Overall, cats are not known for their fatherly skills as male cats do not tend to be involved in raising offspring, especially in the wild. Anecdotally, there are rare cases reported where domestic male cats have shown paternal care towards the young.
In most cases, yes, fathers cats do care about their kittens. While female cats will typically do most of the activities related to caring for the young, such as nursing and grooming, a father cat can also show affection and protectiveness for his offspring.
Dominant males have also been observed caring for kittens within their own colonies. They may share their food and groom young cats, and have even been witnessed breaking up fights between kittens, separating them gently with one paw when a fight gets out of hand. The one activity cats don't share is hunting.
It has been known for dad cats to bond with their kittens, and even help the mom to raise them. Nevertheless, experts advise pet owners to keep male cats away from the mom and newborns, or supervise them at all times until the kittens are less vulnerable.
As male cats do not take part in raising their offspring, kitten calls and the urgency conveyed in them may not have the same relevance for them as for female cats. This may cause male and female cats to process what they hear differently.
Tomcats are highly competitive and territorial by nature. Male cats aren't necessarily natural-born killers, but their predatory instincts can cause issues. Some decide to get involved in parenting, and act protectively towards their litter, but this appears to be somewhat of a rarity.
Cats See Us as Parents
They actually see us as parents. A 2019 study revealed that cats have the same attachment to their owners that babies show to their parents. Kittens in the study acted distressed when their caregivers left and happy and secure when they returned.
responding to Will my cat know he is the father of a kitten if the mother and kittens were raised in a different house? No. Male cats do not recognize their offspring.
Cats Get Jealous
Cats get very jealous. They can be jealous of other cats, other pets, and often other people in the household. They may seem to be aloof, but they are watching and listening to the household goings-on, and if they are not given the attention they feel they deserve, they will be sure to let you know!
Male cats will often mark their surroundings with urine and pheromones to attract females and ward off other males. Attempting to mate is an obvious sign that your cat is at the mercy of their hormones. Mating behavior may appear as a cat fight, as the male will pounce on, bite, and growl at the female.
This is a perfectly normal part of feline behavior, and it can indicate that your cats are bonded and close with one another. Although it doesn't mean that they “love” each other in the way we humans understand love, it does mean that they are very close in cat terms!
Cat humping isn't uncommon, even for neutered male cats. They'll hump other cats (and even inanimate objects) because of UTIs, stress, or other health and behavioral reasons. This can result in stress for both you and the second cat, who may not want to be stalked and mounted.
Your cat is being nice, the kitten needs comfort and he's giving it by allowing the kitten to “nurse”. A lot of cats will do that, I've seen it among my own cats. I have often found that male cats are more tolerant of babies.
Cats recognize each other by scent, and the cat that smells unfamiliar is considered to be a stranger. Two littermates who have been separated for a long time will develop completely distinct smells, and when reunited, will act as if they've never met before.
In my experience, cats hiss at kittens simply because they're a new cat in their territory. They don't care that they're little. They're a strange cat that they don't know. They're warning them to not get near.
Many cats become protective of what they view as a 'people-kitten' and there are accounts of cats raising the alarm when a baby shows signs of sudden illness.
Whether or not a male cat will kill his own kittens largely depends on the individual cat and the circumstances surrounding the birth. Some male cats will instinctively protect their kittens and care for them, while others may be more aggressive and potentially attack or even kill their own offspring.
While a cat's gender doesn't seem to make a difference in terms of affection, Posluns notes that studies of cat personality also suggest it has little influence on the type of relationship with their owner.
Male cats tend to be more social and affectionate with both humans and other cats. They commonly form strong bonds with other cats in the home, even when they are not from the same litter. Females, on the other hand, are often more standoffish. If you are looking for a cuddle bug, adopting a male may be your best bet.
Kittens should stay with their mothers for 12 to 13 weeks of age for them to be properly developed physically and behaviorally. Each kitten needs to be weaned before being placed in a new home because many necessary nutrients come from the mother cat's milk.
Kittens may not only seem like invaders or prey to your male cat, but they can also be seen as a big source of stress. Adopting a new pet can disrupt the typical order of things and be very hectic during the transitioning periods. This may lead to male cats lashing out at new kittens as an outburst of emotion.
Sleeping near you
If your kitty likes to sleep near you - or even on you - this is an indication that they have total trust in you.
Conclusion. Most cats don't understand that kisses from humans are a sign of affection. A cat will surely let you know if they enjoy being kissed or not. The best ways to show your cat that you love them are to give them toys, treats, and plenty of one-on-one time.