“Pickle juice contains electrolytes in the form of a lot of sodium and some potassium and magnesium. That's why you can use it as a natural electrolyte,” says Skoda. “It can help to rehydrate after exercise.” To get the most benefit, Skoda says to choose a vinegar-based pickle without yellow dye and preservatives.
So is pickle juice more hydrating than water? No, and especially not over time. If you need a quick fix to feel better after a workout or the morning after a party, try it, but always, always drink water alongside that shot of pickle juice.
Myth #1: Drinking salty brine will dehydrate you.
It seems like a paradox that salty brined pickle juice could actually restore and rehydrate you, but its true. This comes down to how the minerals within the salt water brine, specifically sodium, magnesium and potassium-- function in the body.
Pickles are high in sodium, and so they are also high in electrolytes. Theoretically, this suggests that pickle juice might be an option for restoring electrolytes to people who have a fever, are vomiting, or who are dehydrated. Some athletes swear by pickle juice to restore their electrolytes following a workout.
What The Experts Say. Ultimately, pickle juice isn't a worthy replacement for your usual electrolyte drink mix. “Pickle juice has a good amount of sodium, but falls short on the potassium,” says Amidor.
"It's not going to be a replacement for water or Gatorade." It's not clear why pickle juice relieves cramps. Like traditional sports drinks, it contains high concentrations of sodium, which athletes lose when they sweat, and potassium, an electrolyte.
Pickles are high in sodium (salt is added to the brine in order to preserve them—and make them extra tasty, of course). And sodium is an important electrolyte. These minerals help to keep your body hydrated. So when you're craving something salty, it could be because your body is in need of a hydration boost.
While pickle juice may help relieve muscle cramps quickly, it isn't because you're dehydrated or low on sodium. It is more likely because the pickle juice sets off a reaction in your nervous system that stops the cramp, according to recent research.
As mentioned above, pickle juice provides sodium that can replenish the body, quenching our thirst.
For all its possible benefits, pickle juice also has a significant drawback: It contains a lot of sodium. I generally wouldn't recommend drinking pickle juice, especially if you have health concerns such as hypertension or renal, liver or heart disease.
Fermented foods like pickles are basically probiotic superfoods, packed full of good bacteria that can support the health of your gastrointestinal microbiome and are good for your gut bacteria. Be sure to go for fermented pickles rather than vinegar-pickled.
Indigestion: Drinking too much pickle juice can lead to gas, stomach pain, and diarrhea. Cramping: Some doctors worry that drinking pickle juice may actually cause electrolyte imbalances and worsen cramping. However, studies do not support this.
The researchers found that while water — both still and sparkling — does a pretty good job of quickly hydrating the body, beverages with a little bit of sugar, fat or protein do an even better job of keeping us hydrated for longer.
Water is your best bet for everyday hydration, since it is free of sugar, calories, and caffeine. All of your daily food and beverages contribute to your daily fluid needs.
Apple cider vinegar can boost your electrolytes, energy, and hydration when served as the old-fashioned drink switchel.
Pickle juice is commonly used as a remedy for hangovers. The headache, nausea, and raging thirst can be reduced by the juice. The sodium present in pickle juice replenishes your sodium levels and balances the electrolytes.
Researchers guess that probiotics—a.k.a. “good” bacteria—in fermented foods boost the production of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), a chemical messenger in the brain that has the same effect as anti-anxiety medications.
Your body may be low on sodium.
If you're not getting enough salt in your diet, or if you've depleted your sodium levels, you might experience intense cravings for pickles and other high-sodium foods.
When your body is dehydrated, you will likely experience a strong urge to eat something sweet, but all your body needs is water. Dehydration makes it difficult for your body to metabolize glycogen for energy. As a result, your body craves sugar to give you a quick boost of energy.
Taking pickle juice is a relatively new idea that has gained popularity among professional athletes throughout many sports like top-flight basketball, several football codes, including the NFL in the USA, soccer worldwide and the AFL. Pickle juice is said to either prevent cramps or stop cramps once they start.
It's not a new thing having made its way onto NRL fields in the past and as retired tennis player Sam Groth pointed out in the broadcast: "The pickle juice affects the oropharyngeal reflex, which stops the nerves firing and muscles going into cramp.
While some athletes swear by using Pickle juice to reduce muscle cramps, the evidence behind its use is not strongly supported. There are times when drinking an electrolyte supplement to help with rehydration after exercise may be useful.