The Jedi were trained to accept death as a natural part of life and to let go of everything they feared to lose. The Jedi Code stated that "there was no death," only the Force. The Jedi taught that life did not cease at death, but merely changes form in the Force.
While all beings possessed, to some degree, a natural fear of death, as an undesirable and inevitable yet permanent condition, the Jedi, guided by the Jedi Code, learned to view death not as a tragedy, but merely as a part of the life cycle.
When many beings died, Jedi would often feel their deaths through the Force, such as after the destruction of Alderaan by the Death Star, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi sensed a "great disturbance in the Force".
They actively strive to avoid using deadly force on living beings. Droids are fair game, since they aren't actually alive. A Jedi only risks turning to the Dark Side when they kill in anger, jealousy, greed, or envy.
It seems the greatest fear of a Jedi is simple; to lose the Force. An encounter with the Leveler leaves newly-appointed Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis reeling, desperately attempting to persuade herself the Force is still with her even though she has lost all sense of its presence.
Palpatine admits to Darth Vader that the Jedi he actually feared most was none other than Jocasta Nu. "Who?" I hear a lot of you of ask. Well, I'm sure most will recall hearing the name at some point. Now that you remember her, let's actually explain who she was.
Emotions and serenity
They held their emotions valuable but were also warned to be mindful of them, for they could cloud their judgment. A Jedi had to maintain a serene, quiet mind in order to stand on the light side instead of the dark—thus, they were able to keep the Force within them in balance.
Force psychosis was a mental disease that began affecting several young Jedi during the time following the Second Galactic Civil War.
Nearly all the surviving Jedi Knights were hunted down and killed by Darth Vader, while Order 66 remained in effect indefinitely among the ranks of the Galactic Empire's newly christened stormtroopers. Masters Kenobi and Yoda, like many others, chose to go into exile, on Tatooine and Dagobah respectively.
Some Mandalorians, most notably members of Death Watch, held a grudge against the Jedi for their perceived crimes against Mandalore during the Mandalorian-Jedi War.
Some Jedi achieved immortality as Force spirits, their consciousness preserved in the Force. Every living being became one with the Force during the process of dying.
Truth sense was an ability that was cultivated by the Jedi Order, which allowed the individual to tap into the Force in order to determine if another being was telling the truth.
Qui-Gon Jinn learned to manifest as a Force ghost after death, thus allowing him to retain his consciousness in the Force. Several other Jedi also achieved the same ability, most notably Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and the redeemed Anakin Skywalker.
Most of the Jedi easily outlived the average human. just by being connected to the force. However, some used it to let them live for hundreds of years, similar to Grandmaster Yoda. who made it till he was about 900 years old.
Typically, Humans had an average lifespan of 100 to 120 standard years. Those who were keenly atuned to the Force, a ubiquitous and binding power that suffused the whole Known Universe, could live up to 200.
As Star Wars creator George Lucas explains, the Jedi are "warrior-monks who keep peace in the universe", avoiding the use of violence except as a last resort, with a mission to "use their power to keep the governments of all the planets in line, so that they don't do terrible things".
Master Yoda has risen above all others to claim the top spot as the most powerful Jedi of all time and the true chosen one according to IGN's audience. He won pretty handily as well, as he was victorious in 89,756 of his 95,243 battles and had a win percentage of 94.2%.
Various Jedi like Mara Jade and Barriss Offee (who made her way into the new canon seemingly without her healing abilities) were able to meditate and channel the Force to heal themselves and others back in the pre-Disney days.
Obi-Wan got a total score of 54. According to the scoring guide, that makes him PTSD positive. This also feels right. The events of Revenge of the Sith were highly traumatic.
Anakin Skywalker, one of the main characters in the "Star Wars" films, meets the criteria for borderline personality disorder (BPD).
Remember, even Jedi require a good night's rest.
Midi-chlorians are stored in blood cells and are what is measured in the “Jedi blood test”. Lucas has stated the average midi-chlorian count is about 2,500. However, Midi-chlorian count is not the same as one's Force sensitivity. A typical Jedi has 4-6x the average Midi-chlorian count.
The Jedi are not only more untrustworthy than the Sith, but they are sloppy about it. The Sith will either tell you half the truth, or they will not tell you anything at all to hide their true motives, while the Jedi flat-out lie and manipulate with people's emotions to hide the truth.