Hairy, unshaven legs
Speaking of hair, unshaven legs is another unappealing way guys are easily turned off. Taking the time to shave on a consistent basis shows you care about your body and personal hygiene. Dermatologists recommend shaving after you've been in the shower for about 10-15 minutes.
Men are becoming more conscious and putting more effort into how they look. If you want to look polished and well-groomed, your leg hair plays a role when wearing shorts. In short, the answer is that most men don't need to shave their legs.
Hormones called androgens, which are present in both sexes, stimulate body hair (known as vellus hair) to darken and coarsen. Men have higher levels of androgens than women, so their body hair tends to be more prolific.
If you feel like you have a lot of body hair, it might be serious. Body hair is normal, and it exists for an evolutionary reason: To keep us warm. But too much of a good thing can be a sign that something else is going on in your body.
Data clearly show that women prefer men with body hair, a direct indicator of sexual maturity. Considering that this feature is present in both men and women, the same would be expected when males look for attractive characteristics in women.
Nearly 30 percent of women like “a man who trims leg hair down,” and 22 percent “love a man with clean shaven legs.” That means more than half of the women responding like it when a guy does a little legscaping.
Conversely, just 5% say it's unattractive for a man to have hairy legs. A quarter (26%) find men's hairy legs attractive (21% of men and 30% of women said this). Among 16-24-year-old women, 57% – a rate significantly more than any other age/gender group – say hairy legs on women are neither attractive nor unattractive.
According to a recent poll, more than 33% of male respondents admitted to trimming the hair on their legs---15% of poll respondents even stated that they shave their legs completely! Reasons for leg shaving may vary, but these are the most common for men.
It depends on who you ask and why you need to. Depending on whom you ask, it may be frowned upon if you're not a swimmer or a bodybuilder to take a razor to your legs. Know that it's okay to trim or shave your leg hair. It's your skincare routine, so do what you will with it.
The simple answer is yes, shaving body hair can help reduce body odour! Underarm hair is a wonderful breeding ground for bacteria, which thrive under the protective cover of the body hair, boosting the smell of perspiration as a result.
Body hair exacerbates the unpleasant aroma in a couple ways. First, it provides extra surface area for bacteria to cling to, creating more opportunities for a nasty stench to develop. Second, it absorbs the foul odor, allowing the smell to stick around long after it should have packed it in and gone home.
Leg hair and arm hair developed to help prevent chafing so we could move around without causing friction.
PROTECTION AGAINST THE SUN: People who have a hairy body are less prone to sunburn and rashes. Another purpose that they serve is to keep us warm. This process goes like this- when we feel cold, our body hair stands on end and trap warm air which is closer to the surface of the skin.
A hair-razing 48 percent of men admitted to trimming or shaving their leg hair and not just for sports, according to a survey by Men's Health magazine.
However, many women do find muscular legs attractive, as they are seen as a sign of strength and virility. Other body parts that may be considered attractive include the chest and shoulders (for their muscularity), and the face (for its symmetry).
It's all about men being more "body conscious" in the 21st century, salon expert Ray Khandpur of Drakes of London told the Telegraph, adding that men do it because they don't like the hair or just see smooth and shiny legs as more attractive on men. So should you shave your leg hair?
A combination of polls shows that 80 to 90 percent of women prefer some amount of grooming for starters. Only 10 to 20 percent prefer guys with a completely unkempt bush; this means that going wild below the waist is not the default look. It may require less work, but you're not playing the odds.
According to the survey, some women actually prefer hairier male bodies than bare male bodies. They feel as though hairlessness on men looks prepubescent and unnatural. The survey also suggests that women prefer male facial hair and body hair because it also makes them appear older and wiser.
A: One study confirmed that women do find a hairless or nearly-hairless body as more attractive, but considered both hair reduction and retention as socially acceptable. Additionally, they found that men are aware that women prefer hairless men and don't think their bodies are ideal in this respect.
Overall, 40 percent of the women agree. However, 43 percent of the total women surveyed prefer men keep all their chest hair, considering it a sign of masculinity. And 17 percent want a smooth chest without a single hair. For the men, 83 percent said they have just let their chest hair grow.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, many women appreciate men who trim their pubic areas or shave them smooth entirely. According to some, it helps men and women think of a guy's package as larger. But women appreciate body hair on a guy's arms and legs, and even some on his chest if it's not super thick or like a carpet.
Studies have shown that men prefer women with longer-than-average legs and a higher leg-length-to-body ratio. Men's interest in women's legs may explain the preference for tall fashion models. Admiring a woman's legs might have mostly to do with innate attraction to the sensual, rather than the more explicitly sexual.