On average, the children spent 2.5 hours a day watching TV, half an hour on social media, and 1-hour playing video games. The results showed that those who played more games than the average increased their intelligence between the two measurements by approximately 2.5 IQ points more than the average.
Here is how the major platforms rank in terms of average IQ: PC: 112.3. PlayStation: 110.7. Xbox: 103.8.
It depends on the game. For shooters, the better players have better reaction times, and perception. Tactical awareness helps. For strategy games like 4Xs, smarter is usually better.
If you'd like to speak with numbers and sound more convincing, then use this research by the Department of Defense that directly says that gamers are more intelligent. The main reason is that video games increase perceptual abilities, improve short-term memory, and help focus longer.
"The most important discovery was the observation that the group of gamers, compared to people who played games less often, had more nerve fibres connecting the parietal and occipital areas of the brain. These areas are involved in the processing of visual and spatial information" - explains Dr.
After all, each of us is born unique, making it very likely that some of us are just inherently better at gaming. Faster reaction time, hand-eye coordination, and decision-making are all key genetically ingrained skills to have as a pro.
At the top of the list are Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege players, whose collective IQ of 120.3 dominated the results. Coming in at second are Among Us gamers with a 118.9 IQ score, and Minecraft players with 116.3.
Gamers had faster RTs when they performed the Simon task (but not the other two RT-based tasks) after answering the video-games questionnaire compared with before answering the questionnaire.
Parents often think of them as a waste of time, but playing video games may actually boost children's intelligence. A study found those who game for three or more hours a day on average performed better in cognitive and memory tests than their peers.
Notably, the average IQ score falls between 85 and 115. A score above 140, meanwhile, is considered to be genius level.
Just like in any other activity, having a high IQ is a big boost and helps a lot, but its not neccesary to play chess. And it goes both ways. Just because you have high IQ it doesn't mean you will be great chess player. People with high IQ tend to be better at almost everything they try compared with regular folks.
The study also tells us, albeit without any stats, that the lowest IQ players are those playing GTA: Online and the Assassin's Creed games.
This trains “task switching” or what some people call multitasking — an executive function skill associated with academic success. We have found that playing All You Can ET for as little as two hours improved task-switching skills more than playing a word-search game for the same amount of time.
Functional MRI brain imaging analyses found that children who played video games for three or more hours per day showed higher brain activity in regions of the brain associated with attention and memory than did those who never played.
People with higher IQs tend to make faster perceptual judgments and have quicker reflexes. But when participants observed the largest image, those with higher IQs performed worse; the higher a person's IQ, the slower they were at detecting movement.
Research indicates that intelligence is linked to reaction time. Being quick witted, or fast, generally means being smart or intelligent. In 1884 a well-known psychologist named Sir Francis Galton – The Father of Psychometrics – strongly believed in this link between IQ and reaction speed.
A study that says your reaction time peak at age 24 provoked quite some controversy, now those of us who are getting closer to our 30's can start panicking, or not.. maybe it is true that most people's reflexes decline with age, but let's see how severe it is and how can we counter it.
An IQ score over 140 indicates that you're a genius or nearly a genius, while 120 - 140 is classed as "very superior intelligence". 110 - 119 is "superior intelligence", while 90 - 109 is "normal or average intelligence".
So what's the average I.Q. of a doctor? The average I.Q. of a doctor is approximately 125. Studies have determined that a doctor's I.Q. will normally fall within the 110-130 range, putting them into the 'high average' and 'superior' Wechsler classifications.
In general, an IQ score is defined with a median and mean of 100. Scores above 130 are labeled as above average or “very superior,” while scores under 70 would be considered below average or labeled as “borderline impaired.” Most people have an average IQ between 85 and 115.
One study based on gaming motivation and personality traits studied the habits of over 140,000 gamers. What did the study find? The three main motivations pulled from this study conclude that gamers are interested in social action, mastery of their game, and creative immersion.
Video gamers in the United States 2021, by gender
In 2021, 41.5 percent of video gamer in the United States were female, with the remaining 58.5 percent of U.S. video gaming audiences were male. Currently, there are approximately 189 million gamers in the United States.
The American gamer population is 54% male and 46% female. Of those females, women 18 and older account for a greater portion of the population than males younger than 18. The average female video game player is 14 years old, while the average male video game player is 13.