency will be present during the day as well but are often more noticeable to the pet owner in the middle of the night.
Use the 'last call' system before bed
Before going to bed at night, give your puppy a “last call” and allow them one last chance to use the toilet before you go to sleep. After your puppy has done their business and begins to calm down, place them where they sleep, either in their crate or in their bed.
“Dogs may wake their owners up in the morning for a variety of reasons including boredom, the need to relieve themselves, hunger, thirst, fear, and excitement, among others,” says Kay Gramm, dog trainer and AKC Approved Canine Good Citizen Evaluator in Antelope, California.
Dogs can be incontinent for lots of reasons and, in many cases, it's an easy problem for a vet to solve. These reasons range from bladder infections to urinary tract abnormalities. Left untreated, dog incontinence usually gets worse with time. In many cases, the first sign is a small wet patch on the bedding at night.
Never rub a dog's nose in urine or feces, or punish a dog for an “accident.” This will teach your dog to fear you, and he may hide when he has to “go.” It is not instinctive for dogs to relieve themselves outside; it is only natural for them to not go where they sleep.
Adult dogs that are one year or older should be able to hold their pee in for up to 6-8 hours. However, 8 hours is a bit of a stretch, and ideally, you should not expect your dog to hold their urine for longer than 6 hours.
When your dog sniffs before pooping or peeing, they are checking for scent marking from other dogs. So, if you have wondered why do dogs sniff the ground on walks, the answer is that they are using their instincts for safety and information.
Key takeaway. Dogs sniff people's crotches because of the sweat glands, also known as apocrine glands, that are located there. Sniffing these glands gives a dog information about a person such as their age, sex, mood, and mating probability.
The reason is two-fold. One, by mixing a little of their scent on top of the new one, they're putting their mark on the spot. Secondly, they like to share the scent, so by rubbing it all over themselves, they can share it with the pack. This might help the pack to survive, if the odor turns out to be from a predator.
Dogs leave their scents in the urine deposits that they leave on pavements, kerbs, trees and lampposts. By sniffing these, your dog is gaining information on who is in their neighbourhood; the gender of the dog, its reproductive status, general status in life and exactly when it passed by.
As a general rule of thumb, adult dogs can be left alone for up to 6 hours a day. However, the amount of time a dog can spend safely alone will vary from dog to dog, as even the most laid-back dogs may become distressed when you leave them on their own for long periods of time.
Most experts agree you shouldn't leave your adult dog alone for more than eight to 10 hours, but some dogs (especially ones with small bladders) can't last that long.
Dogs are social animals and usually happier around other dogs, but a second dog will never be a substitute for inattentive, absent or too busy owners.