Moreover, SES increased the hardness of tomato. These results show that the use of seaweed extracts is a suitable method for tomato growth and development in sustainable agricultural systems.
Maxicrop Seaweed Extract Plus Tomato Fertiliser will improve the size, shape and flavour of tomatoes. Also ideal for other greenhouse crops as well as flowering plants, especially in hanging baskets and containers.
Another benefit of using seaweed fertiliser over time is it acidifies and adds iron to the soil, which is great news if you are growing acid and iron hungry plants like gardenias, camellias, azaleas and rhododendrons.
When tomatoes sprout, they only have two leaves. These seedlings leaves look like two narrow leaves on either side of the stem. Water gently and apply Seasol GOLD or Seasol weekly (30mL of concentrate per 9 litres of water) as this will help to stimulate strong root development and healthy growth.
You can't overdose on Seasol. It's not a Fertiliser. But it does have amazing healing qualities. One capful in a 10 litre watering can will treat around 4m2.
You can apply a seaweed solution in early morning or late afternoon. It can be applied over the foliage and around the root system of the plant. It is usually applied every 2-4 weeks. You can continue to water your plants anytime after applying the product.
You can put them directly on beds; they will be salty, so you can't plant direct into them, but a winter of rain will wash the excess salt away. If you don't have beds that are suitable for such methods, add the seaweed to your compost, or compost it on its own.
Harvesting seaweed
In the past, Seaweed was simply thrown into compost heaps. This was and still is good practice because as simple as it may be, seaweed is high in nitrogen and compost loves nitrogen!
A 50/50 mix of liquid kelp and fish emulsion will give these guys a kick along, followed by a good watering in. I'll feed them with this mix once per month throughout the season. Finally, a good layer of mulch to keep the roots moist and cool.
Is blood and bone good for tomatoes? Blood and bone is ideal to use on your tomato plants. Make sure you select a brand that has added potassium for good fruit development.
Tomatoes grow best in rich, well-drained soil. Improve the soil with plenty of organic matter, like Yates Dynamic Lifter Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser. If growing in pots, choose a pot at least 40 cm wide and deep and fill with Yates Premium Potting Mix with Dynamic Lifter.
The easiest way to be sure of the best balance of nutrients, is to use a fertiliser especially made for tomatoes. Home made brews from comfrey leaves (high in potassium) and seaweed are very effective, but care is needed not too make these too concentrated. Fish manure also give good results.
Seaweed not only promotes healthy growth of the tomato plants but also prevents blossom end rot, the most commonly occurring problem in tomatoes. Other fruits and vegetables that like seaweed fertiliser are lady's finger, potatoes, sweet corn, strawberries, apples, oranges, and capsicum.
The rate of dilution depends on the type of plant you are fertilizing but for most garden plants, you should dilute it in 50 times the water as product. This usually equates to 4 or 5 tablespoons per gallon of water. For indoor plants use 1 tablespoon per gallon of water.
While Seasol contains a mixture of brown kelps such as King Island Bull Kelp (Durvillaea potatorum), Chile Bull Kelp (Durvilleae Antarctica), and Knotted Kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum), Eco Seaweed only contains 100% Knotted Kelp. This is harvested from the North Atlantic Ocean.
If the seaweed is growing on the foreshore or seabed or has been deposited on shore by the tide (drift seaweed), then you must obtain the landowner's permission. You may also need permission from NRW if you wish to harvest seaweed from a protected site.
Dried or processed seaweed products can be used much as you would any other plant tonic, when the plants are actively growing (usually between March and September).
You will then have liquid kelp fertilizer to water your plants. It will have a shelf life of roughly one year if you keep it at a cool temperature and out of direct sunlight.
Steep the seaweed in boiling water for about an hour, then strain the leaves and use the “tea” that is left, dilute the fertilizer at a rate of one part seaweed t10 parts water. For the longer method, you will need one or two large buckets or tubs, a brick or stone and a watering can.
It can be used on the entire garden. It will help promote strong root development, improve the quality, taste and abundance of flowers and fruits.
Seasol is a specially formulated seaweed extract. It's a mixture of Bull Kelp, Chile Bull Kelp and Knotted Kelp. What is this? Seasol is not, strictly speaking, a fertiliser because it contains only low levels of nitrogen and phosphorus.
Seasol is especially effective when used directly onto foliage as it's absorbed through the leaves. Seasol promotes healthy roots, encourages beneficial soil micro-organisms, stimulates flowering and fruiting and helps plants to cope with stresses like heat, drought, frost and pest and disease attack.
Do I need to water in after apply Seasol or PowerFeed? Seasol and PowerFeed are liquids, they are readily absorbed into the soil and the plant foliage. Therefore you do not need to water them in.