Autism is a neurodevelopment condition found in humans, and some of the diagnostic criteria, such as a delay in language development, can't apply in a straightforward way to animals. That said, some animals do display autistic-like traits, such as a tendency toward repetitive behaviour or atypical social habits.
While there is still much to learn about autism in humans, we do know that it can occur in dogs as well. Like with humans, dogs with autism may exhibit a range of behaviors, including social withdrawal, unresponsiveness to people or surroundings, and hyperactivity.
Rodents, most especially mice, are excellent animal models of autism because they have similar social relationships and neuroscience. When exposed to prenatal valproate (VPA) during pregnancy, the mice are born with basic deformities and the developmental delays seen symptomatically in humans5.
Dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs are not just cute companions, they're also great for helping autistic children with their social and emotional development. If you're fostering a child with autism, here's how pet therapy can have a positive impact on their wellbeing.
Your child with autism may enjoy having a pet nearby. It may help reduce anxiety and give him/her a sense of companionship. Many children with pets show an increase in self-confidence as well.
People with Asperger's syndrome often tend to bond more easily with animals than they do with people. Medical research has shown that pets can be highly beneficial for children with Asperger's, as an animal gives affection unconditionally, is non-judgmental and provides emotional and physical therapy.
Scientists at the University of Rennes in France observed 23 autistic and 19 non-autistic children and found that autistic children might prefer spending time with cats instead of dogs. The “less intrusive glance” of cats may be why they feel more comfortable with cats, says Marine Grandgeorge who worked on the study.
Many autistic children and adults have a special bond with dogs. Through our experience of training dogs for autistic children we've seen the amazing difference dogs can make.
According to Autism Parenting Magazine, cats help children with ASD improve their social skills. Caring for a cat helps children with ASD learn empathy and compassion as well as teaching responsibility. Petting a cat relieves stress and anxiety not just for the child with ASD, but the whole family.
A cat may be the perfect low-key pet for your child with autism. There is some evidence that children on the spectrum prefer the company of cats to dogs, as cats have a “less intrusive” gaze. Cats are very independent which makes them naturally low maintenance pets.
Though autistic people may respond to emotions and social cues differently than neurotypical people, this does not mean they lack empathy. Just like neurotypical people, levels of empathy vary between autistic individuals.
Inheritance. ASD has a tendency to run in families, but the inheritance pattern is usually unknown. People with gene changes associated with ASD generally inherit an increased risk of developing the condition, rather than the condition itself.
When an animal accompanies a child on the spectrum, they laugh, talk, smile, and participate more. Animals serve as a conversation starter to ease social communication. They boost feelings of self-confidence and well-being, significantly reducing the feelings of loneliness people with autism often face.
"People with autism may not like other humans very much but they will form a relationship with the dog," says Millicent Fuller, occupational therapist at Write My X and BritStudent. Dogs are wonderful partners for people with autism. They can help them experience life in a new way and get better at being social.
“Everybody knows that it's always nice to have a friend near who thinks like you do,” Dr. Bowes explained, “and that's why those with autism benefit so much from having a dog. Dogs sense the world like we do, and don't judge us or demand that we pull ourselves together.
Children with autism, ADHD, or ADD can find socialising difficult, especially if they already feel isolated by their condition. But having a dog with them helps to make social situations easier to deal with, especially as dogs are a natural talking point.
Sonic the Hedgehog has a special place in the hearts of many autistic people since its very beginning in 1991. The game's rich colors, bright graphics, and fast-paced action make it a perfect choice for autistic individuals who have difficulty processing information quickly.
Labrador Retrievers, Border Collies and Miniature Schnauzers are among the best therapy dog breeds for children with autism, new research has found. Providing safety and companionship, these pups help promote positive changes in behaviour, reduce anxiety and offer a calming focus.
It appears that cats can sense human moods as well as depression. Cats are observant and intuitive, and this allows them to understand emotional cues from humans. So when you are depressed, they can sense that too. In particular, cats may come in closer proximity when their fur parents are depressed.
Research has shown that about 30 percent of those diagnosed with autism have a co-existing clinical phobia, fearing dogs, and other small animals.
Common conditions associated with anxiety for children with autism include: Phobias, or intense, irrational fears of specific things. In children with autism, such phobias can arise from heightened sensory stimulation such as loud noises (for example, fear of popping balloons at an early age can develop into a phobia).
Jealousy in children with autism and their siblings may look different. For their siblings, jealousy can appear as anger or deep sadness and retreat from a typically developing sibling. The most common reason for jealousy is undoubtedly the extra attention that the sibling with autism receives.
Furthermore, although as a group children with ASD have lower levels of positive functioning, our findings suggest that nearly half of children with ASD are happy, have good levels of self-esteem, and are prosocial. Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder; happiness; prosociality; self-esteem.
An autistic child's physical appearance is normal. She may not like to be touched or held. She may have strange, repetitive behaviors. She may seem to be in her own world and lack interest in other people.
It's perfectly possible for those on the autism spectrum to experience happiness just as much as anybody else.