By self-managing fibromyalgia pain and controlling daily stress, most people with fibromyalgia can work at almost any kind of job. But being proactive is crucial to reduce potential flare-ups that could occur throughout the day.
By self-managing fibromyalgia pain and controlling daily stress, most people with fibromyalgia can do almost anything they choose. Unless you have physical pain that's directly work-related, you should be able to make simple modifications to your workplace that allow you to continue working.
If you have tried working with the symptoms of fibromyalgia and the pain and fatigue associated with the disease has kept you out of work, you should consider filing a claim for Social Security disability benefits.
Fibromyalgia is an incredibly debilitating condition which can have a huge impact on a sufferers' ability to work. With symptoms ranging from extreme pain all over the body, to brain fog and chronic fatigue – it's not surprising why so many sufferers are forced to give up their careers.
Centrelink almost always rejects people with fibromyalgia in Australia for disability support pensions which makes daily life a struggle. Many Australians with fibromyalgia are eligible for insurance money from their super policies but most don't know that it exists or how to claim it. What is fibromyalgia?
Financial help for fibromyalgia comes in two main forms in Australia. Disability Support Pensions and TPD insurance claims from your super policy can each give you assistance. It's possible to qualify for both!
That said, the maximum possible amount that someone with fibromyalgia can receive in 2023 is $3,627 per month for SSDI and $914 per month for SSI. These upper limits apply regardless of which condition you have, how severe it is, or how many qualifying conditions you have.
Sleep and fibromyalgia share a bidirectional relationship. Just as painful symptoms can prevent patients from getting enough rest, sleep deprivation can exacerbate the widespread feelings of pain and tenderness brought on by fibromyalgia. Sleep loss can also lower a person's pain threshold.
Fibromyalgia can cause tiredness. This can range from feeling mildly tired to the exhaustion often felt during a flu-like illness. Severe tiredness (fatigue) may come on suddenly and can drain you of all your energy. If this happens, you may feel too tired to do anything at all.
Fibromyalgia can cause pain, disability, and a lower quality of life. US adults with fibromyalgia may have complications such as: More hospitalizations. If you have fibromyalgia you are twice as likely to be hospitalized as someone without fibromyalgia.
It is normal for people newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia to want to 'hide' any disabilities at first, however employers need to be aware of your condition so that they can make any relevant modifications to your workplace that will allow you to continue working.
Other researchers believe fibromyalgia is caused by a lack of deep sleep. It is during stage 4 sleep that muscles recover from the prior day's activity, and the body refreshes itself. Sleep studies show that as people with fibromyalgia enter stage 4 sleep, they become more aroused and stay in a lighter form of sleep.
Some people with fibromyalgia and myalgic encephalomyelitis /chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) use mobility aids such as canes, wheelchairs, scooters, and motorized grocery carts.
“Even my skin hurts, so hugs can be painful and normal clothing feels like it's cutting me in half. If someone nudges me or taps me, it can feel like a sledgehammer. “My body can't deal with extreme temperatures—if it's cold I turn to ice, if it's hot I feel like I'm on fire.”
Some people with fibromyalgia may experience certain symptoms regularly. However, the pain associated with fibromyalgia tends to fluctuate and worsen. When symptoms temporarily increase in number or intensity, it is called a flare or flare-up. A flare-up can last anywhere from a few days to weeks.
The pain, fatigue, and poor sleep quality associated with fibromyalgia can interfere with your ability to function at home or on the job. The frustration of dealing with an often-misunderstood condition also can result in depression and health-related anxiety.
The pain may be worse in the morning and evening. Sometimes, the pain may last all day long. The pain may get worse with activity, cold or damp weather, anxiety, and stress. This condition is more often diagnosed in people between the ages of 20 and 50.
The drugs amitriptyline, duloxetine, milnacipran and pregabalin can relieve fibromyalgia pain in some people. They may cause side effects such as a dry mouth or nausea. Normal painkillers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen (paracetamol) aren't recommended for the treatment of fibromyalgia.
Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Chronic, widespread pain throughout the body or at multiple sites. Pain is often felt in the arms, legs, head, chest, abdomen, back, and buttocks. People often describe it as aching, burning, or throbbing. Fatigue or an overwhelming feeling of being tired.
Previous studies have observed that fibromyalgia women display a reduced walking speed, which could be a consequence of decreases in stride length and cycle frequency, as well as bradykinesia (Auvinet et al., 2006; Heredia Jiménez et al., 2009).
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) recognises fibromyalgia as a real and potentially significantly disabling condition.