Tummy tuck surgery has no direct effect on your hips. We address the abdominal region and flank area of the abdomen but not the hips. You certainly can still have some swelling 3 months out that may be affecting your clothing. Especially with whatever the
During body contouring procedures like a tummy tuck, fat cells are eliminated from the body and cannot return. Because of this, patients may gain weight in other places like the buttocks, legs, arms, and breasts.
A tummy tuck alone will remove excess skin and firm the front of the abdomen, but will do little to address fat deposits, especially those on the sides, hips or back.
Tummy tucks flatten the patient's stomach but they don't necessarily give them an hourglass silhouette. To achieve that, patients also need targeted liposuction.
During a tummy tuck, excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen. The skin is then draped back over the newly repositioned contours to create a smoother and more toned look. A tummy tuck — also known as abdominoplasty — is a cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the shape and appearance of the abdomen.
Answer: Why is Waist Bigger After Tummy Tuck
If it is soon after your surgery, this could be due to swelling. If it is more than 6 weeks after surgery, it is possible that you have gained weight.
Most women lose between 2 and 3 pants sizes after a tuck, but there are patients who lose even more. If you had a lot of loose skin before the procedure, for example, you could go down 4 more pants sizes.
High Tension Tummy Tucks
This procedure tightens the abdominal wall and lifts the thighs and buttocks by extending the incision to the flanks. In combination with a high tension tummy tuck, liposuction can remove excess fat from the flanks and hips.
The tummy tuck is very useful when exercise and diet have failed to tighten the abdominal muscles. However, a tummy tuck is not really designed to make you look “thinner.” Rather, the tummy tuck improves the muscle profile of the abdomen, which in turn can have the effect of making you look more fit and toned.
Because the fat layer is not addressed, some patients can end up having a boxy look after the tummy tuck. This means that the tummy is flat and firm, but they don't have any curves, and they look more or less like a box.
There are two types of hip augmentation: fat grafting and implants. During fat grafting, your surgeon removes fat from an area like the stomach, back, or thighs via liposuction. Then this fat is injected into the hip area creating the desired contour.
Answer: Hourglass after tummy tuck
If you are not a candidate for a fleur de lis due to minimal skin excess vertically, options include aggressive waist liposuction and fat grafting to the hips to help improve the hourglass shape.
A traditional tummy tuck doesn't make your waist smaller. It removes saggy skin on the stomach. However, when combined with liposuction, we can remove fat from your love handles, lower back, or around the waist. With stubborn fat removal techniques, you can achieve a shapely, voluptuous waistline.
Hip Augmentation is usually done under general anesthesia. With a fat transfer, fat is liposuctioned from other areas like the stomach and waist and then re-injected into the hip area to enlarge and widen the hips. If a silicone implant is used, an incision will have to be made to insert the implant.
Thinned out muscles and their lining causes this muffin top deformity in some patients. This occurs following muscle tightening if the increased tension makes the muscle and lining stretch out again. The medical terminology for thinned out muscles is muscle attenuation.
A: Tummy tuck does not affect breast shape/position
The downward traction of the abdominal tissue that is performed during a tummy tuck is not significant enough to affect your breasts at all. Please consult with a board certified plastic surgeon prior to scheduling a tummy tuck procedure.
Not only does a tummy tuck not remove large amounts of stubborn fat, but losing a significant amount of weight after your procedure could leave you with more excess skin. Many people choose to combine liposuction with their tummy tuck to address excess fat and skin at the same time.
Monitor Your Diet
After your tummy tuck, make sure you eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats. These foods can help you maintain a healthy weight and provide the nutrients you need to help your body heal.
Gaining a handful of pounds after your procedure won't compromise your final tummy tuck results. You can usually fluctuate within 10 to 15 pounds of your goal weight without any significant issues. However, weight gain over the 15-pound mark can cause skin and abdominal muscles to slowly stretch out of place.
Note that procedures like liposuction and tummy tucks do not remove cellulite as they only get rid of stubborn fat. If you have dimply skin before these surgeries, the appearance will remain after the surgery.
A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty are different names for the same cosmetic surgery to remove excess skin, fat deposits, and muscle tissue in the abdominal area. A tummy tuck is an informal name while abdominoplasty is the scientific one.
A pubic lift performed in combination with an abdominoplasty can improve function as well as appearance. This procedure lifts and tightens the area of the mons pubis, the soft mound located over the pubic bone and just above the female genitalia.
If you have a “mini tummy tuck” with a smaller incision, you'll likely need between one and three weeks of elevated sleeping. On the other hand, full-tummy tuck patients require about four weeks, with six weeks of limiting any strenuous exercise or lifting.
A tummy tuck can result in a weight loss of approximately four pounds. If you opt for a mini truck, you can expect to lose around three pounds of excess skin and fat. If you opt for an extended tuck, you can expect to lose around five pounds of excess skin and fat.
Having said this, most women after a tummy tuck will go down a size or two. Some will go down even more! However, some patients will not have a change of size, and rarely, some will actually wear a larger size. Most women will go down a size or two after an abdominoplasty and be very happy with their new appearance.