The only acceptable address of a drill instructor by a recruit is "sir", "ma'am" or "(senior) drill instructor (Rank) (last name)". At Officer Candidates School (OCS), candidates are instructed by drill instructors who have already served a tour at one of the Recruit Depots.
In Basic Combat Training address Drill Sergeants as “Drill Sergeant.” Commissioned Officers: Address all personnel with the rank of general as "General (last name)" regardless of the number of stars. Address both colonels and lieutenant colonels as "Colonel (last name)."
Why can't you call a drill sergeant sir? Because a drill sergeant is an enlisted person. ( Hard Strips). A sir is a male non-conmissioned officer.
Military and police
If not specifically using their rank or title, 'sir' is used in the United States Armed Forces to address a male commissioned officer.
Sergeant majors are normally addressed as "sir" or "ma'am" by subordinates, and as "sergeant major", by their full title (or its abbreviation), or as "Mr" or "Ms" by superiors.
Junior service members address senior personnel as “Sir” or 'Ma'am”. Junior service members should not assume he/she can address senior personnel by their first name until they have been directed to do so. In formal settings, or when outside personnel are present, officers should use the more formal address.
Sir or Ma'am is a sign of respect for their authority and symbolizes that you are NOT on their same platform. Seems a bit egotistical to non-Marines however after the crucible, being able to look at your drill instructors and call them by their rank puts you now on the same platform despite the rank.
In the U.S. military NCOs are addressed as sergeant. Officers are addressed as SIR. To call an NCO a sir is an insult. They will usually say something like, don't call me sir, I work for a living.
Sir. For the most part, you will call all superior commissioned officers "sir". Remember, gender does not apply. Even female officers are called sir.
The distinction between civilian and military courtesy is that military courtesy was developed between in a military atmosphere and has become as integral part of serving in uniform. For example we train Soldiers to say “Sir” or “Ma'am” when talking to an officer. Military courtesy is not a one-way street.
Browne, a drill sergeant at Fort Leonard Wood Mo., said one such misconception is that all a drill sergeant does is yell. What they need to understand is that yelling is an attention getter," Browne said. "You can't yell at everyone. You have to use, as my (noncommissioned officers) used to tell me...
The US Marines may ban recruits from respectfully addressing senior members as “sir” or “ma'am” to avoid “misgendering” and offending them.
The United States Navy equivalent of the Army's Drill Sergeant Identification Badge is the Recruit Division Commander Badge. As with Army Drill Sergeants, Division Commanders are responsible for basic military training of U.S. Navy recruits.
Tip: Although the Army calls their drill instructors drill sergeants (and each branch uses a different term for its drill instructors), I refer to them as drill instructors here.
As a rule of thumb, a salute should be initiated by the junior member, a verbal greeting exchanged by both members, with a return salute by the senior member. This action occurs very quickly, usually within a distance of six paces.
Sir: A title of honour for a knight that originates from the Old French word "sieur". Dame or Lady: The female equivalent of the title "sir" that can be used by a woman in her own right.
Squires, and even soldiers, could also be conferred direct knighthood early if they showed valor and efficiency for their service; such acts may include deploying for an important quest or mission, or protecting a high diplomat or a royal relative in battle.
The term Sir was first used in England in 1297, being used as the title for a Knight. The title Dame as the female equivalent to a Knight wasn't introduced until 1917 (although of course there were female Knights before this).
If you call someone in their 50's Sir or Ma'am, you may be insulting them. Most people in their 60's and 70's will still understand the reference to respect and appreciate it, but in general terms, the younger a person is, the higher the chance that they'll take offence to being called by a formal term of address.
“OK,” “Understood,” and “Yes, sir/ma'am” are all acceptable replacements for this military phrase. The general public will understand what you mean if you do slip up, but it is not a common saying among civilians.
Being a soldier, Marine, sailor, etc., is worthy of respect on its own, and that respect is manifested by the terms we use to identify them. Chief, Sargeant, Top, Gunny, etc., all show respect for what these individuals are. “Sir” just doesn't do it.
At the end of the duty day, the drill instructor will enter the barracks, call out names and pass out mail. You're then usually granted about one hour of free time to read your mail. If you read fast, you may even have a few extra minutes to write a quick letter back.
Sir is more formal. Usually used for a patron or who is at a more senior/superior position, in a very tight disciplined environment. Mr. is used as normal title applicable to any male of any age, position and education.
I call my waiter “Sir.” I also call my car repairman, the restaurant dishwasher, the mayor,police officer, and my male family members (as necessary), “Sir.” It is a normal title bestowed to all members of the male gender. It has nothing to do with patronizing anyone.