Does Aphrodite support LGBT?

In the poetry of Sappho, Aphrodite is identified as the patron of lesbians.

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Who did Aphrodite have a crush on?

Her lovers included Ares, the god of war, and the mortal Anchises, a Trojan prince with whom she had a famous son, Aeneas. Her most famous lover, however, was the handsome and youthful mortal Adonis.

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How many partners does Aphrodite have?

Aphrodite was the goddess of beauty and love. She was born out of the sea fully formed and riding a giant scallop shell. She had one husband and 8 consorts.

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Do Apollo and Aphrodite get along?

The reason that Apollo and Aphrodite didn't have a good relationship because they were lacking the trust and purity of love. They both had multiple affairs, but they didn't let know the truth to their partner which made things more complicated in their relationship and as well as their life.

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Did Zeus ever sleep with Aphrodite?

Aphrodite later and of her own volition had an affair with Zeus, but his jealous wife Hera laid her hands upon the belly of the goddess and cursed their offspring with malformity. Their child was the ugly god Priapos.

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"Biological Boys Competing vs Girls Is NOT FAIR!" Caitlyn Jenner on Lia Thomas | PMU

34 related questions found

Did Apollo have any female lovers?

The most celebrated of his loves were the nymph Daphne, princess Koronis (Coronis), huntress Kyrene (Cyrene) and youth Hyakinthos (Hyacinthus). The stories of Apollo's lovers Daphne and Kyrene can be found on their own separate pages--see the Apollo pages sidebar.

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Who was Aphrodite jealous of?

In Greek mythology, Psyche was a mortal woman whose beauty was so great that it rivaled that of the goddess Aphrodite. Aphrodite became so jealous of Psyche that she sent her son, Eros, to make Psyche fall in love with the ugliest man in the world.

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Who is the most handsome Greek god?

Apollo was considered to be the most handsome of all the gods. He was always depicted as having long, golden hair – the same color as the sun. He was tall and had plenty of muscles. Even though he was depicted as being fairly calm, he had a temper, just like his father.

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Is Aphrodite polyamorous?

Aphrodite is also a very romantic, lustful and polyamorous goddess as shown by her keeping numerous lovers, such as Ares, Adonis and Anchises (described further in the relationship section).

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What is the gender of Aphrodite?

5 While that approach has certainly yielded important information on gender dynamics in late-Classical Greece, it tends to overlook the fact that though this Aphrodite is female, she is also divine.

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Who sleeps with Aphrodite?

She was married to Hephaistos (god of fire and metalworking) but was famously caught sleeping with Ares (god of war). Other divine lovers included Dionysos (god of wine) and Hermes (god of travel and commerce), from whom she gave birth to the fertility deities Priapos and Hermaphroditos, respectively.

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What is Aphrodite weakness?

Aphrodite's greatest weaknesses were her vanity, jealousy, and hate of anyone considered more beautiful than herself.

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Who rejected Aphrodite?

She commanded her son to shoot his magic arrows and force Psyche to fall in love with a hideous beast. Upon meeting Psyche, Eros himself fell in love with her. He disobeyed Aphrodite and instead took Psyche to his own hidden home to be his wife.

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Who is Aphrodite's biggest enemy?

Aphrodite's enemies included Hera, Zeus' wife; Athena, the goddess of war; Helios, the sun; and Artemis; the goddess of the wilderness and virginity. Aphrodite was considered the most beautiful of all the goddesses, which naturally inspired jealousy and envy.

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Does Aphrodite control love?

Aphrodite controlled love, beauty, and desire. She was often depicted as a beautiful woman who would make people fall in love with one another. In her domain, Aphrodite controlled many aspects of love, including attraction, sexual desire, and romantic relationships.

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Who is the prettiest goddess?

Aphrodite was the most beautiful of all the Goddesses. Aphrodite was the most beautiful of all the Goddesses and there are many tales of how she could encourage both Gods and humans to fall in love with her.

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Who is the kindest Greek god?

Hestia in Greek Mythology

Hestia was regarded as one of the kindest and most compassionate amongst all the Gods. Perhaps the first example of a benign God or Goddess. Generally speaking, Hestia has a low key role in Greek Mythology.

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Who is the smartest Greek god male?

COEUS (Koios) - Greek Titan God of Intellect & the Axis of Heaven.

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Who is Aphrodite cheating on?

Who was Aphrodite married to? Aphrodite was compelled by Zeus to marry Hephaestus, the god of fire. However, they were an imperfect match, and Aphrodite consequently spent time cheating with the god of war, Ares, as well as a slew of mortal lovers, such as the Trojan nobleman Anchises and the youth Adonis.

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Who was Aphrodite's one true love?

Aphrodite was married to Hephaistos (Ἡφαιστος), the god of fire, smiths, and craftsmen. However, as we'll soon learn, this wasn't by her own choosing, and thus she had a longstanding affair with her true love, Ares (Αρης), The Greek god of War.

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What is Aphrodite's curse?

Aphrodite's Curse is about a dynasty's fall from grace, unrequited love and retribution. A powerful family is brought to ruin, the consequences unforeseen and irreparable. The trouble begins with King Minos who asks the gods for a bull to be sacrificed so that he may become ruler of Kretos and surrounding lands.

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How many lovers did Zeus have?

Aside from his seven wives, relationships with immortals included Dione and Maia. Among mortals were Semele, Io, Europa and Leda (for more details, see below) and the young Ganymede (although he was mortal, Zeus granted him eternal youth and immortality).

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Who did Apollo get pregnant?

One day Apollo saw Coronis and became enamoured of her. He lay with her in her home, and consequently she became pregnant.

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Why did Cupid shoot Daphne?

Cupid shoots Apollo with his golden arrow of love and then shoots Daphne with his lead arrow to make her despise Apollo and the chase is on. Daphne is Apollo's first love but she will have none of it.

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