Broccoli contains no saturated fat or cholesterol. Fiber-Containing Grain Products, Fruits, and Vegetables and Cancer: Low fat diets rich in fiber-containing grain products, fruits, and vegetables may reduce the risk of some of cancers, a disease associated with many factors. Broccoli is a good source of fiber.
Studies have demonstrated a connection between consuming vegetables and reducing the risk of heart disease. Broccoli in particular is plentiful in soluble fiber, which does wonders for high cholesterol. Other cholesterol-busting vegetables to consider include spinach, Brussels sprouts and collard greens.
Cholesterol is only found in foods that come from animals, there is no cholesterol in foods that come from plants. So, there is no cholesterol in fruit, vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts, beans, peas and lentils.
Cholesterol reduction
According to Jarzabkowski, broccoli can help lower cholesterol because the soluble fiber in the vegetable binds with the cholesterol in the blood. This binding makes the cholesterol easier to excrete, and consequently lessens cholesterol levels in the body.
A recent study indicates that in addition to promoting good eye health, carrots may help to reduce blood cholesterol and, thus, reduce the incidence of plaque in arteries.
While coffee does not contain cholesterol, it can affect cholesterol levels. The diterpenes in coffee suppress the body's production of substances involved in cholesterol breakdown, causing cholesterol to increase. Specifically, coffee diterpenes may cause an increase in total cholesterol and LDL levels.
Greek yogurt has been connected to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which can reduce your risk of heart disease. Cholesterol and triglycerides can harden or block your arteries over time, leading to heart disease or atherosclerosis.
Oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which reduces your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the "bad" cholesterol. Soluble fiber is also found in such foods as kidney beans, Brussels sprouts, apples and pears. Soluble fiber can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into your bloodstream.
Potatoes are cholesterol-free and have zero saturated fat
Consuming foods that are low in cholesterol and saturated fat help reduce risk of suffering from heart diseases to some extent. So if you have a heart problem, adding some slices of boiled potatoes as a side can help in giving your heart the much needed TLC.
The bad cholesterol is called LDL and the good cholesterol is called HDL. When people have high cholesterol their LDL (bad) is high and their HDL (good) is low. Eating healthy, regular exercise and drinking plenty of water will help to bring down cholesterol levels within 2-3 weeks.
The fiber and potassium in bananas can reduce the level of cholesterol and blood pressure. Banana is especially known as a good source of soluble fibre which will gives one a healthy body and good immune system.
Chicken has less saturated fat and dietary cholesterol than pork, beef, and lamb. For example, you get only about 90-100 mg of cholesterol from eating a small grilled, skinless chicken. It is a decent amount for consumption since doctors recommend no more than 300 mg of dietary cholesterol per day.
Cheese is a great source of protein and calcium but is often high in saturated fat and salt. This means eating too much could lead to high cholesterol and high blood pressure, increasing your risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Chicken eggs are an affordable source of protein and other nutrients. They're also naturally high in cholesterol. But the cholesterol in eggs doesn't seem to raise cholesterol levels the way some other foods, such as those high in trans fats and saturated fats, do.