05/6Leo. Leos will take all the help they can get to plan the perfect revenge. They are very decisive, so it is hard to change their mind if they are set on seeking revenge.
Being the fieriest of the fire signs, Leos are a more flared version of Aries. They will express their anger in the loudest ways, will throw tantrums, call you names and say things that they know will hit you the worst.
Leo may dream up going to any lengths to get revenge but they rarely ever act on their impulses. They do see that their vengeful behavior may cause their future partners to give up and probably leave them since they realize they have no choice but to do so.
"Scorpios are the most vindictive and brutal of all the zodiac signs," Newman says. They also excel at manipulation, only showing you their "sweet side." Well known for their secrecy, this duality makes it easier for Scorpios to enact their revenge without you even realizing it.
Ego, Anger, and Revenge
A Leo has a super fragile ego, takes everything personally, and can become hurt and angry at the smallest sign of disrespect. When this happens, they lose their regal composure, become dramatically ferocious, and metaphorically go for the kill.
Leo being headstrong can be a toxic trait as well as a vulnerability. It could get them manipulated into doing something they don't want to do. That's why Leo needs to surround themselves with good people and also take constructive advice with an open mind.
A Leo can forgive anything but being ignored is not one of them. They like to be acknowledged and appreciated. Ignoring a lion is like asking to be mauled. Don't do it – even in spite – they will never forgive you.
Taurus: According to astrology, the people of this zodiac get very angry quickly. When Taurus people feel bad about something, then they are not able to control their anger. Not only this, it becomes difficult to calm them down.
A Scorpio will ignore you if you seem uninterested in them. If you want to try to compete with them in being the center of attention, then Scorpio won't compete with you, they'll just ignore you until you go away. Sometimes, being ignored is better than an alternative, and in Scorpio's case, this is true.
Leo, being ruled by the Sun, and being a fire sign, is loud and clear when they're angry. They can be even more aggressive than Aries.
Leo is all fire, while Aquarius is known for being cold and detached. “Leo, a sign that runs off of passion and lots of affection, will be heartbroken at Aquarius' independence and coolness,” Comet says. Aquarius is also the humanitarian of the zodiac and is very passionate about changing the world.
Leos are known to be generous, but they're also very competitive. A dark side Leo trait is schadenfreude —smiling inside when others are down on their luck. It's worse when they act like they're sorry, and it's over-the-top insincere. Leos throw temper tantrums, especially if they feel dissed.
Being a confident sign, Leo takes betrayals very personally and breaks their hearts into crumbles. Once their trust is broken, they are hell-bent on discarding the person from their lives forever.
Leos can hold a grudge forever. They will definitely let you know that they don't want you in their life. However, if you can't take the hint or if you hurt them really bad, they will straight away push you out of their lives.
Not the most patient with being told what to do or others' opinions about their lives, Leos have a notorious reputation for being short-tempered. While it is true that you are easily forgiving of others' behaviour, it helps to assume responsibility for your own actions as well.
Beware of getting too worked up with a Leo—you simply won't win the argument that way. They are passionate and creative, which means they have no issues thinking up rebuttals on the fly. The best way to argue with a Leo is to learn how to say less and get them talking more. Ask them questions and watch their responses.
How come Aquarians are so extremely cold? All of this stems from their desire to control their emotions, and they would like it if other people did the same. If they can avoid it, these zodiac signs don't care about others or want to expend any mental energy on assisting someone with an emotional issue.
Pisces. Pisces is a delicate water sign and one of those people who end on the list of holding grudges.
Scorpio. Because Scorpios are notoriously mysterious, stoic, and fiercely loyal, it may come as no surprise that they're the zodiac sign that's least likely to forgive.
Scorpio is one of the mentally strongest zodiac signs. Scorpios are known for being complex individuals. It can be incredibly hard to know what a Scorpio is thinking.
One of the signs that a Leo woman is hurting is that she'll become more short-tempered and have dark moods. She may snap at you over small things and may even start to pick fights with you for no reason. This is because when a Leo woman is hurt, she often takes her anger and frustration out on the person who hurt her.
Leos are the seventh scariest when angry. As the least scary fire sign, Leos are usually very kind and generous. But when they get mad, it's like a lion roaring with anger. They tend to lash out without thinking about the consequences of their actions and can be quite intimidating when they do so.
Leos can get quite egoistic when they face rejection in love and might retire into their cocoon for days. They have this go-getter attitude and feel emotionally bruised when they don't get what they wished for.
You can actually trust a Leo to keep your secrets, but beware, they can let them out if it compromises their own position and threatens their near and dear ones. You can't count on them to be there for you all the time, because they prefer to be in situations that excites them.
They're prideful.
They demand respect—and if they feel like someone has embarrassed or disrespected them, their fiery temper can flare up fast. Even when the dust settles, Leo is prideful enough to hold a grudge rather than work things out.