As mentioned above, dogs with OA can have good and bad days. An OA “flare up” is when a dog experiences a relapse of their OA clinical signs and joint pain; sadly, these OA flare ups commonly occur in chronically arthritic patients.
Dogs with arthritis can have good days and bad days, much like their human counterparts, and with any chronic condition there may be days where your dog experiences a flare up (sudden re-appearance of their symptoms) and these need to be managed to keep your dog as comfortable as possible.
Neurological Conditions that Mimic Arthritis in Dogs
Congenital, neurodegenerative conditions such as degenerative myelopathy (DM), and intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) can cause wobbling, unsteadiness, weakness, and changes in gait. DM is not painful, while IVDD can cause severe pain.
Pain management: From time to time arthritic dogs will have flare ups resulting in acute pain episodes.
Pre-Osteoarthritis (STAGE 0-1)
In contrast, stage 1 dogs are clinically normal (not showing any signs of OA), but at risk due to the presence of one or more risk factors, e.g. breed disposition, joint injury, intense activity, and/or radiographic signs of dysplasia or joint trauma.
If your dog has arthritis, grain-free food may be the way to go. Many processed commercial dog foods contain grains such as wheat, rice, soy, and spelt, which can cause your dog's blood sugar levels to fluctuate and increase painful swelling. Limiting the grains in your dog's diet can decrease their inflammation.
Regular exercise means your dog is going for walks most days, rather than doing one big activity at the end of the week. A study by Greene LM, et al in 20213 found that dogs with hip arthritis that exercised for >60 minutes/ day had lower lameness scores than dogs that exercised <20 minutes/day.
Arthritic dogs will benefit from controlled exercise. Gentle regular lead walks are better than an hour spent running around after a ball or with another dog.
Since the degeneration of the joints and increase in joint inflammation tend to be progressive over time, dogs may go through various stages of osteoarthritis. Sometimes arthritis progresses quickly and other times that progression may take years.
OA is diagnosed after a physical exam, where your veterinarian will observe your dog's gait and posture, and feel for any abnormal changes to the joints or signs of pain. X-rays may be performed to further assess the joint or bony changes, and to help diagnose any underlying orthopedic conditions.
The short answer is NO. You should never attempt to treat your pets with human medication, precautions should be taken to keep household medications out reach of your pet to avoid a potentially harmful or fatal reaction.
Adapted from an Elanco Press Release — Canine osteoarthritis (OA) is primarily a developmental disease, but more than 50% of cases are not diagnosed until dogs are between 8 and 13 years of age. Early intervention has the greatest potential for providing the most effective management of canine OA.
The severity of the lameness is often exacerbated during the night. This happens because of the soreness that builds up from too much activity during the day.
Pain and stiffness in and around one or more joints are common symptoms for most types of arthritis. Depending on the type of arthritis, symptoms can develop suddenly or gradually over time. Symptoms may come and go, or persist over time.
An arthritis flare-up is a period of time with a sudden increase in joint symptoms. During a flare-up, you may have worsened pain, stiffness, or swelling of the joints that may last for one to two days, or even a week or more.
Climbing up and down the stairs is painful for arthritic dogs. Arthritic dogs exert themselves when climbing up and down stairs. Even though the condition may be in its earlier stages, the pain will increase as the condition worsens. So, it can be good in the long run to limit movements up and down the stairs.
Regular physical activity is paramount to the treatment of osteoarthritis both in humans and animals. A lifestyle of regular activity that is moderated away from intermittent extremes of exercise (such as long hikes on the weekends) and activities to which the pet is not conditioned is essential.
Arthritis can affect both young and senior dogs. A dog whose arthritis is well-managed can live a long and healthy life.
Most commonly, arthritis affects older dogs and is caused by wear and tear on the joints. But it can also be the result of: an injury such as ligament damage or broken bones. hip dysplasia, which is a deformity of the joints, often caused by bad breeding.
Warm, high pressure weather causes the tissues to be flexible and move easily. Dogs are more active and generally feel better in those warm, sunny months. But as the cold air and low pressure move in, joints can swell and tissues become less flexible. This can lead to stiffness, pain, and generally less activity.
While arthritis can affect almost any bone and joint, in dogs, the hips knees, elbows and shoulders are the most commonly affected areas. Older dogs are usually more likely to suffer from arthritis, with issues such as difficulty walking or getting up.
Arthritis slowly worsens over time, but if well managed, most dogs can live happily for many years after diagnosis. Let your vet know if you think your dog's pain isn't well controlled or you see symptoms returning. There are lots of different pain relief and anti-inflammatory medicines.
"It's important never to give paracetamol to your dog unless your vet tells you to - it can be very dangerous if it's given incorrectly." Claire explains that you should always head to your vet for advice, including if your pup accidentally digests a painkiller.