Signs of nosophobia include: Avoiding people or places to lower your risk of getting a disease. Constantly researching a specific disease and its symptoms. Extreme anxiety about your health.
Treatment for Nosophobia
After you've been diagnosed with nosophobia, the first option for treatment is psychotherapy. A type of psychotherapy called cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is used to treat your cognitive beliefs. Your therapist will teach you behavioral modification strategies.
The causes of nosophobia might include past traumatic medical events, exposure to media coverage of epidemics or other serious health problems, and/or reading about medical conditions at work or in school.
What are the symptoms of nyctophobia? People with an extreme fear of the dark experience intense fear or anxiety when they're in the dark or think about darkness. Children may avoid going to bed or refuse to turn the lights out at bedtime.
1. Arachibutyrophobia (Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth) Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.
How common is phobophobia? It's hard knowing exactly how many people have a specific phobia, like phobophobia, but it's rare. We do know that about 1 in 10 American adults and 1 in 5 teenagers will deal with a specific phobia disorder at some point in their lives, though.
Leukophobia is an intense fear of the color white. It's a specific phobia, which occurs when you face or think of a particular situation.
What is scopophobia? Share on Pinterest Eugenio Marongiu/Getty Images. Scopophobia is a persistent fear of being watched or stared at. While many people may feel some level of anxiety when they are the center of attention, these feelings are exaggerated and out of proportion to the situation for people with scopophobia ...
Astraphobia is the extreme fear of thunder and lightning. It's most common in children. Many people outgrow the fear of thunderstorms as they get older. But astraphobia is still among the most common specific phobias. Treatment for astraphobia might include exposure therapy, talk therapy or medication.
A mental health specialist can help you overcome a fear of disease. You may benefit from therapies like: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): A form of psychotherapy (talk therapy), CBT helps you understand why you think and feel the way you do about diseases and your health.
When faced with the extreme fear of medical procedures, you might have tomophobia. These irrational fears must interfere with personal relationships, work, and school, and prevent someone from enjoying life. One's functioning must be impaired to meet the criteria of a specific phobia.
Synonyms: Disease phobia; Fear of disease; Pathophobia; Phobia, disease.
Use self-help resources
Some people use self-help books or online programmes to help cope with phobias. These are often based on principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). They will help you develop your own programme to reduce anxiety and make it easier to deal with your phobia triggers.
If you have emetophobia, you may be overly worried about throwing up or feeling nauseous. You may also fear seeing or hearing someone vomit or seeing vomit. This fear of vomit leads you to avoid certain situations to a degree that it impacts your quality of life.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words. Understanding the phobia can help you overcome it and live a fulfilling life. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the dictionary, and ironically, it means the fear of long words.
Megalophobia is common among many people, but can be felt and experienced differently. For example, someone might just be afraid of large animals like elephants and whales, while others might be afraid of man-made objects specifically.
Abstract. Frigophobia is a condition in which patients report coldness of extremities leading to a morbid fear of death. It has been reported as a rare culture-related psychiatric syndrome in Chinese populations.
Xanthophobia, fear of the color yellow.
Mageirocophobia is an extreme fear of cooking. It's a specific phobia, meaning that it causes fear of a particular situation. Mageirocophobia may stem from other mental health issues, including: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), known for its repetitive thoughts and urges.
Fear of blood (hemophobia), injections (trypanophobia), needles or other sharp objects (belonephobia), or injury (traumatophobia) occurs to some degree in at least 5% of the population.
What is dendrophobia? People with dendrophobia have a fear of trees. The word “dendron” is Greek for tree, and “phobos” is Greek for fear. Someone with dendrophobia may have extreme fear or anxiety when thinking about or seeing trees.
What are the most important facts to know about glossophobia? Glossophobia is a very common phobia characterized by a strong fear of public speaking. Individuals with glossophobia may avoid speaking in public, as they typically experience fear and anxiety when speaking in front of a group of people.