Do hedgehogs need a lamp?

Keeping your hedgehog warm is something that most owners know they need to do. They also know getting a heating lamp or heating pad should be a top priority before they bring their new pet home.

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Do you need heat lamp for hedgehog?

A heating setup is extremely important as it can mean life or death for your hedgie. If your hedgehog gets too cold, below 72°F, they may try to hibernate or go into shock. If they get too hot, they won't be able to self-regulate the heat and begin aestivation.

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Do hedgehogs need a light in their cage?

Lighting the Cage

Hedgehogs need 12-14 hours of consistent light each day. Without a consistent schedule, your hedgehog may become disoriented, attempt hibernation, and have a lower immune system leading to health problems.

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How do you keep a hedgehog warm without a heat lamp?

Use a hot water bottle to heat your hedgehog.

Hot water bottles work well to provide heat for many hours. Just make sure that it isn't too hot for you to hold. If it's too hot for you to hold, it's too hot for your hedgehog. If your hot water bottle doesn't already come in a cover, always wrap something around it.

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What type of light does a hedgehog need?

Hedgehogs require a bulb that emits zero light, so make sure that the bulb you choose is made of white ceramic. Almost all other kinds of bulbs will emit light which will throw off your hedgehog's day/night cycle. Hedgehogs need roughly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness.

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Do hedgehogs need a heat lamp?

19 related questions found

Do hedgehogs like it dark at night?

Hedgehogs are nocturnal, they go about their business at night and sleep in the daytime.

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Do hedgehogs like dark rooms?

If you own a pet hedgehog, you should ensure that the lighting in and around their enclosure imitates natural lighting. At night owners should dim the lights or set the lighting on a timer. Owners should also avoid exposing their pet hedgehog's enclosure to excessive light, as too much light makes them uncomfortable.

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What happens if a hedgehog gets too cold?

Don't let your hedgie get cold!

Hibernation is actually dangerous for African Pygmy hedgehogs. It slows their metabolism down, leaving them susceptible to infections, dehydration and starvation. It's important to keep your hedgehog in an environment between 72 and 80 degrees.

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Do hedgehogs get cold easily?

Furthermore, hedgehogs are vulnerable to frostbite, even freezing, if their body temperature drops below 4C (39F); this is a significant danger if the temperature inside their nest falls below 1C (34F) and they may leave nests during very cold weather to avoid freezing to death.

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Do hedgehogs like it warm or cold?

Hedgehogs are sensitive to temperature changes. The ideal range is between 75°F and 85°F. However, they will tolerate temperatures between 72°F and 90°F. Hedgehogs can go into a hibernation-like state of inactivity when temperatures are too hot or too cold.

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What makes a hedgehog happy?

Like many pocket pets, hedgehogs love to explore mazes and tunnels. This will keep Hedgie active, and offer him mental stimulation. You can buy labyrinths, or make your own out of shoeboxes or PVC pipe. To make your pet's explorations even more fun for him, hide a snack at the end of the tunnel.

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What do hedgehogs like to do at night?

Hedgehogs are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and are active at night. They also make sure to hide themselves away in their nest when they're resting, to avoid disturbance and predation. For these reasons, sleeping and resting aren't behaviours we're likely to see a lot in the garden!

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Do hedgehogs like light at night?

Night manoeuvres

Like bats, hedgehogs avoid artificial lighting, keeping to less well-lit areas, and this could affect other behaviours.

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How do I keep my hedgehog warm at night?

Hedgehog heating pads are another great way to keep your hedgehog warm. You'll pretty much see owners split down the middle when it comes to pads vs lamps. The best way to use them is by placing them underneath half of the cage.

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Do I need to put anything in a hedgehog house?

Whether you make your own or buy one, fill the chamber of your hedgehog home with a layer of dead, dry leaves. Hedgehogs prefer small leaves such as birch, oak, hawthorn or hazel. Then screw the roof to the box so that you can remove it in future to clean the box out.

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How do I keep my hedgehog warm?

Caring for a Hedgehog yourself at home
  1. Regulating Room Temperature. Ideally, you can keep your hedgehog in a temperature-controlled room at around 21°–25° Celsius. ...
  2. Heating Pads. Heating pads are an inexpensive way to keep your hedgehog warm. ...
  3. Heating Lamps. ...
  4. Ceramic Heat Emitters. ...
  5. Space Heaters.

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Do hedgehogs like being warm?

Keeping the Temperature Constant with a hedgehog heat pad

Hedgehogs should be kept in an environment that is between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature drops below this, the hedgehog may start to hibernate.

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Why is my hedgehog lying flat?

A hedgehog lying flat who is cold and still is much more likely to be dead.

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Why is my hedgehog lying on his side?


If they are laying on their sides then it is very serious. Often seen in the summer months but also dehydration can be a problem in the winter months. Giving a hedgehog dried food, or any food when they are suffering from this condition can worsen the situation.

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What temperature should a hedgehog be kept at Celsius?

Hedgehogs are most comfortable between 74° and 76°F, which is 23° to 24°C. If the temperature gets too low, your hedgehog may ball up and try and go into hibernation, which could be fatal. If the temperature is too high, which is above 80°F or 27°C, your hedgehog could be headed towards heat stroke.

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How do hedgehogs keep warm in winter?

Should I try to keep them warm? Hedgehogs don't need to be warm to hibernate, in fact they drop their body temperature down to match the environmental temperature. This lets them save the energy they would have used on trying to keep warm. It also means they don't move around and eat as usual.

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How do I protect my hedgehog in the winter?

Bring the hedgehog indoors, place it on a towel-wrapped hot water bottle in a cardboard box. When it is brighter, offer some dog food and water. If the hedgehog does not respond, then take it to your local wildlife rescue centre. Please note: hedgehogs DO NOT hibernate in the open.

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What is the best bedding for a hedgehog?

Acceptable bedding materials include shredded paper, newspaper, recycled pelleted/absorbable material, and wood shavings, such as aspen or untreated pine. Avoid corncob bedding as it tends to grow mold when wet.

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What should hedgehogs have in their cage?

Only solid bottom cages are suitable for hedgehogs, any wire bottom cages could trap their legs or rip off toenails. Provide a soft bedding free of dust, such as recycled paper pellets or if you use wood shavings use only kiln dried pine or aspen. Do not use cedar shavings as they could irritate your hedgehog's lungs.

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What is the best bedding for a hedgehog house?

Hedgehogs will make their own nests from materials in the surrounding environment so the best thing to do is ensure there are plenty of leaves near to the box. You can also put bedding inside the box to give them a head start, such as leaves, straw or hay.

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